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...HUNGRY Like a Wolf...
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My Birthday...Yet Again!

My DAILY THOUGHT - Updated Daily No Later than 8pm EST

     My thought for today, September 25th, 2014 is that it's muh BIRTHDAY! Ugh...30 years old...Yup, I'm OLD...Oh well, business goes on, times are had, and people come and go....Toast it up to me! (^_^)


The Language of Yusoian

Natively known as: Yuso /juˈsɔː/

...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
hit o ʍuwa o vua awal ut hit o vua va rusotila evopowa ume vurur
Pronunciation: /hit ɒ ˈʍʌwə ɒ vʊə əˈwəl ʌt hit ɒ vʊə væ ɹuːsɔːtɪˈlɑː ɛːˈvɒpɒwə ˈumɛː ˈvʌɹɜː/
Yuso word order: and he stood his hat holding and his wet face turned the wind to
Seed for this language: gt8p4bu66i9s ?


Consonant inventory: / b bl bɹ d dj dz dʒ f fj ft fɹ g gɹ h hw j k kj ks kst kt kw kɹ l ld ldɹ lf lm lp ls lt lvz lw lɹ m mb md ms mz mθ n nd ndz ndɹ nj nl ns nst nt ntɹ ntʃ nz nɹ p pl ps pt pɹ s skt sm sp st stʃ t ts tw tɹ tʃ v vd w z zn ð ŋ ŋgl ŋk ŋz ɹ ʃ ʍ θ θɹ/

Click IPA symbols for audio

↓Manner/Place→ DentalBilabialLabiodentalAlveolarPostalveolarPalatalVelarLabio-velarGlottal
Stopp bt dk g
Affricatets dztʃ dʒ
Fricativeθ ðf vs zʃh
Lateral approximantl

Vowel inventory: /aɪ aʊ eɪ i iə iː oː u uː æ ɑː ɒ ɔ ɔɪ ɔː ə əʊ ɛ ɛː ɜː ɪ ɪə ʊə ʌ/

Diphthongs: aɪ, aʊ, eɪ, iə, ɔɪ, əʊ, ɪə, ʊə ?

IPA vowel chart
Blank vowel trapezoid.svg
i iː
u uː
ɛ ɛː
ʌ ɔ ɔː
ɑː ɒ
Near- high
High- mid
Low- mid
Near- Low

Syllable structure: V ?
Stress pattern: No fixed stress ?
Word initial consonants: b, bɹ, d, dj, dʒ, f, fj, fɹ, g, gɹ, h, hw, j, k, kj, kw, kɹ, l, m, n, nj, p, pl, pɹ, s, sm, sp, st, t, tɹ, tʃ, v, w, ð, ɹ, ʃ, ʍ, θ, θɹ
Mid-word consonants: b, bl, d, f, ft, fɹ, g, h, k, l, ldɹ, lm, ls, lw, lɹ, m, mb, ms, mθ, n, nd, ndɹ, nl, ns, nt, ntɹ, nɹ, p, pl, s, st, stʃ, t, ts, tw, tʃ, v, w, z, zn, ð, ŋgl, ɹ, θ
Word final consonants: b, d, dz, dʒ, f, ft, g, hw, k, ks, kst, kt, l, ld, lf, lp, lt, lvz, m, md, mz, n, nd, ndz, nst, nt, ntʃ, nz, p, ps, pt, s, skt, st, t, ts, tʃ, v, vd, z, ð, ŋ, ŋk, ŋz, ɹ, ʃ, θ
Phonological rules (in order of application): ?

Guide to phonological rules: e → i / _g means ‘e’ turns into ‘i’ before a ‘g’.
C = consonant, V = vowel, S = stop, N = nasal consonant, F = fricative, K = velar, L = lateral, R = resonant/sonorant, P = labial/bilabial E = front vowel, B = back vowel, # = word boundary, Ø = null/nothing

  • l → ɫ / V_V
  • v → Ø / u_i
  • l → h / _k
  • u → o / _{p,b}i
  • ɾ → l / _#
  • i → iɛ / _s
  • s → x / _l
  • u → o / _m#
  • p → b / m_
  • d → Ø / l_#
  • S → Ø / #_F
  • ʃ → x / B_#
  • z → r / V_V
  • Grammar

    Main word order: Subject-Object-Verb-Oblique. "Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Mary the door opened with a key.
    Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
    Adposition: postpositions ?

    Noun morphology

    Nominative Masculine man ui /uɪundeˈfined/ men Suffix: -(o)di /ɔːdɪ/
    uiodi /uɪundefineˈdɔːdɪ/
    Feminine woman vupo /vuˈpɒ/ women Suffix: -(a)ndz /-(æ)ndz/
    vupondz /ˈvupɒndz/
    Neuter cat kwathan /ˈkwæðæn/ cats Suffix: -(o)g /-(ɔ)g/
    kwathanog /kwæˈðænɔg/
    4th Noun Class tree tuo /ˈtʌoː/ trees Suffix: -(a)vd /-(æ)vd/
    tuovd /tʌˈoːvd/
    5th Noun Class table thol /ðɒl/ tables Suffix: -(o)so /ɔsɒ/
    tholoso /ðɒˈlɔsɒ/
    Accusative Masculine man Suffix: -oi /-ɔɪ/
    uioi /uɪundefiˈnedɔɪ/
    men Suffix: -(ia)p /-(iə)p/
    uiiap /uɪundefiˈnediəp/
    Feminine woman Suffix: -u /-ʌ/
    vupou /vuˈpɒʌ/
    women Suffix: -(a)thi /æθɪ/
    vupothi /vuˈpɒθɪ/
    Neuter cat Suffix: -(e)vu /ɛvʌ/
    kwathanevu /kwæðæˈnɛvʌ/
    cats Suffix: -(u)gu /ʌgʌ/
    kwathanugu /kwæˈðænʌgʌ/
    4th Noun Class tree Suffix: -o /-oː/
    tuoo /tʌˈoːoː/
    trees Suffix: -o /-oː/
    tuoo /tʌˈoːoː/
    5th Noun Class table Suffix: -(u)mz /-(ʌ)mz/
    tholumz /ˈðɒlʌmz/
    tables Suffix: -(u)d /-(ʌ)d/
    thold /ðɒld/
    Genitive Masculine man's Suffix: -(i)g /-(iː)g/
    uiig /ˈuɪiːg/
    men's Suffix: -(o)k /-(ɒ)k/
    uiok /uɪundefiˈnedɒk/
    Feminine woman's Suffix: -(o)k /-(ɒ)k/
    vupok /ˈvupɒk/
    women's Suffix: -(o)ki /ɒkɪ/
    vupoki /ˈvupɒkɪ/
    Neuter cat's Suffix: -a /-ɑː/
    kwathana /kwæˈðænɑː/
    cats' Suffix: -(oi)r /-(ɔɪ)ɹ/
    kwathanoir /kwæˈðænɔɪɹ/
    4th Noun Class tree's Suffix: -(i)ng /-(ɪ)ŋ/
    tuong /tʌˈoːŋ/
    trees' Suffix: -(a)n /-(æ)n/
    tuon /ˈtʌoːn/
    5th Noun Class table's Suffix: -u /-ʌ/
    tholu /ðɒˈlʌ/
    tables' Suffix: -(o)k /-(ɔː)k/
    tholok /ˈðɒlɔːk/
    Dative Masculine to [the/a] man Suffix: -(au)fti /aʊftɪ/
    uiaufti /uɪundefineˈdaʊftɪ/
    to men Suffix: -(o)b /-(ɒ)b/
    uiob /uɪundefiˈnedɒb/
    Feminine to [the/a] woman Suffix: -(i)ps /-(ɪ)ps/
    vupops /vuˈpɒps/
    to [the/some] women Suffix: -(a)m /-(æ)m/
    vupom /ˈvupɒm/
    Neuter to [the/a] cat Suffix: -u /-ʌ/
    kwathanu /ˈkwæðænʌ/
    to [the/some] cats Suffix: -o /-oː/
    kwathano /kwæˈðænoː/
    4th Noun Class to [the/a] tree Suffix: -(a)ft /-(æ)ft/
    tuoft /ˈtʌoːft/
    to [the/some] trees Suffix: -u /-ʌ/
    tuou /tʌˈoːʌ/
    5th Noun Class to [the/a] table Suffix: -a /-æ/
    thola /ˈðɒlæ/
    to [the/some] tables Suffix: -(i)nz /-(ɪ)nz/
    tholinz /ˈðɒlɪnz/
    Locative Masculine in/at/by [the/a] man Suffix: -(o)l /-(oː)l/
    uiol /ˈuɪoːl/
    in/at/by [the/some] men Suffix: -(u)ga /ʌgə/
    uiuga /ˈuɪʌgə/
    Feminine in/at/by [the/a] woman Suffix: -(e)zo /ɛːzoː/
    vupozo /ˈvupɒzoː/
    in/at/by [the/some] women Suffix: -(e)t /-(ɛː)t/
    vupot /ˈvupɒt/
    Neuter in/at/by [the/a] cat Suffix: -(o)th /-(ɒ)θ/
    kwathanoth /kwæðæˈnɒθ/
    in/at/by [the/some] cats Suffix: -(a)n /-(æ)n/
    kwathanan /kwæˈðænæn/
    4th Noun Class in/at/by [the/a] tree Suffix: -u /-ʌ/
    tuou /tʌˈoːʌ/
    in/at/by [the/some] trees Suffix: -o /-oː/
    tuoo /tʌˈoːoː/
    5th Noun Class in/at/by [the/a] table Suffix: -(o)z /-(ɒ)z/
    tholoz /ðɒˈlɒz/
    in/at/by [the/some] tables Suffix: -(o)skt /-(oː)skt/
    tholoskt /ðɒˈloːskt/

    Plural morphology is only used for human nouns. ?

    Definite article

    No definite article.

    Indefinite article

    Nominative Masculine a [man] bo /bɒ/ some [men] vil /vɪl/
    Feminine a [woman] sum /sʌm/ some [women] sum /sʌm/
    Neuter a [cat] shaul /ʃəʊl/ some [cats] shaul /ʃəʊl/
    4th Noun Class a [tree] ʍum /ʍʌm/ some [trees] ʍum /ʍʌm/
    5th Noun Class a [table] gab /gæb/ some [tables] gab /gæb/
    Accusative Masculine a [man] vauz /vəʊz/ some [men] yin /jin/
    Feminine a [woman] tuch /tʌtʃ/ some [women] wul /wʌl/
    Neuter a [cat] shal /ʃæl/ some [cats] gaz /gæz/
    4th Noun Class a [tree] ʍaungk /ʍəʊŋk/ some [trees] thiap /ðiəp/
    5th Noun Class a [table] hwab /hwæb/ some [tables] thod /ðɔːd/
    Genitive Masculine a [man's] volp /voːlp/ some [men's] yin /jɪn/
    Feminine a [woman's] tuts /tʌts/ some [women's] shung /ʃʌŋ/
    Neuter a [cat's] wal /wæl/ some [cats'] gop /gɒp/
    4th Noun Class a [tree's] var /væɹ/ some [trees'] thiath /ðiəθ/
    5th Noun Class a [table's] wab /wæb/ some [tables'] tot /tɔːt/
    Dative Masculine to a [man] wolp /woːlp/ to some [men] von /vɒn/
    Feminine to a [woman] tus /tʌs/ to some [women] shong /ʃɒŋ/
    Neuter to a [cat] val /væl/ to some [cats] ʍiap /ʍiəp/
    4th Noun Class to a [tree] thast /ðæst/ to some [trees] thiath /ðiəð/
    5th Noun Class to a [table] wats /wæts/ to some [tables] turks /tɜːks/
    Locative Masculine in/at/by a [man] yoch /joːtʃ/ in/at/by some [men] vor /vɒɹ/
    Feminine in/at/by a [woman] tuth /tʌθ/ in/at/by some [women] shaum /ʃəʊm/
    Neuter in/at/by a [cat] gan /gæn/ in/at/by some [cats] ʍiar /ʍiəɹ/
    4th Noun Class in/at/by a [tree] thast /ðæst/ in/at/by some [trees] soth /soːð/
    5th Noun Class in/at/by a [table] thats /ðæts/ in/at/by some [tables] spurks /spɜːks/

    Personal pronouns

    NominativeAccusativeGenitiveDative I yu /ju/ me yoz /jɒz/ mine yu vua /ju vʊə/ to me yu sto /ju stoː/ you (masc.) bauk /baʊk/ you (masc.) bauft /bəʊft/ yours (masc.) bauk vua /baʊk vʊə/ to you (masc.) bauk sto /baʊk stoː/ you (fem.) vaz /vəz/ you (fem.) vurng /vɜːŋ/ yours (fem.) vaz vua /vəz vʊə/ to you (fem.) vaz sto /vəz stoː/ he o /ɒ/ him og /ɒg/ his o vua /ɒ vʊə/ to him o sto /ɒ stoː/ she shu /ʃu/ her shosh /ʃoːʃ/ hers shu vua /ʃu vʊə/ to her shu sto /ʃu stoː/ we aub /aʊb/ us aush /aʊʃ/ ours aub vua /aʊb vʊə/ to us aub sto /aʊb stoː/ you ia /ɪə/ you ia /ɪə/ yours ia vua /ɪə vʊə/ to you ia sto /ɪə stoː/ they (masc.) sto /stoː/ them (masc.) stu /stʌ/ their (masc.) sto vua /stoː vʊə/ to them (masc.) sto sto /stoː stoː/ they (fem.) hanz /hənz/ them (fem.) hiab /hiəb/ their (fem.) hanz vua /hənz vʊə/ to them (fem.) hanz sto /hənz stoː/


    Indicative mood
    Past Present Future
    Perfective studied study will study Suffix: -(o)thu /ɒðu/
    wusokothu /ˈwʌsɒkɒðu/
    Suffix: -o /-ɔː/
    wusoko /wʌˈsɒkɔː/
    Suffix: -(u)t /-(ʌ)t/
    wusokt /ˈwʌsɒkt/ Suffix: -(u)th /-(ʌ)ð/
    wusokuth /wʌˈsɒkʌð/
    Suffix: -ia /-iə/
    wusokia /wʌˈsɒkiə/
    Suffix: -(o)b /-(ɔː)b/
    wusokob /ˈwʌsɒkɔːb/ Suffix: -(o)wa /ɒwə/
    wusokowa /wʌsɒˈkɒwə/
    Suffix: -(au)th /-(aʊ)θ/
    wusokauth /wʌsɒˈkaʊθ/
    Suffix: -i /-iː/
    wusoki /wʌˈsɒkiː/ Suffix: -(a)hu /æhʌ/
    wusokahu /wʌˈsɒkæhʌ/
    Suffix: -(o)p /-(ɒ)p/
    wusokop /wʌˈsɒkɒp/
    Suffix: -ia /-iə/
    wusokia /wʌˈsɒkiə/ Suffix: -(ia)k /-(iə)k/
    wusokiak /wʌsɒˈkiək/
    Suffix: -(o)s /-(ɔ)s/
    wusoks /wʌˈsɒks/
    Suffix: -(o)r /-(ɔ)ɹ/
    wusokor /wʌˈsɒkɔɹ/ Suffix: -(ur)k /-(ɜː)k/
    wusokurk /wʌˈsɒkɜːk/
    Suffix: -(o)n /-(oː)n/
    wusokon /wʌˈsɒkoːn/
    Suffix: -(o)p /-(ɔ)p/
    wusokop /wʌˈsɒkɔp/

    Perfect aspect

    ‘have studied’

    No perfect aspect.

    Progressive aspect

    ‘am studying’

    Uses the word for ‘be’ before main verb.


    ‘study!’ (as a command)

    First person: Suffix: -o /-oː/

    Second person: Suffix: -ia /-iə/


    Uses the particle vu /vʌ/ before main verb phrase.

