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Avatar siden: 2005-10-28
Age: 52
De forente Statene - PA
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See My Albums (1)

Miniclip Games - Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Man's Chest

Steer your ship straight and true to save 100 lost souls.

Update Arrr

1. Catch is alive and well!

2. Jack Sparrow is alive and well!

3. There will be a fourth movie released in 2008

4. Orlando Bloom will not star in the 4th movie

crow flight
skull woman
long sword
Pirates 3
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Chain Letters Reported For Abuse
I just received my 19th Pirate Boots. LMAO What is this, some mass group joke ? Arent I wearing them on every avatar? LOL NO STICKERS ThKs! I DELETE MOST ALL STICKERS ~ STICKERS ARE AN AL QAEDA PLOT My cool friends are not ignorant, so the following does not apply to them.. But if anyone drops a dumb-assed Chain Letter on my page- they will get reported for abuse. No crying- No exceptions.~ savvy
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