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Avatar siden: 2006-10-07
Age: 37
De forente Statene - FL
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"Im not big on speeches, so...*walks off*"

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Currently under construction since firefox is a bitch and won't let me look at my own page. Anything with a sticker over it is either something I can't get deleted for somereason, or a box that won't "hide". I don't even know why I'm trying to fix up my page in the first place. Nobody on my friends list even looks at it, plus a few of them have taken me off their list...and I'm talking to myself again most likely. Oh well. To those that visit and read this, don't exect me to add you, since I doubt you would ever chat. Peace to the people that will never read this.
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Myspace Mp3 Player, MySpace MP3 Players, Flash MP3 PlayersI made this playlist at
Check out this MySpace MP3 Player!

Im not accepting gifts from anyone, due to the IMVU client not working anymore. Theres no reason to buy me stuff if I cant even use it. Also if you message me, depending on how my comp is acting, I might not message back. I would update all the other sections, ut this is the only one I can update for some reason.
GothAngel HairArt Deco Sofa2Okami - Ammy-chanBlack Sasuke BundleLoZ Twilight Hero Set
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What Inuyasha Human-Demon Mix Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
What Inuyasha Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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single, anime, NARUTO, inuyasha, Computers, Zelda, Videogames, virgo, ps2, Sonic, Gamecube, bleach, mmorpgs, FinalFantasy, n64, mar
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