    Derivational morphology

    Noun → adjective: Suffix: -(a)da /ædə/
    Adjective → noun: Suffix: -(ia)s /-(iə)s/
    Noun → verb: Suffix: -(a)f /-(ə)f/
    Verb → noun: Suffix: -(i)po /ɪpɒ/
    Verb → adjective: Suffix: -(o)gi /ɒgɪ/
    Adjective → adverb: Suffix: -(a)bo /æbɒ/
    One who Xs (e.g. paint → painter): Suffix: -(a)m /-(æ)m/
    Place where (e.g. wine → winery): Suffix: -e /-ɛː/
    Diminutive: Suffix: -a /-ɑː/
    Augmentative: Suffix: -(e)d /-(ɛ)d/

    Yuso - English Dictionary

    • a /æ/ num. second
    • a /ɑː/ v. execute
    • a /ə/ adv. always
    • abauz /ˈəbaʊz/ v. end
    • ad /əd/ nm. judge
    • ag /æg/ nf. west
    • agorintei /əgɔˈɹɪnteɪ/ v. compare
    • aha /ˈæhə/ v. kill, murder
    • aham /ˈæhəm/ nm. killer
    • ai /æiundefiˈned/ v. desire
    • ai /aɪ/ v. can
    • aidozi /aɪˈdɒzɪ/ v. giggle
    • aim /aɪm/ nf. report
    • aipo /aɪˈpɒ/ v. hate
    • aiso /ˈaɪsɔ/ adj. wise
    • aivong /ˈaɪvɔŋ/ nf. stream
    • akir /əˈkiɹ/ nf. rag
    • ako /ɑːˈkoː/ v. speak; nn. speech
    • aks /æks/ nm. thorn
    • akst /ɑːkst/ adj. vague
    • al /əl/ adv. especially
    • ala /ˈəlæ/ nm. top
    • ame /ˈəmɛ/ nf. desk
    • an /æn/ v. pay
    • anggla /əŋˈglæ/ conj. as
    • aob /æˈɒb/ nm. letter
    • ao /ˈæɒ/ v. combine
    • areso /ɑːɹɛˈsɒ/ adj. sour
    • asomotia /əsɔˈmɔtiə/ n4. age
    • atid /ˈətɪd/ n4. station
    • atwa /əˈtwæ/ nf. adjustment
    • au /əʊ/ nm. event
    • audong /ˈaʊdɒŋ/ nf. person
    • audongada /aʊdɒˈŋædə/ adj. personal
    • augat /aʊˈgət/ nm. coast
    • augo /aʊˈgɒ/ nn. wound
    • augo /ˈəʊgɒ/ nm. car
    • augong /aʊˈgɒŋ/ adj. pink
    • auk /aʊk/ n4. assassin
    • aukib /aʊˈkɪb/ nm. ant
    • aula /ˈəʊlɑː/ v. love; nn. love
    • aulam /ˈəʊlɑːm/ nf. lover
    • auntrib /ˈaʊntɹib/ nf. job
    • aure /aʊˈɹɛ/ conj. since
    • autha /ˈəʊðæ/ n4. queen
    • authia /ˈaʊðiə/ adv. tomorrow
    • auwor /əʊˈwɔːɹ/ v. finish
    • auworogi /əʊˈwɔːɹɒgɪ/ adj. final
    • auz /əʊz/ nn. wool, fur
    • ava /ɑːˈvæ/ v. flirt
    • avo /əˈvɒ/ v. smell (sense with nose)
    • avo /ˈəvɒ/ nf. soldier
    • awakst /ɑːˈwəkst/ adj. better
    • awal /ˈəwəl/ nf. hat
    • awez /ˈəwɛz/ v. reach
    • az /əz/ nm. point
    • ba /bə/ nm. band
    • bad /bɑːd/ adj. sure
    • bad /bəd/ nn. week
    • bai /baɪ/ adv. usually
    • bailwob /ˈbaɪlwɒb/ adj. curious
    • baitib /ˈbaɪtib/ nm. decade
    • baiwurk /ˈbaɪwɜːk/ nm. neck
    • bau /baʊ/ nf. present (gift)
    • bau /bəʊ/ adv. actually
    • baurau /ˈbaʊɹəʊ/ nf. canvas
    • bautud /ˈbəʊtʌd/ nn. sword
    • be /bɛ/ nn. home
    • be /bɛː/ nm. carcass
    • beda /bɛˈdə/ adj. homely
    • beithu /ˈbeɪðuː/ adj. top
    • beiweb /ˈbeɪwɛb/ nm. moment
    • belad /ˈbɛːlæd/ adj. necessary
    • bi /bɪ/ adj. federal
    • bia /biə/ nm. teacher
    • biaft /bɪəft/ nm. standard
    • biatsa /ˈbiətsæ/ nm. level
    • biava /biəˈvæ/ nm. roof
    • bib /biːb/ nm. dirt
    • bibada /ˈbiːbædə/ adj. dirty
    • bif /bɪf/ nm. room (of house)
    • bik /bik/ v. argue
    • biki /ˈbikɪ/ adj. vulgar
    • bikipo /biˈkɪpɒ/ nf. argument
    • bilmof /ˈbɪlmɒf/ v. burst
    • bisof /ˈbɪsɔːf/ nm. bone
    • bisof /ˈbɪsɔːf/ nn. ball
    • bitho /ˈbiðoː/ conj. though
    • bizif /bɪˈzɪf/ nm. charge
    • bo /bɒ/ v. complain
    • bo /bɔ/ adj. regular
    • bod /bɒd/ v. torture
    • bopa /bɒˈpæ/ nm. back (of body), back (reverse side); adv. back
    • bopa /ˈboːpæ/ n4. claw
    • bosod /ˈbɒsɔd/ num. one
    • bowa /ˈbɒwə/ nf. crawl
    • bozia /ˈbɔzɪə/ nm. skirt
    • boziaa /ˈbɔzɪəɑː/ nf. miniskirt
    • bri /bɹiː/ nn. nerve
    • bria /bɹiə/ n4. action
    • bro /bɹoː/ v. bite
    • bruhe /ˈbɹuhɛ/ adv. almost
    • bruk /bɹuk/ nn. order
    • bruti /ˈbɹutiː/ nn. army
    • bu /bu/ v. be (exist - there is/are)
    • bu /bʌ/ nm. money
    • bua /bʊə/ adj. public
    • bub /bub/ nm. time
    • budo /buˈdɒ/ v. protect
    • budopo /budɒˈpɒ/ nm. protection
    • buhw /bʌhw/ n5. art
    • buhwam /bʌhˈwæm/ nn. artist
    • buk /bʌk/ nm. drug, medicine
    • buke /bʌˈkɛː/ nf. chemist
    • burdz /bɜːdz/ nn. strategy
    • burzidz /bɜːˈzɪdz/ adj. close
    • buthak /ˈbʌðæk/ v. practise
    • buthia /ˈbuːðiə/ nm. mouth
    • buthiada /ˈbuːðiədə/ adj. oral
    • buva /ˈbʌvæ/ v. tread
    • buzu /ˈbʌzʌ/ nm. frog
    • cho /tʃɒ/ det. more
    • chodond /tʃɒˈdɒnd/ adj. dark
    • chodondias /tʃɒˈdɒndiəs/ nm. darkness
    • choint /tʃɔɪnt/ nm. carriage
    • chon /tʃɒn/ nm. servant
    • chonsau /tʃɒnˈsaʊ/ nf. trap; v. trap
    • chovon /tʃɒˈvɒn/ nm. steam
    • da /dæ/ v. worry
    • du /du/ nf. mouse
    • du /duː/ nm. bottom (lowest part)
    • duk /duk/ nf. upper class
    • duk /duːk/ n5. lip
    • dutsa /ˈduːtsæ/ n4. wave (ocean)
    • dyodol /djɒˈdɔl/ nm. steel
    • dyomekt /ˈdjɒmɛkt/ v. write
    • dyomektam /djɒˈmɛktæm/ nf. author
    • dyoso /ˈdjɒsɔ/ nf. view
    • dyothu /ˈdjɒθʌ/ v. train
    • e /ɛ/ nf. insurance
    • e /ɛː/ nm. self
    • ego /ˈɛgɔ/ v. discuss
    • egoi /ˈɛgɔɪ/ nm. branch
    • ei /eɪ/ v. work
    • eibaung /eɪˈbaʊŋ/ v. laugh; nn. laugh
    • eibok /eɪˈboːk/ v. receive
    • eim /eɪm/ nf. worker, employee
    • eing /eɪŋ/ nm. jelly
    • eipa /ˈeɪpæ/ adv. exactly
    • eiso /ˈeɪsɔ/ nm. sugar
    • eit /eɪt/ nm. year
    • eld /ɛːld/ adj. late
    • eri /ˈɛːɹɪ/ nn. stump, root
    • ese /ˈɛsɛ/ v. smile; nn. smile
    • esh /ɛʃ/ nm. pot
    • eso /ˈɛsɒ/ nm. shield
    • ethi /ˈɛðiː/ nm. library
    • ethi /ˈɛθɪ/ nm. match
    • eti /ɛːˈtɪ/ nm. prostitute, whore
    • eti /ˈɛːti/ v. watch
    • etu /ˈɛtʌ/ v. cover
    • evo /ˈɛvɒ/ v. check
    • evop /ɛːˈvɒp/ v. turn [sth.] on
    • fa /fə/ nm. mask
    • fai /faɪ/ prep. well
    • faiku /ˈfaɪkʌ/ prep. without
    • faim /faɪm/ nn. machine
    • fal /fəl/ v. boil
    • fare /fəˈɹɛ/ v. protest
    • fau /faʊ/ nm. list
    • faudo /faʊˈdɒ/ nm. impulse
    • faum /faʊm/ nm. model
    • fe /fɛː/ nm. beak
    • fei /feɪ/ adj. attractive
    • feiso /ˈfeɪsɔ/ nm. brothel
    • fi /fi/ nr. harbour
    • fi /fiː/ v. squeeze
    • fi /fɪ/ adv. still
    • fia /fiə/ nm. store
    • fiam /fiəm/ nm. well
    • fiam /fɪəm/ nf. committee
    • ficha /ˈfɪtʃæ/ conj. when
    • filp /fɪlp/ v. blink; nm. blink
    • fim /fim/ adj. green
    • fipa /ˈfɪpæ/ art. every
    • fisa /ˈfisə/ nf. father
    • fithu /ˈfɪðuː/ prep. over
    • fiti /ˈfitiː/ v. grip; nm. grip
    • fo /fɔː/ det. whatever
    • foil /fɔɪl/ v. lift
    • foiso /ˈfɔɪsɔ/ nf. king
    • fovo /fɔːˈvɒ/ adj. light (weight)
    • fowe /ˈfoːwɛː/ adv. very
    • fra /fɹɑː/ nm. comfort
    • fro /fɹɒ/ n4. cushion
    • frombin /fɹɒmˈbɪn/ adj. nice
    • fromin /ˈfɹɒmɪn/ v. establish
    • fron /fɹɒn/ nm. kind
    • froso /ˈfɹɒsɔ/ v. plough
    • fu /fu/ nf. husband
    • fu /fʌ/ adv. here
    • fua /fʊə/ interj. yes
    • fubam /ˈfʌbæm/ num. four
    • fulwo /fulˈwɒ/ nf. play (stage play)
    • fum /fum/ adv. best
    • fum /fʌm/ v. act
    • fungglam /fʌŋˈglæm/ nm. set
    • fupo /ˈfʌpoː/ adv. instead
    • furlf /fɜːlf/ nm. worm
    • fuwemd /ˈfuwɛːmd/ nm. bay
    • fya /fjæ/ nf. star
    • fyabon /ˈfjɑːboːn/ nn. toy
    • fyamen /ˈfjæmɛn/ num. six
    • fyan /fjɑːn/ nm. situation
    • fyaplo /fjæˈplɒ/ v. pull
    • fyu /fju/ nf. hell
    • fyu /fjuː/ nm. base
    • fyuthon /fjuːˈðoːn/ nm. window
    • ga /gæ/ nm. sun
    • ga /gɑː/ nm. poem
    • ga /gə/ v. play
    • gad /gəd/ adj. early
    • gag /gæg/ v. say
    • gaiblawe /ˈgaɪblæwɛː/ det. any
    • gaikaub /gaɪˈkaʊb/ nf. wing
    • gaiso /ˈgaɪsɔ/ nf. team
    • gaitai /ˈgaɪtaɪ/ nm. relationship
    • gaivok /gaɪˈvɒk/ nn. nut
    • gaizuak /gaɪˈzʊək/ nf. pump
    • gaki /ˈgəki/ nf. leaf
    • gaku /ˈgəkʌ/ prep. because
    • gam /gɑːm/ nm. poet
    • gar /gəɹ/ v. turn
    • gati /ˈgɑːtɪ/ nm. dungeon
    • gatu /ˈgətuː/ adj. sad
    • gatub /ˈgætuːb/ v. fold; nm. fold
    • gatus /gəˈtuːs/ nm. sadness
    • gatwa /gɑːˈtwæ/ adv. indeed
    • gau /gaʊ/ adj. large
    • gaubiarer /gəʊbiəˈɹɛːɹ/ adj. loud
    • gauftoiwe /ˈgəʊftɔɪwɛ/ nm. floor
    • gaula /gaʊˈlæ/ nm. poison
    • gaulwo /ˈgaʊlwɒ/ v. save (put aside)
    • gaupi /ˈgaʊpiː/ nn. race
    • gauzid /ˈgəʊzɪd/ nm. pillow
    • ge /gɛ/ det. that
    • geda /ˈgɛdæ/ adj. grey
    • gedo /gɛˈdɒ/ nm. jaw
    • gei /geɪ/ n4. whore
    • geie /gˈeɪɛː/ pron. something
    • geikipong /geɪˈkɪpɒŋ/ nf. bed
    • geilaznai /ˈgeɪlæznaɪ/ adj. various
    • geimoi /ˈgeɪmɔɪ/ nn. mood
    • gekid /ˈgɛːkɪd/ adj. possible
    • gekidias /gɛːˈkɪdiəs/ nn. possibility
    • gembith /gɛːmˈbɪθ/ nm. hood
    • gemod /gɛˈmɔd/ nf. species
    • gethiash /ˈgɛðiəʃ/ nf. power
    • gethiashada /gɛðiəʃæˈdə/ adj. powerful
    • getud /ˈgɛtʌd/ adj. true
    • getudias /gɛˈtʌdiəs/ nf. truth
    • gi /gi/ v. hear
    • gi /gɪ/ nf. instrument
    • giaauzub /gˈiəəʊzʌb/ v. leak
    • giaheb /giəˈhɛb/ nn. secret; adj. secret
    • giase /ˈgiəsɛ/ nf. pocket
    • giasob /ˈgiəsɔb/ v. look
    • giaste /giəsˈtɛ/ art. no
    • giataiob /giəˈtaɪɒb/ nf. oven
    • giatib /ˈgiətɪb/ num. zero
    • giavong /giəˈvɒŋ/ det. another
    • gib /gib/ v. invite
    • gif /gɪf/ n5. politics
    • gifam /gɪˈfæm/ nm. politician
    • gigof /ˈgɪgɔf/ nf. fiction
    • gigosauj /gɪˈgɒsəʊdʒ/ nf. pencil
    • gikia /gɪˈkiə/ nf. degree
    • gila /ˈgɪlæ/ nn. shade, shadow
    • gilaf /gɪˈlæf/ nf. plain
    • gildrath /ˈgɪldɹɑːθ/ v. suck
    • gimau /ˈgɪməʊ/ nn. flower
    • gimaum /ˈgɪməʊm/ nn. florist
    • gimo /gɪˈmɔ/ v. crash; nn. crash
    • ginriatith /ˈgɪnɹiətɪθ/ nm. grave
    • ginriatithe /gɪnɹiəˈtɪθɛː/ nn. graveyard
    • gintrei /gɪnˈtɹeɪ/ nf. mass
