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Avatar siden: 2007-05-08
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"Instability is a virtue."

See My Albums (2)

日本語を三年間勉強していますが、まだ上手じゃないです。 皆さん、頑張りましょう!
I have been studying Japanese for three years, but I'm still not good at it. Everyone, let's do our best!

I have also just barely scratched the surface of Chinese. I'm placing it on the backburner, sorta, until my Japanese improves significantly. 对不起。 Forgive me.

A parable:
A man is walking down the street. His hair is a mess, his clothes are ragged, and he smells strongly of urine. He stops to speak to woman after woman, but they all give him a wide berth and hurry on their way. I do the same. It just might be that behind his pungent exterior there is really a nice, intelligent, fun-loving man. However, I am not going to battle nausea to find out.

On the internet, your text is your appearance. If you choose to write like a barely literate 10 year old, that's your business -- but don't get mad at ME when I treat you like one.
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