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Avatar siden: 2007-07-26
Alder: 59
De forente Statene - FL
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"The Fallen Soldier Memorial Page is now open"

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To all who knew my brother Richard I have some heart wrenching news for you. My brother was sent back to Iraq a few weeks ago. This last week he was shot and killed in action over in Iraq. I dont know any of you. I dont know if any of you even care. I had to tell yall that he was laid to rest this past Thursday at Arlington National Cementary. I know I will miss my brother. I also know that he was missing yall. To those who knew him I am sorry about your loss of your friend. I now know all to well about the cost of freedom that is what he fought for and that is what he died for. Please keep your fond memories of him. RIP Rich I will always miss you love your sister Melissa For those of you whom may want a piece of Richard for yourselves I have asked my friend MsFlame to make a memorial sticker of him for you feel free to get one. I think she did a wonderful job with this sticker and it Honors him and it will show everyone that you cared for him. There has also been another sticker made for his memory as well this one has an actuall picture of him I have not gotten the chance to thank the developer but I will do it this way. You did an exellent job. Any one wishing to purchase one or both of the sticker to honor a fallen soldier feel free to do so. To us the family it is a way to keep his memory alive. Thank you all We have also decided to keep his account alive as an imvu memorial for all fallen soldiers so if anyone knows of a fallen soldier they would like to have a sticker made for them just contact either of the developers and just leave a message to us here and the sticker will be promptly placed on this page in honor of all of our fallen guys and gals out there

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Add to My Profile | More Videos Richard's Special Someone is all of his brothers and sisters of the armed forces who put their lives on the line to fight for our freedom and are the reasons why our Great Country is the home of the Free and Brave.
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