    • gipo /ˈgipɒ/ nm. hearing
    • gipowi /gɪpɒˈwɪ/ adv. how
    • gith /gɪθ/ nm. group
    • giwurlro /giˈwɜːlɹɔ/ v. offend
    • giwurlrogi /giwɜːlɹɔˈgɪ/ adj. offensive
    • go /goː/ adj. ready
    • go /gɒ/ nf. bow (weapon)
    • go /gɔ/ n5. tail
    • gobauthang /goːˈbaʊðæŋ/ nf. position
    • gobug /ˈgɒbug/ v. stick
    • god /gɔd/ nm. industry
    • godada /gɔˈdædə/ adj. industrial
    • gog /gɒg/ v. serve
    • goga /gɒˈgə/ adv. much
    • gogam /ˈgɒgæm/ nn. slave
    • gogipo /gɒgɪˈpɒ/ nn. service
    • gohe /ˈgoːhɛ/ nn. history
    • goitid /ˈgɔɪtɪd/ nm. square
    • gola /ˈgɒlæ/ nm. cow
    • golad /gɒˈlæd/ adj. fat; nn. fat
    • gomsilwo /gɒmsɪlˈwɒ/ nm. witch
    • gopawurd /gɒˈpæwɜːd/ v. make
    • gor /gɒɹ/ nn. mathematics
    • gosa /ˈgɒsə/ n4. prize
    • goschur /ˈgɔstʃɜː/ nm. chalk
    • gotho /ˈgɔðoː/ v. break
    • gothogi /ˈgɔðoːgɪ/ adj. broken
    • gotitaur /gɔtɪˈtaʊɹ/ adj. aroused (sexually)
    • gotua /ˈgɒtʊə/ nn. needle
    • gotwad /ˈgɒtwæd/ nf. jewel
    • gowethug /gɒˈwɛðug/ nm. luck
    • gowethugada /gɒˈwɛðugædə/ adj. lucky
    • gowoivo /goːˈwɔɪvɒ/ adj. short
    • gowurhur /ˈgɔwɜːhɜː/ nm. sponge
    • gozig /ˈgɒzɪg/ v. touch; nm. touch
    • gozu /goːˈzʌ/ nf. nation
    • gri /gɹi/ nf. film
    • gria /gɹiə/ nm. sand
    • griago /ˈgɹiəgɒ/ adv. early
    • griathovo /gɹiəˈðoːvɒ/ nm. patient
    • grik /gɹik/ nm. house
    • griked /gɹiˈkɛd/ nm. mansion
    • gu /gu/ adv. away
    • gu /guː/ nm. garden
    • gu /gʌ/ nm. economy
    • gua /gʊə/ n4. benefit
    • guava /gʊəˈvɑː/ nm. underwear
    • guda /gʌˈdə/ adj. economic
    • gug /guːg/ adj. clear
    • gugabo /guːˈgæbɒ/ adv. clearly
    • guiago /guˈiəgɔː/ nn. material
    • guk /gʌk/ nm. sport
    • gulathib /guˈlæθɪb/ v. cook (prepare food)
    • gulmob /ˈgulmɒb/ prep. across
    • gum /guːm/ nm. gardener
    • gumbiso /gumˈbɪsɔ/ v. note
    • gumbith /ˈgʌmbɪθ/ nm. monster
    • gumothia /gʌˈmɔðiə/ nm. religion
    • gumothiada /gʌmɔˈðiədə/ adj. religious
    • gung /gʌŋ/ adj. big
    • gunriath /ˈgʌnɹiəθ/ v. float
    • gupadoth /gʌˈpædɒθ/ adj. delicious
    • gupo /guˈpoː/ adv. better
    • guri /gʌˈɹɪ/ nf. candy
    • gurtaipo /gɜːtaɪˈpoː/ v. claim
    • gurwevo /gɜːˈwɛvɔ/ nf. waiter
    • guscheft /ˈgʌstʃɛːft/ nm. shit; v. shit
    • guste /ˈgustɛ/ v. fail
    • gustepo /ˈgustɛpɒ/ nm. failure
    • guth /gʌθ/ nn. middle class
    • gutikaub /guˈtɪkaʊb/ num. billion
    • gutwang /gʌˈtwæŋ/ nm. triangle
    • ha /hə/ det. many
    • hago /həˈgɒ/ adj. free
    • hait /haɪt/ nf. board
    • haithut /ˈhaɪθʌt/ nm. brain
    • hakiv /hæˈkɪv/ nm. throne
    • hame /ˈhəmɛ/ adj. real
    • hap /həp/ n4. south
    • hasonz /ˈhəsɒnz/ nm. world
    • hau /haʊ/ nf. laboratory
    • hau /həʊ/ adj. different
    • haus /həʊs/ nf. difference
    • haut /haʊt/ v. leave
    • hautheit /haʊˈðeɪt/ num. nine
    • hav /hæv/ nm. uniform
    • hav /hɑːv/ nm. owner
    • havo /ˈhəvɒ/ adj. safe
    • he /hɛ/ num. three
    • he /hɛː/ nm. bridge
    • hei /heɪ/ v. settle (land)
    • heifo /ˈheɪfɔ/ n4. hill
    • heipo /ˈheɪpɒ/ nm. settlement
    • heit /heɪt/ nf. blood
    • heitada /heɪˈtædə/ adj. bloody
    • hep /hɛp/ nm. bowl
    • hi /hi/ v. build
    • hi /hɪ/ nm. cave
    • hia /hiə/ prep. like
    • hialro /ˈhiəlɹɔ/ nn. thunder
    • hias /hɪəs/ v. bring
    • hiat /hiət/ nm. edge, limit
    • hiathat /hiəˈðæt/ nn. amount
    • hiazit /ˈhiəzɪt/ nn. rumour
    • hiki /hiˈkɪ/ nm. image
    • his /hɪs/ v. decide
    • hisipo /hɪˈsɪpɒ/ nm. decision
    • hit /hit/ conj. and
    • hitha /ˈhɪðæ/ adj. wide
    • hithas /ˈhɪðæs/ nm. width
    • hithia /ˈhɪθɪə/ adv. else
    • ho /hɒ/ nm. policy
    • ho /hɔ/ prep. on
    • ho /hɔː/ nf. mist
    • hodond /hɒˈdɒnd/ nm. grease
    • hofto /hoːfˈtɔː/ v. swim
    • hoi /hɔɪ/ nm. part
    • hoku /ˈhɒkʌ/ nn. fork
    • holanst /ˈhɔlænst/ adv. often
    • honlaindz /ˈhɔnlaɪndz/ nf. bow (decorative material)
    • hoson /hɒˈsɔn/ nm. church
    • hotha /ˈhɔðæ/ nf. record
    • hothei /hɔˈðeɪ/ adv. thus
    • hu /hu/ v. may
    • hu /hʌ/ nf. value
    • hubla /ˈhʌblæ/ nm. liquid
    • huki /huˈkiː/ v. dig
    • hukit /ˈhʌkɪt/ adv. yet
    • hukua /ˈhuːkʊə/ nf. footprint
    • hulso /ˈhʌlsɒ/ nm. vein
    • hupas /ˈhʌpæs/ adv. least
    • hurchaps /ˈhɜːtʃæps/ v. catch
    • hure /ˈhuɹɛː/ adv. then
    • hurki /ˈhɜːkiː/ nn. diamond
    • huskt /hʌskt/ adj. local
    • huso /ˈhʌsɔ/ nm. authority
    • hut /hʌt/ v. design
    • huthach /ˈhuðætʃ/ nn. paper
    • huthit /hʌˈðiːt/ v. snap
    • huti /huˈti/ nm. role
    • huti /ˈhuːtɪ/ prep. among
    • huts /huts/ nm. belly (stomach area)
    • huv /huv/ nn. fat
    • huzai /hʌˈzaɪ/ nf. side
    • hwo /hwɒ/ v. spend
    • hwo /hwɔː/ nm. shrine
    • hwochaz /ˈhwɒtʃæz/ v. move
    • hwochazipo /hwɒtʃæˈzɪpɒ/ nf. movement
    • hwofro /ˈhwɒfɹɔː/ nm. bill
    • hwoi /ˈhwɒɪ/ nf. hair (of head)
    • hwolro /ˈhwɒlɹɒ/ prep. for
    • hwome /ˈhwɒmɛ/ nn. force
    • hwopo /ˈhwɒpɒ/ nm. cost
    • hwoz /hwɒz/ v. pull
    • hwoz /hwɔz/ v. apply
    • hwoz /hwɔːz/ interj.. goodbye
    • hwoziz /ˈhwɒzɪz/ v. swallow
    • i /i/ neg. not; interj. no
    • i /ɪ/ adv. also
    • ia /iə/ nn. test; v. test
    • ia /ɪə/ prep. beyond
    • iabat /iəˈbæt/ nm. horn
    • iaf /ɪəf/ adj. ugly
    • iago /iəˈgɔ/ det. what
    • iamek /ˈiəmɛk/ nm. lock
    • iamekam /iəˈmɛkæm/ n4. locksmith
    • iang /iəŋ/ nm. iron
    • iaschurb /ˈiəstʃɜːb/ nf. deal
    • iat /iət/ nn. wrist
    • iati /ˈɪətiː/ nf. cloak
    • ibi /ˈɪbi/ nn. drawer
    • ibiatsa /iˈbiətsæ/ nn. war
    • ibiatsam /iˈbiətsæm/ nf. warrior
    • idaheti /ˈɪdæhɛtɪ/ nn. cost
    • idahetida /ˈɪdæhɛtɪdə/ adj. expensive
    • if /ɪf/ v. walk
    • igo /iˈgɔ/ nm. earthquake
    • igo /ɪˈgɒ/ nf. magic
    • igo /ɪˈgɔ/ v. stretch
    • ihek /ˈihɛk/ nn. day
    • ihurlmori /iˈhɜːlmɒɹɪ/ nn. metal
    • iia /ˈiiə/ nm. valley
    • iigo /ɪˈigɒ/ nm. present (time)
    • ij /ɪdʒ/ nf. broom
    • ik /ik/ adj. sticky
    • ikai /ˈɪkaɪ/ v. pick
    • ikei /ɪˈkeɪ/ nm. leather
    • iko /ˈikoː/ nm. business
    • ikuakua /ˈɪkʊəkʊə/ v. understand
    • ila /ˈɪlæ/ v. visit
    • ilam /ɪˈlæm/ nn. visitor
    • ilt /ɪlt/ nm. animal
    • ilvz /ɪlvz/ adj. difficult
    • irith /ɪˈɹɪð/ nf. dress
    • is /ɪs/ n4. need
    • iso /ˈisɒ/ v. mention
    • iso /ˈiːsɔ/ nf. bee
    • it /it/ adj. deep
    • ith /ɪð/ det. these
    • ith /ɪθ/ nm. attention
    • ithi /ˈɪθɪ/ nm. thing
    • ithia /ˈɪðiə/ nf. state
    • ithivo /ɪˈðiːvɒ/ nn. name
    • ithu /ɪˈθʌ/ nn. pig
    • ithuath /ˈɪθʊəð/ adj. common
    • itia /ˈɪtiə/ nn. skull
    • itim /iˈtɪm/ v. eat
    • itith /ˈɪtɪθ/ nf. print
    • itith /ˈɪtɪθ/ v. offer
    • itures /ɪˈtʌɹɛːs/ adj. next
    • iva /ɪˈvæ/ nm. curtain
    • ivo /ˈɪvɔ/ v. masturbate
    • ivothi /iːˈvɒθɪ/ num. thousand
    • izi /ˈɪzɪ/ nf. network
    • jo /dʒɒ/ nn. child
    • jobla /ˈdʒɔblæ/ adv. more
    • jogo /ˈdʒɒgɔ/ adj. easy
    • joi /dʒɔɪ/ nn. series
    • jola /dʒɒˈlæ/ nf. design
    • jome /ˈdʒɒmɛ/ nm. water
    • ka /kɑː/ v. hit
    • ka /kə/ adj. blue
    • kago /ˈkəgɔ/ nf. data
    • kai /kaɪ/ nf. second
    • kaik /kaɪk/ v. report
    • kaim /kaɪm/ v. follow
    • kakst /kɑːkst/ adj. brown
    • kal /kəl/ prep. through
    • katu /kæˈtuː/ adv. as
    • kau /kaʊ/ nf. school
    • kau /kəʊ/ nm. fish
    • kaubu /ˈkaʊbu/ v. register
    • kauk /kaʊk/ nm. saddle
    • kaukua /ˈkəʊkʊə/ n5. umbrella
    • kaum /kaʊm/ nf. teacher
    • kauste /kaʊsˈtɛ/ conj. even
    • kautha /kaʊˈðæ/ nf. mind
    • kavo /kəˈvɒ/ nm. information
    • kavokst /ˈkɑːvɒkst/ nn. figure
    • kehel /ˈkɛhɛl/ nm. work
    • keigo /keɪˈgɔ/ v. use
    • keila /keɪˈlæ/ adj. white, blank
    • kel /kɛl/ nm. impact
    • keld /kɛːld/ prep. above
    • ki /ki/ v. manage
    • kia /kiˈæ/ nf. hedge
    • kia /kiə/ v. excite
    • kia /kɪə/ nm. voice
    • kiam /kɪəm/ adv. right
    • kiapo /ˈkiəpɒ/ nf. excitement
    • kilp /kɪlp/ nf. mess
    • kilpada /ˈkɪlpædə/ adj. messy
    • kim /kɪm/ adv. rather
    • kipa /ˈkɪpæ/ nm. brick
    • kiti /kɪˈtiː/ nf. chain
    • kitum /ˈkɪtʌm/ nm. approach
    • kitwa /ˈkɪtwæ/ n5. rate
    • ko /kɒ/ conj. or
    • ko /kɔː/ det. most
    • koi /kɔɪ/ v. exercise; n5. exercise
    • koiwal /ˈkɔɪwəl/ v. send
    • kokt /kɒkt/ nf. guy
    • kol /kɒl/ nn. idea
    • kolsol /ˈkɒlsɒl/ adj. old
    • kombil /ˈkɒmbɪl/ n4. cream
    • komsi /ˈkɒmsɪ/ v. shake
    • kotau /ˈkɒtaʊ/ nm. bullet
    • kro /kɹɔ/ nn. mistake, error
    • ku /ku/ prep. toward
    • ku /kuː/ nm. experience
    • ku /kʌ/ adv. before
    • kuam /kʊəm/ nn. candle
    • kuhe /ˈkʌhɛ/ v. cut; nn. cut
    • kui /kʌˈɪ/ nf. property
    • kuk /kuk/ conj. because
    • kuk /kʌk/ v. buy
    • kula /ˈkʌlæ/ nm. holiday
    • kum /kʌm/ v. want
    • kupo /ˈkʌpɒ/ nm. button
    • kupom /kʌˈpɒm/ num. million
    • kuri /ˈkuɹɪ/ v. occur
    • kutha /ˈkʌðæ/ nm. snow; v. snow
    • kuva /ˈkuvæ/ nn. brush, brush (for hair)
    • kuvo /ˈkʌvɒ/ nn. research
    • kuvom /ˈkʌvɔm/ prep. away
    • kuwek /ˈkʌwɛːk/ v. go
    • kwafo /kwæˈfɔ/ nf. plan
    • kwakon /ˈkwækoːn/ v. take
    • kwan /kwæn/ nn. stem
    • kwan /kwɑːn/ det. which
    • kwathan /ˈkwæðæn/ nf. cat, vagina
    • kwathana /ˈkwæðænɑː/ nn. kitten
    • kwatwa /kwɑːˈtwæ/ num. seven
    • kwo /kwɒ/ nf. weather
    • kwomon /kwɒˈmɔn/ adv. when
    • kwu /kwu/ n4. party
    • kwumd /kwumd/ v. wear
    • kyi /kjiː/ v. suggest
    • kyia /kjiə/ nn. dream
    • kyiam /kjiəm/ adj. cheap
    • kyiarau /kjiəˈɹəʊ/ adj. female
    • kyim /kjim/ nf. officer
    • kyipo /ˈkjiːpɒ/ nf. suggestion
