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alriqht . i , christian ( chris ] , pinky promise to keep this short & sweet . so riqht ; now you know my name - please stick to it . i'm 19 years younq -- and i'm not in a rush to qrow up . im from dirty houston . i'm selfish and often sarcastic . i'll pretend to care if you really need someone to talk to . i can often be a btch -- like now & can be a total sweetheart . but ive been told im easy to fall in love with . i qive qreat advice -- but rarely take my own . i make shitloads of mistakes , and i'll own up to them . i embrace my flaws because i am who i am -- and i qotta live with it , so why not enjoy itt ?! qraduated class of 09' - qot biq plans for my future . sinqle ?! yeah . qet at it ;] im bad with words . so help me out . im columbian -- yes , qot that hispanic accent . ill be the first to admit i qot a bad temper ; but hard to qet me set off . i love icecream ; hate mayonaise ; love haters ; hate jokers . complicated ? just misunderstood ;] im MADD cocky -- bad habit . Ohdee i took your qirl ?! yeah , i know i did ;] uhm idk what else . hehee , kthansbye .


Lets beqin shall we ?
Imvu has lots of fakes ass's on hurrrr. Well , if your wonderinq ,
at this point your prolly like " yoo chris why should I believe you ?! "
well my neqros ... unlike lots of othaa' dudes on this shit , I have proof .
I dont juss say it , I SHOW it .
No ive never been called fake before , buh to save the drama ; hurr be a picture !
as you can see , it clearly [ actually its quite sloppy ) states my avatar name (;

sorry , I tried makinq it as biq and neat as possible .. writtinq on yoo'self aint easy.
So there you have it .. so please dont be startin ' no drama . its MADDD lame . I come on IMVU for FUN , not to start drama .


( adjective ]
1. Someone who is cocky, arroqant and a flirt.

( verb ]
2. The act of beinq the sickest thinq you have ever seen.

( noun ]
3. Christian alvarez


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