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Avatar siden: 2007-12-06
Age: 32
De Forente Statene - NC
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"~*~;p Get Wit It ;p~*~"

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Hey yall wuz guddie...well n e wayz dis ya gurl Kristen(yes I do have a white gurl name but I don't care)...u see my name fits me when Im in my nice mood...but if u get me mad r sumbodii want 2 start runnin their mouth then we goin 2 have sum problemz so Ima have 2 let da bitch cum out...ya dig...Dont hang wit "PLASTIC" bitchez cuz im not up 4 drama cuz I like 2 live a drama free life datz y I don't talk 2 femalez like dat except if dey r cool then datz da onlii way a gurl iz my bestfriend r friend....Im not yo average chick...Im da gurl datz goofy n crazii but at da same time kno when 2 b serious(well not all da time...LOLz)...I luv 2 play softball n basketball...I'm African American mixed with Indian...Im not fat but Im not skinny Im az u could say thick...n u alreadii kno Ima pisces all day errday babii!!! My fav color iz yellow but I seem 2 wear a lot of blue.I luv 2 fight 4 no reason at all(not serious fightin but play fightin if u kno what I mean)...n I will fight a boi so if u didnt kno I am a tough gurl dat sumtimez jus don't give fuck when Im in my "SNAPIN MODE" ya digg...Well I did have anotha account up here but I had 2 erase it cuz I got u kno I need sum friendz so don't be scared 2 add me iight...Well if u want 2 kno more about me then jus hit me up iight...Ducez
Relationship Status: In a Relationship
Looking For: Friendship
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