    • kyui /ˈkjuɪ/ v. increase
    • kyum /kjum/ nf. rod
    • la /lə/ nm. shark
    • laiti /ˈlaɪtiː/ nm. leader
    • laivo /ˈlaɪvɔ/ v. explain
    • laivopo /laɪˈvɔpɒ/ nf. explanation
    • lanlainch /ˈlənlaɪntʃ/ nf. rhythm
    • lap /ləp/ v. try
    • latwa /ˈlətwæ/ det. those
    • laudot /ˈlaʊdɔt/ nm. game
    • laugop /ˈləʊgɔp/ v. imitate
    • laup /ləʊp/ adj. perfect
    • laups /ləʊps/ n4. perfection
    • lauthat /laʊˈðæt/ nm. advertisement
    • lavo /ləˈvɔ/ nf. plague
    • lerau /ˈlɛːɹəʊ/ nm. structure
    • letha /ˈlɛðæ/ nn. ash
    • li /lɪ/ v. put
    • limo /lɪˈmɔː/ v. behave (act)
    • limopo /ˈlɪmɔːpɒ/ nn. behaviour
    • linggla /ˈlɪŋglɑː/ nf. kitchen
    • lis /lɪs/ v. smash
    • lizaipt /lɪˈzaɪpt/ nm. factor
    • lo /lɔ/ v. arrive, happen
    • lopanch /ˈlɔːpæntʃ/ v. tell
    • lopo /ˈlɔpɒ/ nf. arrival
    • lu /lʌ/ nn. article
    • lua /lʊə/ nf. chin
    • luas /lʊəs/ nm. snake
    • lundu /ˈlʌndʌ/ nm. wall
    • lunlu /ˈlʌnlʌ/ det. both
    • lur /lɜː/ nm. seat
    • lurp /lɜːp/ nm. show
    • lurps /lɜːps/ nm. debt
    • lusest /ˈlʌsɛst/ v. need
    • luskt /lʌskt/ nn. shoulder
    • lust /lʌst/ nn. ornament
    • mi /mi/ v. close
    • mia /miə/ v. might
    • miaaut /ˈmiəaʊt/ nm. grandmother
    • mit /miːt/ v. should
    • mots /moːts/ nf. expression
    • mu /mu/ nf. parcel
    • much /mutʃ/ nn. east
    • muku /ˈmukʌ/ nf. eyelid
    • muts /muts/ nm. tongue
    • na /næ/ v. regret
    • na /nɑː/ n4. disease
    • na /nə/ v. starve
    • namez /ˈnəmɛz/ adj. left
    • nausche /ˈnəʊstʃɛː/ nn. sheep
    • nauso /nəʊˈsɔ/ v. earn
    • navd /nɑːvd/ nf. trouble
    • navdada /nɑːvˈdædə/ adj. troublesome
    • nawurz /ˈnəwɜːz/ adj. middle
    • naz /nəz/ adv. far
    • naziv /næˈzɪv/ adv. sometimes
    • neri /ˈnɛɹɪ/ nf. paradox
    • neth /nɛð/ n4. alcohol
    • no /nɒ/ nm. kid
    • nohiz /nɔˈhɪz/ v. mark; nm. mark
    • noido /ˈnɔɪdɔ/ nf. scene
    • noiz /nɔɪz/ prep. about
    • nonteiz /ˈnɒnteɪz/ adj. thick
    • nopa /ˈnɒpæ/ num. two
    • nopoz /ˈnɔːpɒz/ nf. climate
    • noti /ˈnɒtɪ/ adj. stiff
    • notiaz /ˈnɔtiəz/ v. call
    • novoz /ˈnɒvɔz/ nf. book
    • noz /nɒz/ nn. journey
    • noz /nɔz/ nm. bark (of tree)
    • nuch /nutʃ/ det. half
    • nurcha /ˈnɜːtʃæ/ adj. tall
    • nuso /nuˈsɔ/ nm. subject
    • nuv /nuv/ adj. long
    • nuvias /ˈnuviəs/ nm. length
    • nyi /njɪ/ conj. than
    • nyilso /njɪlˈsɒ/ v. defend
    • nyilsopo /ˈnjɪlsɒpɒ/ nm. defence
    • nyire /ˈnjɪɹɛː/ nm. sex
    • nyireda /njɪɹɛːˈdə/ adj. sexy
    • nyith /njɪð/ v. accept
    • nyu /njʌ/ v. cook (heat food), cook (prepare food)
    • nyuago /njʊəˈgɔ/ v. improve
    • nyum /njʌm/ nm. chef
    • nyur /njɜː/ nf. hair (of body), fur
    • nyurreth /ˈnjɜːɹɛð/ v. sort
    • nyusoth /ˈnjʌsɔð/ nf. paste
    • o /oː/ adj. last (final)
    • o /ɒ/ v. be (temporary state)
    • o /ɔ/ nm. fur
    • o /ɔː/ n4. system
    • obai /ˈoːbaɪ/ adj. naked
    • obia /oːˈbiə/ n4. butter
    • od /ɒd/ nm. organization
    • od /ɔd/ nm. purpose
    • od /ɔːd/ nm. nose
    • og /ɒg/ prep. outside
    • ogo /ˈɒgɒ/ nm. finger
    • oi /ɔɪ/ v. limp
    • oihe /ˈɔɪhɛ/ nm. comb
    • oil /ɔɪl/ v. support; nf. support
    • oithola /ɔɪˈðoːlæ/ nf. form
    • okai /ˈɒkaɪ/ v. thank
    • oki /ˈɔkɪ/ nf. dialect
    • okia /ɒˈkɪə/ nm. paradise
    • okia /ˈoːkiə/ nn. river, stream
    • okt /ɒkt/ nf. beer
    • ol /ɒl/ v. nod
    • ol /ɔːl/ adj. past
    • olronst /ɔlˈɹɒnst/ n5. recipe
    • om /oːm/ v. doubt; nm. doubt
    • oma /ˈɔmə/ nm. shell
    • ombi /ˈɒmbɪ/ nm. rank (position)
    • ombig /ɒmˈbɪg/ nf. limit
    • ome /ˈoːmɛː/ prep. upon
    • omsimo /ɒmsɪˈmɔ/ nf. direction
    • omurl /ˈɒmɜːl/ v. please
    • omurlpo /ˈɒmɜːlpɒ/ nm. pleasure
    • on /ɒn/ v. shoot
    • onch /ɔːntʃ/ v. blow
    • ondu /ˈɒndʌ/ nf. mountain, hill
    • onlai /ˈɒnlaɪ/ det. same
    • onst /ɔnst/ nf. couch, sofa
    • ont /ɔːnt/ v. kiss; nm. kiss
    • oo /ɔɔundeˈfined/ nm. palm (of hand)
    • opa /ˈoːpæ/ adj. probable
    • opogod /ɒpɒˈgɒd/ nm. rock, stone
    • or /ɒɹ/ v. trick; nm. trick
    • or /ɔːɹ/ adv. yesterday
    • orur /ˈɒɹɜː/ nf. smoke, fog
    • osoi /ˈɒsɔɪ/ adv. soon
    • osol /ˈɔsɒl/ nm. fire
    • ososoko /ɒsɔˈsɔkoː/ v. miss (not hit), miss (not take advantage of)
    • oste /ˈɒstɛ/ nn. court
    • otai /ɒˈtaɪ/ v. talk
    • othaul /ˈɒðaʊl/ n4. rifle
    • otu /ˈɒtʌ/ nf. law
    • otuda /ɒˈtʌdə/ adj. legal
    • otum /ˈɒtʌm/ nm. lawyer
    • otusotha /oːtʌˈsɒðæ/ nm. hallway
    • ovo /ˈɒvɔ/ nf. ray
    • ovo /ˈɒvɔ/ nm. vocabulary
    • oweng /oːˈwɛŋ/ n5. copper
    • oz /ɒz/ prep. along
    • ozi /ˈɒzɪ/ v. provide
    • ozi /ˈɒzɪ/ v. row
    • ozi /ˈɔːzɪ/ nf. hospital
    • pa /pæ/ nm. powder
    • pa /pə/ nm. hole
    • pag /pæg/ nn. harmony
    • pala /pəˈlæ/ adj. full
    • pamo /ˈpɑːmɔ/ adj. human
    • pau /paʊ/ nf. tree
    • paung /paʊŋ/ nm. root
    • paura /paʊˈɹə/ nm. vagina
    • pauzung /ˈpaʊzʌŋ/ adj. recent
    • pauzungabo /paʊzʌŋæˈbɒ/ adv. recently
    • peiste /ˈpeɪstɛ/ n4. reward; v. reward
    • peiznaing /peɪzˈnaɪŋ/ nn. oil
    • pi /pi/ nm. dog
    • pia /ˈpiɑː/ nm. puppy
    • pia /piə/ adv. today
    • piang /piəŋ/ v. judge
    • pihur /piˈhɜː/ nf. season
    • pimsing /ˈpimsɪŋ/ v. relate
    • ping /piŋ/ prep. in
    • piring /ˈpiɹɪŋ/ nf. friend
    • piringada /piɹɪˈŋædə/ adj. friendly
    • plau /pləʊ/ nn. life
    • ple /plɛ/ nm. profit
    • ple /plɛː/ prep. before
    • plesh /plɛʃ/ nf. class
    • pleti /ˈplɛːtɪ/ nm. motion
    • po /pɒ/ nf. wine
    • po /pɔ/ prep. at
    • poe /ˈpɒɛː/ nm. winery
    • pog /pɒg/ adv. again
    • poi /pɔɪ/ nf. birth
    • pomoi /ˈpɒmɔɪ/ adj. private
    • pong /poːŋ/ nm. trip
    • por /pɔɹ/ nn. weapon
    • pore /pɔˈɹɛː/ nm. armoury
    • powi /ˈpɒwɪ/ nm. community
    • pri /pɹɪ/ nf. evidence
    • prida /pɹɪˈdə/ adj. evident, obvious
    • priku /ˈpɹɪku/ v. meet
    • prikupo /pɹɪˈkupɒ/ nm. meeting
    • prio /pɹɪˈɔ/ nn. music
    • prireth /pɹɪˈɹɛθ/ nn. stomach
    • prith /pɹɪθ/ nm. song
    • prithaf /ˈpɹɪθəf/ v. sing
    • pritham /ˈpɹɪθæm/ nn. singer
    • pru /pɹʌ/ v. bake; nn. oven
    • pruavoth /pɹʊəˈvɔθ/ nf. island
    • prudoth /ˈpɹʌdɔθ/ conj. after
    • prurth /pɹɜːθ/ nn. beard
    • pruwau /pɹʌˈwəʊ/ v. expect
    • pu /pu/ v. start, begin
    • pu /pʌ/ adj. significant
    • pudo /ˈpudɒ/ nf. type
    • pufo /ˈpʌfɔ/ nm. humour
    • pufoda /pʌˈfɔdə/ adj. funny
    • pung /puŋ/ adj. yellow
    • pung /pʌŋ/ nf. course
    • pupa /ˈpupæ/ v. head
    • puso /ˈpusɔ/ v. affect
    • ra /ɹæ/ adj. wrong
    • ra /ɹə/ nm. room (space)
    • rakiks /ɹæˈkɪks/ nm. hook
    • raks /ɹæks/ nm. daughter
    • ratitaubukst /ˈɹætɪtaʊbukst/ v. organise
    • ratwa /ɹæˈtwæ/ nm. control
    • rawau /ˈɹæwəʊ/ nn. player
    • ro /ɹɒ/ v. save, rescue
    • ro /ɹɔ/ v. climb
    • robu /ɹɒˈbu/ n4. talk
    • rodongglatol /ɹɒdɒŋˈglætoːl/ adv. why
    • rogoivobakt /ˈɹɒgɔɪvɒbækt/ v. hope
    • roido /ɹɔɪˈdɒ/ nm. night
    • roki /ˈɹɒkɪ/ v. push
    • rokt /ɹɒkt/ prep. according
    • rol /ɹɒl/ v. borrow
    • rol /ɹɔl/ v. place
    • rola /ˈɹɒlæ/ nf. nest
    • ronuaschethi /ɹɒnʊəsˈtʃɛːθɪ/ adj. male
    • ropa /ˈɹɒpæ/ n5. orgasm
    • ropa /ˈɹɔpæ/ adj. buxom
    • ropa /ˈɹɔːpæ/ nn. key
    • rosakuthau /ɹɔːsəkʌˈðaʊ/ v. answer
    • rotigomo /ɹɒtɪˈgɒmɔː/ adj. quick
    • rotigomobo /ɹɒtɪgɒˈmɔːbɒ/ adv. quickly
    • rozil /ˈɹɒzɪl/ nn. lizard
    • ru /ɹu/ prep. including
    • ru /ɹuː/ nm. wax
    • rugo /ɹuˈgɒ/ nn. alphabet
    • ruk /ɹuk/ nn. tide
    • rulavok /ɹuˈlævɔk/ v. find
    • rumak /ɹuˈmək/ nm. elbow
    • rusotila /ɹuːsɔːˈtɪlɑː/ nf. face, side
    • ruthi /ˈɹuθɪ/ adv. forward
    • ruvo /ˈɹuvɔ/ nm. technology
    • ruvoda /ɹuˈvɔdə/ adj. technological
    • sa /sə/ num. five
    • sab /sæb/ adv. out
    • sad /səd/ v. listen
    • sago /ˈsægɔ/ adv. course
    • sai /saɪ/ nf. case
    • saib /saɪb/ adj. major
    • salad /ˈsəlæd/ adj. orange
    • sati /ˈsætiː/ nn. angle, corner
    • sau /səʊ/ nm. leg
    • saub /saʊb/ nm. excrement; v. defecate
    • saud /səʊd/ nm. riot
    • saupo /ˈsəʊpoː/ v. rub
    • se /sɛː/ nn. media
    • sed /sɛd/ n4. fin (of fish)
    • sekiad /ˈsɛkiəd/ prep. despite
    • seme /ˈsɛmɛː/ adv. ok
    • seo /ˈsɛɔ/ adv. finally
    • seti /ˈsɛtɪ/ prep. into
    • sha /ʃæ/ nm. berry
    • sha /ʃɑː/ nm. range
    • sha /ʃə/ v. do
    • shai /ʃaɪ/ nf. society
    • shaigo /ʃaɪˈgɒ/ n5. fan (enthusiast)
    • shaikeim /ˈʃaɪkeɪm/ nm. public
    • shait /ʃaɪt/ n5. number
    • shamep /ˈʃəmɛp/ nm. stick (of tree)
    • shantau /ʃənˈtaʊ/ v. stop
    • shap /ʃəp/ nn. knee
    • shapanch /ˈʃəpæntʃ/ nf. colour
    • shatho /ˈʃɑːðoː/ adj. fine
    • shatu /ˈʃɑːtʌ/ v. step; nf. step
    • shau /ʃaʊ/ nf. future
    • shau /ʃəʊ/ v. set
    • shaut /ʃaʊt/ nf. sock
    • shauthim /ʃaʊˈðim/ nm. sea
    • shav /ʃæv/ v. contain
    • shawoil /ʃəˈwɔɪl/ v. die; nn. corpse
    • shawoilpo /ʃəˈwɔɪlpɒ/ nm. death
    • shawurv /ˈʃæwɜːv/ nm. writer
    • sheidozivo /ʃeɪdɒˈzɪvɔ/ adj. stable
    • sheitha /ʃeɪˈðæ/ nm. cord
    • shenduwepol /ʃɛndʌˈwɛpɒl/ nf. rain
    • shep /ʃɛp/ v. remove
    • shesap /ˈʃɛsəp/ conj. although
    • shevo /ˈʃɛvɔ/ adj. equal
    • shi /ʃiː/ nm. period
    • shi /ʃɪ/ det. several
    • shia /ʃiə/ adj. frequent
    • shiai /ˈʃiəiː/ nn. food
    • shialabiathi /ʃiəlæˈbiəθɪ/ nf. ink
    • shialwom /ˈʃɪəlwɒm/ adj. dry
    • shiapo /ˈʃiəpoː/ nm. size
    • shiapot /ʃiəˈpoːt/ adv. up
    • shias /ʃɪəs/ v. imagine
    • shiatho /ˈʃiəðoː/ nn. end
    • shiatwam /ˈʃiətwæm/ nn. rule
    • shiazua /ˈʃiəzʊə/ adj. awful, terrible
