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Avatar siden: 2006-03-06
Age: 37
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"All phone calls are obscene."

See My Albums (4)

Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Chatting

*~~I'm 18! yayness!~~*

**I'm a seventh day sabbath keeper; Jesus Christ is my all in all**

**I'm single, and, for the most part, happy to remain so. **

**I truely enjoy hanging out with my friends, I love them so much, I would Die in the place of any one of them. It breaks my heart when I am forced to stop spending time with them, because they make me feel happy just to be around them, even when the guys are being jerks.**

**I greatly dislike Netspeak.**

** I enjoy playing the piano and I want to learn to play the Sax one of these days.**

**I love to go on long walks in the rain. I also like hanging at the cemetary after dark with my friends and watching the stars. Cloud watching appeals to me almost as much, when we are in a quite, cool area, and not noisy and busy like the park.

**I love geeks! They're so cute! Bad boys aren't really my type. I like tall dark and handsome, but I prefer Mr. handsome to be a good guy.**

**I myself am a rather romantic dreamer, but extremely mushy, sappy, cliche`, and/or simpering stuff makes me gag and/or cry, depending on my current mood.**

Men See You As Choosy

Men notice you light years before you notice them
You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky
You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter
It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait

**while discrimination against people skin and/or creed greatly annoys and angers me, I am somewhat homophobic.**

**I love hanging out with my friends, and nothing is better than a good movie night, or just having a good time. I like to hang out at the graveyard after dark ato watch stars, but I hate it when slugs crawl on me *sobs* I hate most bugs, 'cept for the pretty ones.**

**I love the great outdoors! I love camping, hiking, tubing, canoeing, etc, although rollerblading will always be the #1 outdoor activity.**

**I do not celebrate Christmas or Easter, but I do celebrate Chanukkah and Pasach, although I am not Jewish by birth.**
**I follow the diet listed in Leviticus 11; I don't eat any pig product, or certain kinds of seafood or fowl. I am not vegetarian, but in certain circumstances I will avoid meat entirely if necessary**

**I LOVE the smell of new books, cars and money! Whenever I walk into a Borders bookstore, I always have to take a deep breath and take in the sights and smells of the rows of books.**

**I love classic cars, my favorite being the Ford Thunderbird, but I don't know the first thing about changing a tire.**

**My favorite colors are deep redish purple and a deep dusty blue**

My pet peeve is stupid people, or people who pretend that they're stupid. Ignorance annoys me to no end.**

**I love Star Wars... Even for all it's flaws, I adore it!**
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