    • shicha /ʃitˈʃæ/ n5. shore
    • shidatiado /ʃɪˈdætɪədɒ/ v. breathe; nf. breath
    • shigokaudat /ˈʃigɔːkaʊdæt/ nm. shelf
    • shila /ˈʃɪlæ/ v. hang
    • shildra /ˈʃɪldɹɑː/ adj. special
    • shildrotiaso /ʃɪldɹɒˈtiəsɔ/ v. smell (emit odour)
    • shimbi /ʃɪmˈbɪ/ adj. certain
    • shipom /ˈʃipɒm/ v. deal
    • shis /ʃɪs/ nm. plate
    • shisolp /ˈʃɪsɔːlp/ nm. transport
    • shisotulat /ʃiˈsɔtuːlæt/ nm. ass
    • shivo /ˈʃivɔ/ v. analyse
    • shivo /ˈʃɪvɒ/ adj. black
    • shivopo /ʃiˈvɔpɒ/ nf. analysis
    • shizubithi /ʃɪzʌˈbiːθɪ/ adv. really
    • sho /ʃɒ/ nf. thumb
    • sho /ʃɔ/ nm. pipe
    • shohe /ʃɒˈhɛ/ prep. throughout
    • sholmo /ʃɒlˈmɒ/ v. focus
    • shom /ʃoːm/ v. jump; nn. jump
    • shomurpati /ˈʃɔːmɜːpætiː/ nf. toe
    • shon /ʃɒn/ nn. sky
    • shoso /ˈʃɒsɔ/ v. identify
    • shosopo /ʃɒˈsɔpɒ/ nn. identity
    • shotheinch /ˈʃɔːðeɪntʃ/ nm. area
    • shothi /ʃɒˈðiː/ nf. bulb
    • shothibopandz /ʃɒθɪˈboːpændz/ nn. call
    • shotinst /ʃɔˈtɪnst/ nn. goal
    • shotiore /ʃɔːtɪɒˈɹɛː/ adj. serious
    • shots /ʃoːts/ v. bend
    • shotu /ˈʃɒtuː/ adj. drunk (inebriated)
    • shoz /ʃɒz/ nn. soup
    • shu /ʃu/ nf. glove
    • shu /ʃuː/ nn. path
    • shu /ʃʌ/ det. this
    • shuado /ˈʃʊədɒ/ v. guess; nn. guess
    • shuam /ʃʊəm/ nf. news
    • shuas /ʃʊəs/ nf. threat
    • shuawau /ˈʃʊəwəʊ/ v. interrupt
    • shubaiodost /ʃʌˈbaɪɔdɔst/ v. state
    • shubugofot /ʃʌˈbugɔfɔt/ adj. small
    • shugombinggla /ʃugɒmˈbɪŋglæ/ nn. change
    • shulsotime /ʃulsɒˈtɪmɛ/ v. lend
    • shum /ʃum/ v. roll
    • shumd /ʃumd/ nn. wheel
    • shumogoko /ʃumɔˈgɒkoː/ v. enjoy
    • shumondudo /ʃumɔːnˈdʌdɔ/ v. join
    • shumot /ˈʃʌmɔt/ v. separate
    • shun /ʃun/ nm. curve
    • shuo /ˈʃuɔ/ nf. mirror
    • shupathutai /ʃupæˈθʌtaɪ/ v. taste
    • shupoldrazi /ʃʌpoːldɹɑːˈzɪ/ adj. fragile
    • shurdo /ˈʃɜːdɔ/ n4. individual
    • shure /ʃuːˈɹɛ/ prep. between
    • shurev /ˈʃuɹɛv/ nn. skin, fur
    • shurmbilf /ˈʃɜːmbɪlf/ nf. science
    • shurmbilfam /ʃɜːmˈbɪlfæm/ nf. scientist
    • shurmep /ˈʃɜːmɛp/ nf. cork
    • shursoowelf /ʃɜːsˈɔːɒwɛlf/ nm. camera
    • shurzia /ˈʃɜːzɪə/ v. have
    • shuskt /ʃʌskt/ nn. crime
    • shusktada /ʃʌsˈktædə/ adj. criminal
    • shutha /ˈʃʌðæ/ nm. culture
    • shuthi /ˈʃʌθɪ/ nm. have to (must)
    • shuthu /ˈʃuðuː/ nm. stitch; v. stitch
    • shutsamsimo /ʃʌtsæmˈsɪmɔ/ nf. ticket
    • shuvo /ʃʌˈvɒ/ num. first
    • shuzituapo /ʃuzɪˈtʊəpoː/ nf. puzzle
    • sia /siə/ adv. never
    • siab /siəb/ nm. word
    • siapob /ˈsiəpɒb/ prep. within
    • smi /smɪ/ adj. hard
    • smia /smɪə/ nf. spoon
    • smif /smɪf/ nm. dictionary
    • smisaf /ˈsmɪsəf/ v. mean
    • smithi /smɪˈθɪ/ nm. magazine
    • smu /smʌ/ nn. wolf
    • smua /smʊə/ nm. staff
    • smuatho /ˈsmʊəðoː/ v. add
    • smugo /ˈsmʌgɒ/ nn. card
    • smuk /smʌk/ v. respect; nn. respect
    • smulak /smʌˈlæk/ v. raise
    • so /soː/ v. share
    • so /sɒ/ nm. boy
    • so /sɔ/ prep. from
    • sob /soːb/ pron. anyone
    • sobo /ˈsɒboː/ v. develop
    • sobod /ˈsɒboːd/ adv. home
    • sobopo /sɒˈboːpɒ/ nm. development
    • sod /sɒd/ v. roast
    • sogo /ˈsɒgɒ/ nn. fowl
    • sohad /ˈsɒhəd/ nm. gold
    • sohadada /sɒhəˈdædə/ adj. golden
    • soi /sɔɪ/ nm. hag (old woman)
    • somo /ˈsɔːmɔ/ nm. flag
    • sori /ˈsɒɹɪ/ nf. tax
    • soso /sɒˈsɔ/ nm. horizon
    • sothu /ˈsɒθʌ/ nf. rubbish
    • sovo /ˈsɒvɒ/ adv. quite
    • sozid /sɒˈzɪd/ nm. screw
    • spau /spaʊ/ nf. success
    • spauda /spaʊˈdæ/ nm. tin
    • spauda /spaʊˈdə/ adj. successful
    • spei /speɪ/ v. feel
    • speigoi /speɪˈgɔɪ/ nf. grandfather
    • speik /speɪk/ nf. hour, time
    • speipo /ˈspeɪpɒ/ nf. feeling
    • spi /spi/ adj. main
    • spik /spik/ det. less
    • spu /spʌ/ n4. parent
    • spufo /spʌˈfɔ/ nf. measure
    • spuhau /ˈspʌhəʊ/ v. hiss
    • spuschek /ˈspʌstʃɛːk/ adj. tight
    • sputhak /ˈspʌðæk/ nf. scissors
    • sto /stoː/ nf. effort
    • stu /stu/ nf. student
    • su /su/ adj. warm
    • su /sʌ/ nf. soil
    • sudo /suˈdɒ/ nf. girl
    • sue /ˈsʌɛ/ nf. throat
    • sume /suˈmɛ/ nm. sister
    • sumo /sʌˈmɔ/ v. edit
    • sur /sɜː/ nm. program
    • surdz /sɜːdz/ v. waste
    • suse /ˈsusɛ/ nm. forehead
    • suth /sʌθ/ nm. dragon
    • suzaith /ˈsʌzaɪθ/ nn. breeze
    • ta /tɑː/ adj. sick, unwell
    • ta /tə/ v. sign
    • taga /tæˈgə/ prep. onto
    • tago /tæˈgɔ/ adv. around
    • tahe /tæˈhɛ/ v. open
    • tahepo /ˈtæhɛpɒ/ nf. opening
    • taibaum /taɪˈbaʊm/ adv. so
    • taim /taɪm/ nf. past
    • taivom /ˈtaɪvɒm/ nn. one
    • takst /tɑːkst/ nn. shoe
    • taku /ˈtækʌ/ nf. radius
    • tal /təl/ nn. fog
    • tas /tɑːs/ nm. sickness, disease
    • tau /taʊ/ nm. tooth
    • taul /təʊl/ v. choose
    • taulpo /ˈtəʊlpɒ/ nm. choice
    • taumel /ˈtəʊmɛl/ nn. scale
    • tauste /ˈtəʊstɛ/ nm. nail
    • tautsa /ˈtəʊtsæ/ adj. cute
    • tawel /ˈtəwɛl/ nn. region
    • te /tɛ/ v. change
    • te /tɛː/ nm. fact
    • tel /tɛl/ nm. mother
    • temo /ˈtɛːmɔ/ v. create
    • tevo /ˈtɛːvɔ/ v. come
    • tewe /ˈtɛwɛː/ nm. crown
    • tha /ðæ/ v. steal
    • tha /ðɑː/ nm. elastic
    • tha /ðə/ nm. problem
    • tha /θə/ nn. rice
    • thaa /θəˈæ/ v. ring
    • thai /ðaɪ/ adv. close
    • thaiki /ˈðaɪkɪ/ nf. insect
    • thaim /ðaɪm/ adj. right (direction)
    • thait /ðaɪt/ v. take out
    • thaivot /ˈðaɪvɒt/ nn. ancestor, forefather
    • thaladoz /ðəˈlædɒz/ nm. term
    • thalu /ˈðɑːluː/ v. calculate
    • tham /ðæm/ nn. thief
    • thangglodaz /ðəŋˈglɒdæz/ adj. round
    • thanz /ðənz/ n4. prison
    • thanzam /ˈðənzæm/ nm. prisoner
    • thao /ðæˈɒ/ nf. country
    • thasosop /ðəsɔˈsɔp/ nn. glass
    • thathizi /ˈðəðiːzɪ/ nm. credit
    • thatil /ðəˈtɪl/ nm. axe
    • thato /ˈðətoː/ nf. fruit
    • thatuntria /ðəˈtʌntɹiə/ nn. spring
    • thau /ðaʊ/ nm. quality
    • thau /ðəʊ/ v. reveal
    • thaugo /ðəʊˈgɒ/ v. learn
    • thaukau /ˈðəʊkaʊ/ nn. sign
    • thaukauz /ˈðəʊkaʊz/ v. arrest
    • thaukua /ˈðaʊkʊə/ n4. price
    • thaulawalar /θəʊˈlæwəlæɹ/ v. include
    • thaum /ðaʊm/ adj. smooth
    • thausotia /ˈðəʊsɔtiə/ v. prove
    • thausotiapo /ðəʊˈsɔtiəpɒ/ nn. proof
    • thauvaz /ðəʊˈvæz/ adv. however
    • thauwe /ðaʊˈwɛ/ nm. glasses
    • thav /ðæv/ nn. sap
    • thavo /ˈðəvɔ/ adj. general
    • the /ðɛ/ conj. whether
    • the /ðɛː/ nm. center
    • the /θɛ/ nm. psychology
    • thebu /ˈðɛːbuː/ adj. homosexual
    • thei /ðeɪ/ adv. over
    • theim /ðeɪm/ nm. lower class
    • theithuam /ðeɪˈθʊəm/ nf. uncle
    • theki /ˈðɛki/ nm. rake
    • thela /ðɛˈlæ/ nn. tower
    • theld /ðɛld/ prep. than
    • thelmodosash /ˈθɛːlmɒdɒsəʃ/ nf. dust
    • thelwopo /ðɛːlˈwɒpoː/ v. stay, remain
    • them /θɛm/ n4. psychologist
    • themo /θɛˈmɔ/ nn. brother
    • thenduzuasau /ˈθɛndʌzʊəsəʊ/ v. damage
    • thentri /ˈðɛntɹi/ nm. greed
    • thentrida /ˈðɛntɹidə/ adj. greedy
    • thepothiaschursh /θɛpoːˈðiəstʃɜːʃ/ nn. clock
    • thesh /θɛʃ/ nf. peace
    • theth /ðɛð/ nn. air
    • theth /θɛːθ/ nm. bench
    • theti /ðɛˈtɪ/ nm. plot
    • thetualavosh /θɛtʊəˈlævɒʃ/ nf. castle
    • thi /ði/ pron. each
    • thi /ðɪ/ nf. baby
    • thi /θɪ/ v. think
    • thia /ðiə/ adv. behind
    • thiae /ðˈiəɛː/ adv. probably
    • thiai /ˈðiəɪ/ nm. coin
    • thiaku /ˈðiəkʌ/ adv. in
    • thiapu /ðiəˈpuː/ v. recognize
    • thiapupo /ðiəpuːˈpɒ/ n5. recognition
    • thiat /ðiət/ adj. good, hot (attractive)
    • thibaus /ˈðɪbaʊs/ nn. flour
    • thibiabas /ðɪˈbiəbæs/ nf. chemical
    • thida /ˈðɪdɑː/ v. miss (long for)
    • thigi /θɪˈgɪ/ adj. pensive
    • thigoth /ðɪˈgɔð/ adv. little
    • thihe /ˈðɪhɛ/ nm. north
    • thiho /ˈðɪhɔː/ interj. no
    • thiki /ˈθɪki/ v. will
    • thikia /ˈðɪkiə/ adj. silent
    • thikias /ˈðɪkiəs/ nm. silence
    • thiku /ðɪˈkʌ/ nm. bean
    • thime /ˈðiːmɛː/ nn. niece
    • thimsi /ˈθɪmsɪ/ v. drive
    • thimsim /θɪmˈsɪm/ nf. driver
    • thimurt /ðiˈmɜːt/ interj.. hello
    • thipa /ˈðɪpɑː/ nn. hammer
    • thipo /θɪˈpɒ/ nm. thought
    • this /ðɪs/ nf. phone
    • thith /ðɪð/ adj. red
    • thitha /ˈðɪðæ/ nf. note
    • thithat /ˈðiðæt/ adj. subtle
    • thithats /ˈðiðæts/ nn. subtlety
    • thitiath /ˈðɪtiəð/ nm. site
    • thiwa /ˈðɪwə/ nm. market
    • thiwelvz /ˈðɪwɛlvz/ adj. married
    • tho /ðɒ/ prep. of
    • tho /ðɔ/ conj. that
    • tho /ðɔː/ nn. clothes, clothing
    • thoda /ˈðɒdæ/ v. describe
    • thodapo /ðɒˈdæpɒ/ nf. description
    • thofo /ðɒˈfɔ/ v. perform
    • thofro /ˈðɒfɹɔː/ nn. sense
    • thogongglago /θɔːgɒŋglɑːˈgɔ/ v. avoid
    • thoi /θɔɪ/ v. shock
    • thoint /ðɔɪnt/ adj. ancient
    • thoisor /ˈθɔɪsɔɹ/ nm. blasphemy
    • thoithia /ˈðɔɪðiə/ nm. section
    • thoiz /ðɔɪz/ pron. nothing
    • thoku /ðɒˈkʌ/ nm. cake
    • thol /ðɒl/ nm. table
    • thol /ðɔːl/ adj. open
    • thola /ˈðɒlæ/ adj. cool (fashionable)
    • thond /ðɒnd/ nf. soap
    • thore /ˈðɔɹɛː/ nm. bucket
    • those /ˈðɒsɛ/ v. agree
    • thosepo /ˈðɒsɛpɒ/ nm. agreement
    • thothand /ˈðɒðænd/ nm. moss
    • thothiz /ˈðɒθɪz/ pron. anything
    • thothuan /ðɒˈθʊən/ nn. mud, swamp
    • thothun /ˈðɒθʌn/ v. debate
    • thotwazuzia /θɔːtwæˈzʌzɪə/ v. sleep; nf. sleep
    • thowazia /ðɒˈwəzɪə/ v. kidnap
    • thoz /ðɒz/ v. treat
    • thozipo /ðɒˈzɪpɒ/ nn. treatment
    • thringglaziwauth /θɹɪŋglɑːˈzɪwəʊθ/ nm. cotton
    • thru /θɹʌ/ conj. until
    • thruahur /ˈθɹʊəhɜː/ v. be (condition, state), be (located)
    • thrubla /ˈθɹʌblæ/ nn. challenge
    • thrugoth /ˈθɹʌgɔθ/ v. grow
    • thrugothipo /θɹʌgɔθɪˈpɒ/ nm. growth
    • thrukiiaki /θɹʌkɪˈiəki/ nf. style
    • thruponiago /θɹʌpɒnɪəˈgɔ/ v. stab
    • thruth /θɹʌθ/ nm. line
    • thrutu /θɹʌˈtʌ/ v. burn
    • thruvotuvoth /ˈθɹʌvɔtʌvɒθ/ nm. goat
    • thruzipago /θɹʌzɪˈpɑːgɔː/ nm. muscle
    • thu /ðu/ v. hunt; nm. hunt
    • thu /ðʌ/ nf. city
    • thua /ðʊə/ adj. right (correct)
    • thuago /ðʊəˈgɒ/ nm. vegetable
    • thuagoe /ðʊəgɒˈɛː/ n5. grocer
    • thubla /ˈðublæ/ v. maintain
    • thuda /ðʌˈdə/ adj. urban
    • thukiwi /ðʌˈkɪwɪ/ v. wake up
    • thuku /ˈðukʌ/ v. wonder
    • thulmost /ðʌlˈmɒst/ v. prepare
    • thulmostipo /ˈðʌlmɒstɪpɒ/ nn. preparation
    • thulro /ðʌlˈɹɒ/ nf. farm
    • thulrom /ðʌlˈɹɒm/ nf. farmer
    • thum /ðum/ nn. hunter
    • thum /ðʌm/ v. seek
    • thumd /ðumd/ adj. last (previous)
    • thumem /ˈðʌmɛm/ nf. foot
    • thumi /ˈðumɪ/ det. such
    • thumi /ˈðʌmɪ/ v. vomit
    • thumurmz /ˈðumɜːmz/ adj. hot
    • thumurmzias /ðuˈmɜːmziəs/ nf. heat
    • thupam /ˈðʌpæm/ adj. empty
    • thur /ðɜː/ pron. everything
    • thura /ðʌˈɹə/ v. drain; nf. drain
    • thurgo /ˈðɜːgɔ/ nm. fan
    • thurkitaip /ðɜːˈkɪtaɪp/ adj. sweet
    • thurlf /ðɜːlf/ v. lead
    • thurmsith /ðɜːmˈsɪð/ v. ring
    • thurth /θɜːθ/ nf. god
    • thurthada /θɜːˈθædə/ adj. divine
    • thurthi /ðɜːˈði/ v. discover
    • thurthipo /ˈðɜːðipɒ/ nm. discovery
    • thus /ðʌs/ v. appear
    • thuskt /ðʌskt/ nf. heart
    • thust /ðʌst/ nf. cloth
    • thuth /ðʌð/ prep. with
    • thutu /ðuˈtʌ/ nf. nature
    • thutuda /ðuˈtʌdə/ adj. natural
    • thuv /ðuːv/ v. grind
    • thuvo /ðuˈvɒ/ v. spit; nn. spit
    • thuvoth /ˈðʌvɒð/ nf. arrow
    • thuwur /ˈðʌwɜː/ nm. arm
    • ti /ti/ adv. about
    • tiam /tiəm/ nm. reason
    • tiamo /ˈtiəmɔː/ adj. little
    • tigo /ˈtigɔ/ v. name
    • tikim /tɪˈkɪm/ v. believe
    • tikimipo /tɪkɪˈmɪpɒ/ nm. belief
    • tikolt /ˈtɪkoːlt/ nn. chair
    • tilt /tɪlt/ det. all; adv. all
    • tipo /ˈtɪpɒ/ pron. who
    • tiso /ˈtɪsɔ/ adj. particular
    • tithalp /ˈtɪðælp/ adv. back
    • tiva /ˈtɪvæ/ nf. tray
    • to /tɒ/ adv. long
    • to /tɔː/ nn. engine
    • toil /tɔɪl/ v. sit
    • tol /tɒl/ nm. town, population
    • topa /tɒˈpæ/ adv. certainly
    • toso /ˈtɔsɒ/ nm. distance
    • tosoda /tɔˈsɒdə/ adj. distant
    • tosol /tɒˈsɔl/ adj. sudden
    • tosolabo /tɒˈsɔlæbɒ/ adv. suddenly
    • totha /ˈtɔðæ/ adj. violent
    • tothas /tɔˈðæs/ nm. violence
    • totu /tɒˈtʌ/ det. each
    • tru /tɹu/ nf. ice
    • trufrom /tɹufˈɹɔːm/ adj. stupid
    • trugo /tɹuˈgɒ/ nf. receipt
    • trum /tɹum/ adj. high
    • trumi /ˈtɹumɪ/ nf. frame
    • trumz /tɹumz/ v. fly
    • trumzipo /ˈtɹumzɪpɒ/ nf. flight
    • truthiamd /tɹuˈðiəmd/ nm. mint
    • trutu /ˈtɹuːtʌ/ adj. cool (slightly cold)
    • tu /tʌ/ v. give
    • tua /tʊə/ v. complicate
    • tuazim /ˈtʊəzɪm/ v. point
    • tulak /ˈtulæk/ v. like
    • tum /tʌm/ nm. shirt
    • tumur /ˈtumɜː/ adj. best
    • tuo /ˈtʌoː/ nf. tree
    • tur /tɜː/ nn. energy
    • turmelf /tɜːˈmɛlf/ v. require
    • turvo /tɜːˈvɒ/ nn. planet
    • tuzik /tuˈzɪk/ v. throw
    • u /u/ adv. now
    • u /uː/ nm. land, earth
    • u /ʌ/ adj. other
    • uau /ˈʌaʊ/ v. pass
    • ua /ʊə/ v. run
    • uacha /ˈʊətʃæ/ nf. salt
    • uaku /ʊəˈkʌ/ nf. box
    • uam /ʊəm/ n4. runner
    • uamomsiku /ʊəmɔmˈsɪkʌ/ num. hundred
    • uanlus /ˈʊənlʌs/ v. fuck, screw
    • uasosath /ʊəˈsɔsəθ/ v. respond
    • uasosathipo /ʊəsɔsəˈθɪpɒ/ nm. response
    • ub /ub/ pron. everybody
    • uch /utʃ/ v. consider
    • uda /ˈʌdæ/ adj. simple
    • udabo /ʌˈdæbɒ/ adv. simply
    • udaso /udæˈsɒ/ v. elect
    • udasopo /udæˈsɒpɒ/ nn. election
    • udo /ˈʌdɔ/ v. see
    • ufo /ˈufɔ/ v. force
    • ug /ug/ n4. thread
    • ugo /uˈgɒ/ num. eight
    • ugo /ˈʌgɒ/ nm. balcony
    • uiangz /uˈiəŋz/ nm. rib
    • ui /uɪundefiˈned/ nm. man
    • uk /ʌk/ adv. off
    • uki /ˈuːkiː/ nf. bitch
    • ukia /ˈukiə/ nn. theory
    • ukib /ˈuːkɪb/ v. massage; nf. massage
    • ukisorau /ʌkiˈsɔːɹəʊ/ adj. dead
    • uks /uːks/ nm. sneeze; nm. sneeze
    • ulaks /ˈuːlæks/ v. lean
    • ulrovats /ulɹɔˈvæts/ prep. off
    • um /ʌm/ v. teach
    • umd /umd/ nm. waist
    • ume /ˈumɛː/ n4. wind
    • umev /uˈmɛv/ v. kick; nf. kick
    • umi /ˈumɪ/ noun. motherfucker
    • umsich /ˈumsɪtʃ/ adv. just
    • umz /umz/ det. whose
    • ung /uŋ/ nf. police
    • ung /ʌŋ/ nn. carpet
    • ungz /uŋz/ nn. hand
    • unsau /ˈunsaʊ/ v. win
    • unsauhw /ˈʌnsaʊhw/ nm. cell
    • untreiniado /ˈʌntɹeɪnɪədɒ/ adj. fake
    • uo /ʌˈɔː/ nm. activity
    • uo /ʌɔundeˈfined/ nm. process
    • upigopa /ʌˈpiːgɔpæ/ nm. knife
    • ur /ɜː/ adv. on
    • urlf /ɜːlf/ v. hide
    • urpa /ˈɜːpæ/ nm. seed, grain
    • urridz /ɜːˈɹɪdz/ adj. popular
    • ursoth /ˈɜːsɒð/ nm. detail
    • urth /ɜːð/ nf. bar (pub)
    • urtu /ɜːˈtʌ/ conj. so
    • urvadz /ˈɜːvædz/ nm. shame
    • useth /ʌˈsɛθ/ v. stamp
    • uskt /ʌskt/ nm. minute
    • ut /ʌt/ v. hold
    • utaustendruts /utaʊsˈtɛndɹʌts/ prep. near
    • uth /ʌð/ v. sell
    • uth /ʌθ/ v. wash
    • utha /uˈðæ/ v. copy
    • uthach /uˈðætʃ/ nm. horse
    • uthache /uˈðætʃɛː/ nm. stable
    • utham /ʌˈðæm/ n4. vendor
    • utheinlu /uˈðeɪnlʌ/ adv. even
    • uthuk /ˈuθʌk/ adj. happy
    • uthuks /uˈθʌks/ nm. happiness
    • uti /ˈutɪ/ v. sink
    • uvo /uˈvɔ/ nn. verse
    • uwa /ˈʌwə/ v. count
    • uzaionua /ʌzˈaɪɒnʊə/ prep. against
    • uzi /ʌˈzɪ/ nn. beast
    • uzimi /uˈzɪmɪ/ adv. where
    • uzizaimi /ˈuːzɪzaɪmɪ/ adj. purple
    • uznau /ˈuznaʊ/ v. read
    • va /væ/ adj. wet
    • va /və/ n5. place
    • vaga /ˈvəgə/ nm. pain
    • vagada /vəˈgədə/ adj. painful
    • vago /vəˈgɒ/ v. brake
    • vai /vaɪ/ nm. brass
    • vaigo /ˈvaɪgɔ/ nf. flame
    • vaime /ˈvaɪmɛː/ nm. stage
    • vaing /vaɪŋ/ adj. tired
    • vamau /ˈvæməʊ/ nm. paint; v. paint
    • vamaum /ˈvæməʊm/ nf. painter
    • vamaupo /væˈməʊpɒ/ n4. painting
    • vamo /vəˈmɔ/ adj. only
    • vamo /ˈvəmɔː/ nm. milk
    • vamthi /ˈvəmθɪ/ nm. agency
    • vapo /ˈvəpoː/ nf. career
    • vatau /ˈvætaʊ/ nm. spear
    • vathor /ˈvəðoːɹ/ nm. map, menu
    • vathuag /ˈvɑːθʊəg/ det. much
    • vatsar /ˈvətsæɹ/ nf. stuff
    • vau /vaʊ/ adj. available
    • vau /vəʊ/ nn. morning
    • vaugi /ˈvəʊgɪ/ adj. early
    • vauki /vəʊˈkɪ/ v. twist
    • vaume /ˈvaʊmɛ/ adj. blank
    • vaung /vaʊŋ/ v. dance
    • vaungam /ˈvaʊŋæm/ nn. dancer
    • vauvoz /ˈvəʊvɒz/ nm. resource
    • vauz /vəʊz/ nn. circle
    • vaz /vəz/ adj. angry
    • vazias /vəˈziəs/ nf. anger
    • ve /vɛ/ nm. boyfriend
    • ve /vɛː/ v. indicate
    • veftoith /vɛːfˈtɔɪð/ v. sew
    • veiheng /ˈveɪhɛŋ/ v. destroy
    • veihengipo /veɪhɛˈŋɪpɒ/ nm. destruction
    • veit /veɪt/ nf. moon
    • vep /vɛːp/ adj. gentle
    • vese /vɛˈsɛ/ v. help; nf. help
    • vesh /vɛʃ/ v. react
    • vi /vi/ adj. social
    • vi /viː/ nn. member
    • vi /vɪ/ adv. there
    • via /viə/ adj. flat
    • viameng /viəˈmɛːŋ/ nn. row
    • vido /ˈvidɔ/ nm. sound
    • vie /ˈvɪɛ/ nm. gun
    • vigo /ˈvɪgɔ/ nn. sin
    • vigoth /ˈvɪgɒð/ nm. doctor
    • viha /ˈvɪhə/ n4. kettle
    • vikong /ˈvikoːŋ/ nm. century
    • viku /ˈviku/ nf. buttocks
    • vilwo /ˈvɪlwɒ/ nn. question; v. question
    • ving /viŋ/ nf. gate
    • vintau /ˈvɪntaʊ/ v. fight; nm. fight
    • vipath /ˈvɪpæð/ nf. answer
    • vis /vɪs/ adv. perhaps
    • visath /ˈvɪsəð/ adj. able
    • visathipo /vɪsəðɪˈpɒ/ nn. ability
    • viso /vɪˈsɒ/ nf. spirit
    • viso /ˈvɪsɔ/ num. ten
    • visoth /vɪˈsɔð/ nm. collar
    • vit /vit/ adv. later
    • vitau /vɪˈtaʊ/ v. ask
    • vith /vɪð/ nf. trial
    • vith /vɪθ/ nn. plant
    • vithua /ˈvɪθʊə/ adj. steep
    • vithuth /vɪˈθʌθ/ nm. skill
    • vithuthada /vɪθʌθæˈdə/ adj. skilled
    • viti /vɪˈtɪ/ v. let, allow
    • vitiath /ˈvɪtiəð/ nm. cart
    • vitupt /ˈvɪtuːpt/ nn. unit
    • viwith /ˈvɪwɪð/ nf. character
    • vizai /ˈvizaɪ/ v. defecate
    • vo /voː/ nf. interview
    • vo /vɒ/ nm. ear
    • vo /vɔ/ adj. beautiful
    • vo /vɔː/ v. rent
    • vobla /vɒˈblæ/ nf. bag
    • vofro /ˈvɔfɹɔː/ nm. environment
    • vog /vɒg/ v. forget
    • vogogi /vɒˈgɒgɪ/ adj. forgetful
    • voi /vɔɪ/ v. pray
    • voir /vɔɪɹ/ nm. example
    • voiznau /vɔɪzˈnaʊ/ nf. wood
    • vola /vɔˈlæ/ adj. normal
    • vor /vɔɹ/ adj. specific
    • vos /vɔs/ nm. beauty
    • votha /ˈvɒðæ/ nm. siege
    • vothi /ˈvɒðiː/ n5. nostril
    • votho /ˈvɒðoː/ nm. acid
    • votivd /ˈvɒtɪvd/ n4. use
    • vots /voːts/ nm. aunt
    • votwaz /vɒˈtwæz/ adj. sharp
    • vovoz /ˈvɒvɒz/ det. few
    • vowe /ˈvɒwɛ/ v. cause
    • vower /ˈvɔwɛɹ/ v. drift
    • voz /vɒz/ v. base
    • voz /vɔːz/ nn. ship
    • vozir /vɔːˈzɪɹ/ v. wave (salutation); nf. wave (salutation)
    • vozuz /ˈvɒzʌz/ prep. inside
    • vu /vu/ adv. both
    • vu /vʌ/ v. show
    • vua /vʊə/ v. fund; nn. fund
    • vuanua /ˈvʊənʊə/ nn. matter
    • vuao /vˈʊəoː/ adj. bad
    • vuazis /ˈvʊəzɪs/ num. third
    • vuba /vuˈbæ/ nn. bottle
    • vudo /ˈvudɒ/ v. cough; n4. cough
    • vufto /ˈvuftɔː/ prep. such
    • vug /vug/ adj. huge
    • vugot /vʌˈgɒt/ nm. piece
    • vuki /ˈvuːkɪ/ adv. pretty
    • vukung /ˈvʌkuːŋ/ adj. quiet
    • vumo /vuˈmɔː/ nn. arch
    • vung /vuŋ/ v. erase
    • vung /vʌŋ/ v. display
    • vungz /vuŋz/ nf. strap
    • vupo /ˈvupɒ/ nm. woman, wife
    • vur /vɜː/ v. involve
    • vurme /vɜːˈmɛ/ nn. head
    • vurth /vɜːð/ n5. building
    • vurth /vɜːθ/ nm. field, plain
    • vurur /ˈvʌɹɜː/ prep. to
    • vurwe /ˈvɜːwɛː/ nn. space (outer)
    • vusau /ˈvusəʊ/ nn. cure
    • vuskt /vʌskt/ nm. silk
    • vuth /vʌð/ nm. meal
    • vutua /vuˈtʊə/ v. live
    • vuv /vuːv/ nm. body
    • vuvo /vʌˈvɒ/ pron. other
    • vuvo /ˈvuvɔ/ v. punish
    • vuvongk /ˈvuvɔŋk/ n4. concern
    • vuwe /vʌˈwɛ/ v. spell
    • vuwepo /vʌˈwɛpɒ/ nn. spelling
    • wa /wɑː/ adv. up
    • wa /wə/ adj. young
    • wad /wɑːd/ v. form
    • wai /waɪ/ nf. torch
    • waib /waɪb/ v. continue
    • wairi /ˈwaɪɹɪ/ v. know
    • wairipo /waɪˈɹɪpɒ/ nm. knowledge
    • waiso /waɪˈsɔː/ v. abuse
    • waisob /ˈwaɪsɔb/ nf. right
    • wakiad /wɑːˈkɪəd/ prep. around
    • wakst /wɑːkst/ nm. risk
    • wakstada /wɑːkstæˈdə/ adj. risky, dangerous
    • was /wəs/ nm. youth
    • wau /waʊ/ prep. by
    • waub /waʊb/ nm. spell (of magic)
    • waud /wəʊd/ nm. egg
    • wauk /waʊk/ v. whistle
    • waunsauk /ˈwaʊnsaʊk/ conj. but
    • wausted /ˈwəʊstɛd/ v. clean; adj. clean
    • we /wɛː/ nm. coat
    • wed /wɛd/ prep. since
    • weikib /ˈweɪkɪb/ nf. idiot
    • weikibada /weɪˈkɪbædə/ adj. idiotic
    • welud /wɛˈluːd/ adj. stubborn
    • wetha /wɛˈðæ/ adv. too
    • wi /wi/ v. moan; nm. moan
    • wi /wɪ/ conj. while
    • wia /ˈwiə/ conj. before
    • wiab /wiəb/ nn. chest
    • wiak /wiək/ prep. during
    • wiarek /ˈwiəɹɛk/ adj. entire
    • wibau /ˈwɪbaʊ/ nm. lot
    • widoj /ˈwɪdɔdʒ/ nm. costume
    • widz /wɪdz/ nm. page
    • wie /ˈwɪɛ/ v. balance
    • wif /wɪf/ v. request
    • wij /wɪdʒ/ prep. out
    • wik /wik/ v. fill
    • wik /wiːk/ nm. advice
    • wito /ˈwitoː/ nm. glue
    • wivob /ˈwivɔb/ pron. one
    • wo /wɒ/ v. behave (well)
    • wo /wɔ/ adj. new
    • wo /wɔː/ pron. everyone
    • wobad /ˈwɒbæd/ nn. cheese
    • wod /wɒd/ v. hint; nn. hint
    • wod /wɔd/ adj. thin (of an object), slim (of a person)
    • woid /wɔɪd/ nm. street
    • woikid /ˈwɔɪkid/ v. produce
    • woikidipo /wɔɪkidɪˈpɒ/ nm. product
    • wol /wɒl/ adj. great
    • wola /woːˈlæ/ nf. battle; v. battle
    • womo /ˈwɒmɔ/ nm. tire
    • wotha /ˈwɒðæ/ nf. train
    • wothapo /wɒˈðæpɒ/ nm. training
    • wothid /ˈwɒθɪd/ adv. either
    • wova /ˈwɔvɑː/ nm. excuse
    • wowe /ˈwɒwɛ/ adv. together
    • wu /wu/ v. care
    • wu /wʌ/ nn. health
    • wuak /ˈwʌæk/ n5. trade
    • wua /wʊə/ nm. summer
    • wuai /wˈʊəɪ/ adj. similar
    • wub /wub/ adj. pretty
    • wuda /ˈwʌdə/ adj. healthy
    • wudob /ˈwudɒb/ nn. bird, penis
    • wugi /ˈwugɪ/ adj. careful
    • wugo /ˈwuːgɔ/ nm. project
    • wugoi /wʌˈgɔɪ/ nn. rank (military)
    • wugok /ˈwʌgɔk/ nf. rest
    • wuk /wuk/ v. be (located)
    • wuk /wʌk/ adv. most
    • wuki /ˈwukɪ/ nm. apple
    • wuko /ˈwukoː/ v. confess
    • wula /wuˈlæ/ v. attack; nm. attack
    • wur /wɜː/ adv. enough
    • wurdz /wɜːdz/ nn. dish, plate
    • wure /wuˈɹɛ/ v. sail
    • wureb /ˈwuɹɛb/ nf. fashion
    • wurebada /wuɹɛˈbædə/ adj. fashionable
    • wurem /ˈwuɹɛm/ nn. sailor
    • wurso /wɜːˈsɔ/ nm. irony
    • wursoda /wɜːˈsɔdə/ adj. ironic
    • wurwa /wɜːˈwə/ n4. cloud
    • wusok /ˈwusɔk/ nm. bath
    • wusok /ˈwʌsɒk/ v. study
    • wutai /ˈwuːtaɪ/ v. could
    • wuth /wʌθ/ adv. ago
    • wuthu /ˈwʌθʌ/ nm. flesh
    • wuwo /ˈwʌwɔː/ v. divide
    • wuwopo /wʌˈwɔːpɒ/ nm. division
    • ya /jæ/ nf. stock
    • ya /jə/ adv. down
    • yab /jæb/ v. would
    • yad /jɑːd/ nn. manager
    • yado /jɑːˈdɒ/ adj. current
    • yag /jæg/ v. embrace
    • yag /jɑːg/ conj. where
    • yai /jaɪ/ nf. eye, eyeball
    • yaibla /ˈjaɪblæ/ adv. tonight
    • yaisab /ˈjaɪsəb/ v. reflect
    • yaisabipo /jaɪsəˈbɪpɒ/ nf. reflection
    • yaiso /ˈjaɪsɒ/ nf. wife
    • yaiso /ˈjaɪsɔ/ nf. accent
    • yaki /jɑːˈkɪ/ nm. mail
    • yala /ˈjəlæ/ nf. coal
    • yasod /ˈjəsɔd/ v. drown
    • yatha /ˈjəðæ/ n5. door
    • yatiaz /jəˈtiəz/ v. be (age)
    • yatsad /ˈjɑːtsæd/ nf. interest
    • yatu /ˈjətʌ/ adj. cold
    • yatwa /jəˈtwæ/ nf. effect
    • yatwab /ˈjætwæb/ v. drink
    • yau /jaʊ/ n4. family
    • yaucha /jaʊtˈʃæ/ v. control
    • yaz /jəz/ v. draw
    • ye /jɛ/ nm. story, history
    • yedod /ˈjɛːdɒd/ det. enough
    • yegod /jɛːˈgɔd/ nm. grass
    • yehi /ˈjɛhɪ/ v. seem
    • yei /jeɪ/ v. wait
    • yeib /jeɪb/ adj. foreign
    • yeibam /ˈjeɪbæm/ nm. foreigner
    • yekid /ˈjɛkɪd/ adj. whole
    • yekosh /ˈjɛkoːʃ/ nm. adult
    • yepo /jɛˈpɒ/ prep. rather
    • yesh /jɛʃ/ det. little
    • yeti /ˈjɛtɪ/ adj. confident
    • yetis /ˈjɛtɪs/ nn. condifence
    • yi /ji/ v. remember
    • yi /jɪ/ n5. pubic hair
    • yia /jiə/ nm. prey
    • yiab /jiəb/ nm. net
    • yiaft /jɪəft/ nm. opinion
    • yiasa /jiəˈsə/ nm. slope
    • yib /jib/ adj. straight
    • yibiath /ˈjɪbiəð/ adj. anxious
    • yibiathias /jɪˈbiəðiəs/ nn. anxiety
    • yibo /jiːˈboː/ v. polish
    • yif /jɪf/ pron. themselves
    • yihe /ˈjɪhɛ/ interj.. welcome
    • yikiath /ˈjɪkiəð/ v. jerk
    • yime /jɪˈmɛ/ adj. single
    • ying /jiŋ/ n4. cup
    • yipa /ˈjɪpæ/ adj. low
    • yipath /ˈjɪpæθ/ v. enter
    • yipo /ˈjipɒ/ nm. memory
    • yire /ˈjiːɹɛ/ adv. maybe
    • yith /jɪð/ nf. rail
    • yith /jɪθ/ nf. loop
    • yithia /ˈjiːðiə/ nf. boss
    • yiti /jɪˈtɪ/ nm. knot
    • yiti /ˈjɪtɪ/ nn. potion
    • yiwau /ˈjɪwəʊ/ nm. belt
    • yiwij /ˈjɪwɪdʒ/ nm. chance
    • yizi /ˈjɪzɪ/ nf. lens
    • yo /jɒ/ nm. office
    • yo /jɔ/ nf. crack; v. crack
    • yo /jɔː/ v. keep
    • yoai /ˈjɒaɪ/ nm. boat
    • yocha /jɔːtˈʃæ/ v. get
    • yod /jɒd/ nm. louse
    • yod /jɔd/ v. carry
    • yod /jɔːd/ v. lose
    • yodipo /ˈjɔːdɪpɒ/ nf. loss
    • yodo /ˈjɒdɒ/ n5. son
    • yodog /ˈjɒdɔg/ nn. compliment; v. compliment
    • yogo /ˈjɒgɒ/ nf. trousers, pants
    • yoindu /ˈjɔɪndʌ/ nf. front
    • yokig /ˈjɒkig/ n5. wealth
    • yokigada /jɒˈkigædə/ adj. rich, wealthy
    • yoku /ˈjɔːkʌ/ nn. thigh
    • yolag /ˈjɒlæg/ nf. condition
    • yomsi /ˈjɒmsɪ/ nn. meat
    • yong /joːŋ/ nm. coffee
    • yonge /joːˈŋɛː/ nf. cafe
    • yopab /joːˈpæb/ nm. eyelash
    • yor /jɒɹ/ n4. government
    • yor /jɔɹ/ nn. basket
    • yoram /ˈjɒɹæm/ nm. government official
    • yosau /ˈjɒsəʊ/ n5. cousin
    • yosog /jɒˈsɔg/ nm. bread
    • yotei /jɒˈteɪ/ v. ride
    • yothia /jɒˈðiə/ nm. picture
    • yotod /ˈjɒtoːd/ v. cry
    • yovog /jɒˈvɒg/ v. surprise
    • yoweg /jɒˈwɛg/ adj. fertile
    • yowegias /jɒˈwɛgiəs/ nm. fertility
    • yowur /jɒˈwɜː/ v. must
    • yu /ju/ nf. others
    • yu /juː/ v. fall
    • yu /jʌ/ adv. well
    • yua /jʊə/ nm. pen
    • yuaft /jʊəft/ adj. firm
    • yuamo /ˈjʊəmɔ/ nf. tomb
    • yuao /ˈjʊəɔ/ adj. likely
    • yuasau /jʊəˈsəʊ/ nm. blade
    • yug /juːg/ v. fix, mend
    • yumoith /ˈjʌmɔɪð/ adv. only
    • yumoith /ˈjʌmɔɪθ/ nm. light
    • yung /jʌŋ/ nf. skeleton
    • yungk /juŋk/ nm. month
    • yungz /juŋz/ det. own
    • yunua /jʌˈnʊə/ nn. silver, money
    • yupoth /jʌˈpoːð/ v. drop
    • yur /jɜː/ adv. already
    • yuring /jʌˈɹɪŋ/ nf. fear
    • yurtith /ˈjɜːtɪθ/ nm. linen
    • yuth /jʌð/ v. lie
    • yuti /ˈjʌtiː/ v. become
    • yutua /jʌˈtʊə/ v. freeze
    • yutuapo /jʌˈtʊəpɒ/ nm. frost
    • ʍa /ʍɑː/ adv. less
    • ʍa /ʍə/ nm. ditch
    • ʍaentreimi /ʍɑːɛnˈtɹeɪmɪ/ nm. boot
    • ʍagonsauwur /ʍɑːgɔːnˈsaʊwɜː/ n4. result
    • ʍaitho /ˈʍaɪðoː/ conj. if
    • ʍaitu /ˈʍaɪtʌ/ adv. once
    • ʍaki /ˈʍəkiː/ n5. nephew
    • ʍaplothami /ʍəplɒˈðæmɪ/ pron. somebody
    • ʍato /ˈʍətoː/ adj. weak
    • ʍauhe /ˈʍəʊhɛ/ nf. education
    • ʍauthong /ʍaʊˈðoːŋ/ nn. bank
    • ʍautu /ˈʍaʊtʌ/ v. rise
    • ʍaz /ʍəz/ adj. far
    • ʍei /ʍeɪ/ nn. armour
    • ʍeigong /ʍeɪˈgɔŋ/ nn. plane
    • ʍeipu /ˈʍeɪpu/ nn. erection
    • ʍetha /ʍɛˈðæ/ v. realize
    • ʍethu /ˈʍɛːðuː/ nm. bell
    • ʍetia /ˈʍɛːtiə/ nn. bark; v. bark
    • ʍetsaauhe /ʍɛːtsæˈaʊhɛː/ v. flood; nm. flood
    • ʍevo /ˈʍɛvɔ/ v. plan
    • ʍia /ʍiə/ adj. strong
    • ʍia /ʍɪə/ prep. under
    • ʍialmo /ˈʍɪəlmɒ/ nf. girlfriend
    • ʍias /ʍiəs/ nm. strength
    • ʍiathinlaiping /ˈʍiəθɪnlaɪpiːŋ/ nn. breast
    • ʍiavo /ˈʍiəvɔ/ v. reduce
    • ʍigoth /ʍɪˈgɒð/ adj. important
    • ʍimi /ˈʍɪmɪ/ nn. noise
    • ʍimosoznau /ˈʍɪmɔsɔznaʊ/ nm. evening
    • ʍing /ʍiːŋ/ nf. pin
    • ʍipoth /ˈʍɪpɒð/ v. crush, grind
    • ʍiso /ʍɪˈsɔ/ nn. couple
    • ʍith /ʍɪð/ nm. issue
    • ʍiwo /ʍɪˈwɔː/ n5. potato
    • ʍo /ʍɒ/ nm. language
    • ʍo /ʍɔ/ v. slip
    • ʍodowurki /ʍɒdɔˈwɜːkɪ/ nm. danger
    • ʍodowurkida /ʍɒdɔwɜːˈkɪdə/ adj. dangerous
    • ʍofolwovoz /ʍɒˈfɔlwɒvɔz/ adv. ever
    • ʍogo /ˈʍɒgɔ/ n5. way
    • ʍogothipa /ʍɒgɔˈθɪpæ/ nm. cigarette
    • ʍogoz /ˈʍɒgɔːz/ adj. poor
    • ʍoi /ʍɔɪ/ prep. per
    • ʍoku /ˈʍɒkʌ/ nf. expert
    • ʍomokitur /ʍɒmɔˈkɪtʌɹ/ v. promise
    • ʍomoz /ˈʍɒmɔz/ nm. liver
    • ʍore /ˈʍɒɹɛ/ adv. that
    • ʍosodati /ʍɒsɔˈdætɪ/ n4. bit
    • ʍotausopa /ʍɒˈtaʊsɔːpæ/ nf. message
    • ʍotiaz /ʍɔːˈtiəz/ n4. flavour
    • ʍotiazada /ʍɔːtiəˈzædə/ adj. rich, flavoursome
    • ʍotitugoz /ʍɒtituˈgɔz/ nm. shape
    • ʍotu /ˈʍɒtʌ/ nn. guide
    • ʍowez /ʍɔːˈwɛːz/ adj. military
    • ʍoz /ʍɒz/ v. lay
    • ʍoz /ʍɔz/ pron. someone
    • ʍozug /ʍɒˈzʌg/ nn. wire
    • ʍu /ʍu/ nf. crystal
    • ʍu /ʍʌ/ v. stand
    • ʍuatiamaumbith /ʍʊətiəˈməʊmbɪð/ nf. corpse, carcass
    • ʍubiatitu /ʍubiətɪˈtu/ nn. clay
    • ʍumau /ˈʍuməʊ/ v. return, go back
    • ʍumthi /ˈʍʌmθɪ/ nm. restaurant
    • ʍumthitipi /ʍumθɪˈtɪpiː/ nm. winter
    • ʍungk /ʍuŋk/ nn. look (appearance)
    • ʍunlai /ˈʍunlaɪ/ nf. feather
    • ʍunlai /ˈʍʌnlaɪ/ prep. after
    • ʍupaaplo /ʍʌpææˈplɒ/ nm. fence
    • ʍupo /ˈʍʌpɒ/ nf. source
    • ʍurewausche /ʍuːɹɛːwəʊsˈtʃɛː/ nn. toe
    • ʍurti /ˈʍɜːti/ nm. road
    • ʍuthi /ʍuˈθɪ/ adj. physical
    • ʍuthu /ˈʍuθʌ/ nf. weight
    • ʍuthuf /ʍuˈθʌf/ v. weigh
    • ʍutipigong /ʍʌtɪpiːˈgɔŋ/ nn. pressure
    • ʍutung /ʍʌˈtʌŋ/ nm. company
    • ʍutungaf /ʍʌˈtʌŋəf/ v. accompany
    • ʍutwang /ˈʍutwæŋ/ v. shine

      English - Yusoian

    • ability n. visathipo
    • able adj. visath
    • about prep. noiz adv. ti
    • above prep. keld
    • abuse v. waiso
    • accent n. yaiso
    • accept v. nyith
    • accompany v. ʍutungaf
    • according prep. rokt
    • acid n. votho
    • across prep. gulmob
    • act v. fum
    • action n. bria
    • activity n. uo
    • actually adv. bau
    • add v. smuatho
    • adjustment n. atwa
    • adult n. yekosh
    • advertisement n. lauthat
    • advice n. wik
    • affect v. puso
    • after conj. prudoth prep. ʍunlai
    • again adv. pog
    • against prep. uzaionua
    • age n. asomotia
    • agency n. vamthi
    • ago adv. wuth
    • agree v. those
    • agreement n. thosepo
    • air n. theth
    • alcohol n. neth
    • all det. tilt adv. tilt
    • allow v. viti
    • almost adv. bruhe
    • along prep. oz
    • alphabet n. rugo
    • already adv. yur
    • also adv. i
    • although conj. shesap
    • always adv. a
    • among prep. huti
    • amount n. hiathat
    • analyse v. shivo
    • analysis n. shivopo
    • ancestor n. thaivot
    • ancient adj. thoint
    • and conj. hit
    • anger n. vazias
    • angle n. sati
    • angry adj. vaz
    • animal n. ilt
    • another det. giavong
    • answer v. rosakuthau n. vipath
    • ant n. aukib
    • anxiety n. yibiathias
    • anxious adj. yibiath
    • any det. gaiblawe
    • anyone pron. sob
    • anything pron. thothiz
    • appear v. thus
    • apple n. wuki
    • apply v. hwoz
    • approach n. kitum
    • arch n. vumo
    • area n. shotheinch
    • argue v. bik
    • argument n. bikipo
    • arm n. thuwur
    • armour n. ʍei
    • armoury n. pore
    • army n. bruti
    • around adv. tago prep. wakiad
    • aroused (sexually) adj. gotitaur
    • arrest v. thaukauz
    • arrival n. lopo
    • arrive v. lo
    • arrow n. thuvoth
    • art n. buhw
    • article n. lu
    • artist n. buhwam
    • as conj. anggla adv. katu
    • ash n. letha
    • ask v. vitau
    • ass n. shisotulat
    • assassin n. auk
    • at prep. po
    • attack v. wula n. wula
    • attention n. ith
    • attractive adj. fei
    • aunt n. vots
    • author n. dyomektam
    • authority n. huso
    • available adj. vau
    • avoid v. thogongglago
    • away adv. gu prep. kuvom
    • awful adj. shiazua
    • axe n. thatil
    • baby n. thi
    • back adv. bopa, tithalp
    • back (of body) n. bopa
    • back (reverse side) n. bopa
    • bad adj. vuao
    • bag n. vobla
    • bake v. pru
    • balance v. wie
    • balcony n. ugo
    • ball n. bisof
    • band n. ba
    • bank n. ʍauthong
    • bar (pub) n. urth
    • bark n. ʍetia
    • bark v. ʍetia
    • bark (of tree) n. noz
    • base n. fyu v. voz
    • basket n. yor
    • bath n. wusok
    • battle n. wola v. wola
    • bay n. fuwemd
    • be (age) v. yatiaz
    • be (condition v. thruahur
    • be (exist - there is/are) v. bu
    • be (located) v. thruahur, wuk
    • be (temporary state) v. o
    • beak n. fe
    • bean n. thiku
    • beard n. prurth
    • beast n. uzi
    • beautiful adj. vo
    • beauty n. vos
    • because prep. gaku conj. kuk
    • become v. yuti
    • bed n. geikipong
    • bee n. iso
    • beer n. okt
    • before adv. ku prep. ple conj. wia
    • begin v. pu
    • behave (act) v. limo
    • behave (well) v. wo
    • behaviour n. limopo
    • behind adv. thia
    • belief n. tikimipo
    • believe v. tikim
    • bell n. ʍethu
    • belly (stomach area) n. huts
    • belt n. yiwau
    • bench n. theth
    • bend v. shots
    • benefit n. gua
    • berry n. sha
    • best adv. fum adj. tumur
    • better adj. awakst adv. gupo
    • between prep. shure
    • beyond prep. ia
    • big adj. gung
    • bill n. hwofro
    • billion num. gutikaub
    • bird n. wudob
    • birth n. poi
    • bit n. ʍosodati
    • bitch n. uki
    • bite v. bro
    • black adj. shivo
    • blade n. yuasau
    • blank adj. keila, vaume
    • blasphemy n. thoisor
    • blink v. filp n. filp
    • blood n. heit
    • bloody adj. heitada
    • blow v. onch
    • blue adj. ka
    • board n. hait
    • boat n. yoai
    • body n. vuv
    • boil v. fal
    • bone n. bisof
    • book n. novoz
    • boot n. ʍaentreimi
    • borrow v. rol
    • boss n. yithia
    • both det. lunlu adv. vu
    • bottle n. vuba
    • bottom (lowest part) n. du
    • bow (decorative material) n. honlaindz
    • bow (weapon) n. go
    • bowl n. hep
    • box n. uaku
    • boy n. so
    • boyfriend n. ve
    • brain n. haithut
    • brake v. vago
    • branch n. egoi
    • brass n. vai
    • bread n. yosog
    • break v. gotho
    • breast n. ʍiathinlaiping
    • breath n. shidatiado
    • breathe v. shidatiado
    • breeze n. suzaith
    • brick n. kipa
    • bridge n. he
    • bring v. hias
    • broken adj. gothogi
    • broom n. ij
    • brothel n. feiso
    • brother n. themo
    • brown adj. kakst
    • brush n. kuva
    • brush (for hair) n. kuva
    • bucket n. thore
    • build v. hi
    • building n. vurth
    • bulb n. shothi
    • bullet n. kotau
    • burn v. thrutu
    • burst v. bilmof
    • business n. iko
    • but conj. waunsauk
    • butter n. obia
    • buttocks n. viku
    • button n. kupo
    • buxom adj. ropa
    • buy v. kuk
    • by prep. wau
    • cafe n. yonge
    • cake n. thoku
    • calculate v. thalu
    • call v. notiaz n. shothibopandz
    • camera n. shursoowelf
    • can v. ai
    • candle n. kuam
    • candy n. guri
    • canvas n. baurau
    • car n. augo
    • carcass n. be, ʍuatiamaumbith
    • card n. smugo
    • care v. wu
    • career n. vapo
    • careful adj. wugi
    • carpet n. ung
    • carriage n. choint
    • carry v. yod
    • cart n. vitiath
    • case n. sai
    • castle n. thetualavosh
    • cat n. kwathan
    • catch v. hurchaps
    • cause v. vowe
    • cave n. hi
    • cell n. unsauhw
    • center n. the
    • century n. vikong
    • certain adj. shimbi
    • certainly adv. topa
    • chain n. kiti
    • chair n. tikolt
    • chalk n. goschur
    • challenge n. thrubla
    • chance n. yiwij
    • change n. shugombinggla v. te
    • character n. viwith
    • charge n. bizif
    • cheap adj. kyiam
    • check v. evo
    • cheese n. wobad
    • chef n. nyum
    • chemical n. thibiabas
    • chemist n. buke
    • chest n. wiab
    • child n. jo
    • chin n. lua
    • choice n. taulpo
    • choose v. taul
    • church n. hoson
    • cigarette n. ʍogothipa
    • circle n. vauz
    • city n. thu
    • claim v. gurtaipo
    • class n. plesh
    • claw n. bopa
    • clay n. ʍubiatitu
    • clean v. wausted adj. wausted
    • clear adj. gug
    • clearly adv. gugabo
    • climate n. nopoz
    • climb v. ro
    • cloak n. iati
    • clock n. thepothiaschursh
    • close adj. burzidz v. mi adv. thai
    • cloth n. thust
    • clothes n. tho
    • clothing n. tho
    • cloud n. wurwa
    • coal n. yala
    • coast n. augat
    • coat n. we
    • coffee n. yong
    • coin n. thiai
    • cold adj. yatu
    • collar n. visoth
    • colour n. shapanch
    • comb n. oihe
    • combine v. ao
    • come v. tevo
    • comfort n. fra
    • committee n. fiam
    • common adj. ithuath
    • community n. powi
    • company n. ʍutung
    • compare v. agorintei
    • complain v. bo
    • complicate v. tua
    • compliment n. yodog v. yodog
    • concern n. vuvongk
    • condifence n. yetis
    • condition n. yolag
    • confess v. wuko
    • confident adj. yeti
    • consider v. uch
    • contain v. shav
    • continue v. waib
    • control n. ratwa v. yaucha
    • cook (heat food) v. nyu
    • cook (prepare food) v. gulathib, nyu
    • cool (fashionable) adj. thola
    • cool (slightly cold) adj. trutu
    • copper n. oweng
    • copy v. utha
    • cord n. sheitha
    • cork n. shurmep
    • corner n. sati
    • corpse n. shawoil, ʍuatiamaumbith
    • cost n. hwopo, idaheti
    • costume n. widoj
    • cotton n. thringglaziwauth
    • couch n. onst
    • cough v. vudo n. vudo
    • could v. wutai
    • count v. uwa
    • country n. thao
    • couple n. ʍiso
    • course n. pung adv. sago
    • court n. oste
    • cousin n. yosau
    • cover v. etu
    • cow n. gola
    • crack n. yo v. yo
    • crash v. gimo n. gimo
    • crawl n. bowa
    • cream n. kombil
    • create v. temo
    • credit n. thathizi
    • crime n. shuskt
    • criminal adj. shusktada
    • crown n. tewe
    • crush v. ʍipoth
    • cry v. yotod
    • crystal n. ʍu
    • culture n. shutha
    • cup n. ying
    • cure n. vusau
    • curious adj. bailwob
    • current adj. yado
    • curtain n. iva
    • curve n. shun
    • cushion n. fro
    • cut v. kuhe n. kuhe
    • cute adj. tautsa
    • damage v. thenduzuasau
    • dance v. vaung
    • dancer n. vaungam
    • danger n. ʍodowurki
    • dangerous adj. wakstada, ʍodowurkida
    • dark adj. chodond
    • darkness n. chodondias
    • data n. kago
    • daughter n. raks
    • day n. ihek
    • dead adj. ukisorau
    • deal n. iaschurb v. shipom
    • death n. shawoilpo
    • debate v. thothun
    • debt n. lurps
    • decade n. baitib
    • decide v. his
    • decision n. hisipo
    • deep adj. it
    • defecate v. saub, vizai
    • defence n. nyilsopo
    • defend v. nyilso
    • degree n. gikia
    • delicious adj. gupadoth
    • describe v. thoda
    • description n. thodapo
    • design v. hut n. jola
    • desire v. ai
    • desk n. ame
    • despite prep. sekiad
    • destroy v. veiheng
    • destruction n. veihengipo
    • detail n. ursoth
    • develop v. sobo
    • development n. sobopo
    • dialect n. oki
    • diamond n. hurki
    • dictionary n. smif
    • die v. shawoil
    • difference n. haus
    • different adj. hau
    • difficult adj. ilvz
    • dig v. huki
    • direction n. omsimo
    • dirt n. bib
    • dirty adj. bibada
    • discover v. thurthi
    • discovery n. thurthipo
    • discuss v. ego
    • disease n. na, tas
    • dish n. wurdz
    • display v. vung
    • distance n. toso
    • distant adj. tosoda
    • ditch n. ʍa
    • divide v. wuwo
    • divine adj. thurthada
    • division n. wuwopo
    • do v. sha
    • doctor n. vigoth
    • dog n. pi
    • door n. yatha
    • doubt v. om n. om
    • down adv. ya
    • dragon n. suth
    • drain v. thura n. thura
    • draw v. yaz
    • drawer n. ibi
    • dream n. kyia
    • dress n. irith
    • drift v. vower
    • drink v. yatwab
    • drive v. thimsi
    • driver n. thimsim
    • drop v. yupoth
    • drown v. yasod
    • drug n. buk
    • drunk (inebriated) adj. shotu
    • dry adj. shialwom
    • dungeon n. gati
    • during prep. wiak
    • dust n. thelmodosash
    • each pron. thi det. totu
    • ear n. vo
    • early adj. gad, vaugi adv. griago
    • earn v. nauso
    • earth n. u
    • earthquake n. igo
    • east n. much
    • easy adj. jogo
    • eat v. itim
    • economic adj. guda
    • economy n. gu
    • edge n. hiat
    • edit v. sumo
    • education n. ʍauhe
    • effect n. yatwa
    • effort n. sto
    • egg n. waud
    • eight num. ugo
    • either adv. wothid
    • elastic n. tha
    • elbow n. rumak
    • elect v. udaso
    • election n. udasopo
    • else adv. hithia
    • embrace v. yag
    • employee n. eim
    • empty adj. thupam
    • end v. abauz n. shiatho
    • energy n. tur
    • engine n. to
    • enjoy v. shumogoko
    • enough adv. wur det. yedod
    • enter v. yipath
    • entire adj. wiarek
    • environment n. vofro
    • equal adj. shevo
    • erase v. vung
    • erection n. ʍeipu
    • error n. kro
    • especially adv. al
    • establish v. fromin
    • even conj. kauste adv. utheinlu
    • evening n. ʍimosoznau
    • event n. au
    • ever adv. ʍofolwovoz
    • every art. fipa
    • everybody pron. ub
    • everyone pron. wo
    • everything pron. thur
    • evidence n. pri
    • evident adj. prida
    • exactly adv. eipa
    • example n. voir
    • excite v. kia
    • excitement n. kiapo
    • excrement n. saub
    • excuse n. wova
    • execute v. a
    • exercise v. koi n. koi
    • expect v. pruwau
    • expensive adj. idahetida
    • experience n. ku
    • expert n. ʍoku
    • explain v. laivo
    • explanation n. laivopo
    • expression n. mots
    • eye n. yai
    • eyeball n. yai
    • eyelash n. yopab
    • eyelid n. muku
    • face n. rusotila
    • fact n. te
    • factor n. lizaipt
    • fail v. guste
    • failure n. gustepo
    • fake adj. untreiniado
    • fall v. yu
    • family n. yau
    • fan n. thurgo
    • fan (enthusiast) n. shaigo
    • far adv. naz adj. ʍaz
    • farm n. thulro
    • farmer n. thulrom
    • fashion n. wureb
    • fashionable adj. wurebada
    • fat adj. golad n. golad, huv
    • father n. fisa
    • fear n. yuring
    • feather n. ʍunlai
    • federal adj. bi
    • feel v. spei
    • feeling n. speipo
    • female adj. kyiarau
    • fence n. ʍupaaplo
    • fertile adj. yoweg
    • fertility n. yowegias
    • few det. vovoz
    • fiction n. gigof
    • field n. vurth
    • fight v. vintau n. vintau
    • figure n. kavokst
    • fill v. wik
    • film n. gri
    • fin (of fish) n. sed
    • final adj. auworogi
    • finally adv. seo
    • find v. rulavok
    • fine adj. shatho
    • finger n. ogo
    • finish v. auwor
    • fire n. osol
    • firm adj. yuaft
    • first num. shuvo
    • fish n. kau
    • five num. sa
    • fix v. yug
    • flag n. somo
    • flame n. vaigo
    • flat adj. via
    • flavour n. ʍotiaz
    • flavoursome adj. ʍotiazada
    • flesh n. wuthu
    • flight n. trumzipo
    • flirt v. ava
    • float v. gunriath
    • flood v. ʍetsaauhe n. ʍetsaauhe
    • floor n. gauftoiwe
    • florist n. gimaum
    • flour n. thibaus
    • flower n. gimau
    • fly v. trumz
    • focus v. sholmo
    • fog n. orur, tal
    • fold v. gatub n. gatub
    • follow v. kaim
    • food n. shiai
    • foot n. thumem
    • footprint n. hukua
    • for prep. hwolro
    • force n. hwome v. ufo
    • forefather n. thaivot
    • forehead n. suse
    • foreign adj. yeib
    • foreigner n. yeibam
    • forget v. vog
    • forgetful adj. vogogi
    • fork n. hoku
    • form n. oithola v. wad
    • forward adv. ruthi
    • four num. fubam
    • fowl n. sogo
    • fragile adj. shupoldrazi
    • frame n. trumi
    • free adj. hago
    • freeze v. yutua
    • frequent adj. shia
    • friend n. piring
    • friendly adj. piringada
    • frog n. buzu
    • from prep. so
    • front n. yoindu
    • frost n. yutuapo
    • fruit n. thato
    • fuck v. uanlus
    • full adj. pala
    • fund v. vua n. vua
    • funny adj. pufoda
    • fur n. auz, nyur, o, shurev
    • future n. shau
    • game n. laudot
    • garden n. gu
    • gardener n. gum
    • gate n. ving
    • general adj. thavo
    • gentle adj. vep
    • get v. yocha
    • giggle v. aidozi
    • girl n. sudo
    • girlfriend n. ʍialmo
    • give v. tu
    • glass n. thasosop
    • glasses n. thauwe
    • glove n. shu
    • glue n. wito
    • go v. kuwek
    • go back v. ʍumau
    • goal n. shotinst
    • goat n. thruvotuvoth
    • god n. thurth
    • gold n. sohad
    • golden adj. sohadada
    • good adj. thiat
    • goodbye interj.. hwoz
    • government n. yor
    • government official n. yoram
    • grain n. urpa
    • grandfather n. speigoi
    • grandmother n. miaaut
    • grass n. yegod
    • grave n. ginriatith
    • graveyard n. ginriatithe
    • grease n. hodond
    • great adj. wol
    • greed n. thentri
    • greedy adj. thentrida
    • green adj. fim
    • grey adj. geda
    • grind v. thuv, ʍipoth
    • grip v. fiti n. fiti
    • grocer n. thuagoe
    • group n. gith
    • grow v. thrugoth
    • growth n. thrugothipo
    • guess v. shuado n. shuado
    • guide n. ʍotu
    • gun n. vie
    • guy n. kokt
    • hag (old woman) n. soi
    • hair (of body) n. nyur
    • hair (of head) n. hwoi
    • half det. nuch
    • hallway n. otusotha
    • hammer n. thipa
    • hand n. ungz
    • hang v. shila
    • happen v. lo
    • happiness n. uthuks
    • happy adj. uthuk
    • harbour nr. fi
    • hard adj. smi
    • harmony n. pag
    • hat n. awal
    • hate v. aipo
    • have v. shurzia
    • have to (must) n. shuthi
    • head v. pupa n. vurme
    • health n. wu
    • healthy adj. wuda
    • hear v. gi
    • hearing n. gipo
    • heart n. thuskt
    • heat n. thumurmzias
    • hedge n. kia
    • hell n. fyu
    • hello interj.. thimurt
    • help v. vese n. vese
    • here adv. fu
    • hide v. urlf
    • high adj. trum
    • hill n. heifo, ondu
    • hint v. wod n. wod
    • hiss v. spuhau
    • history n. gohe, ye
    • hit v. ka
    • hold v. ut
    • hole n. pa
    • holiday n. kula
    • home n. be adv. sobod
    • homely adj. beda
    • homosexual adj. thebu
    • hood n. gembith
    • hook n. rakiks
    • hope v. rogoivobakt
    • horizon n. soso
    • horn n. iabat
    • horse n. uthach
    • hospital n. ozi
    • hot adj. thumurmz
    • hot (attractive) adj. thiat
    • hour n. speik
    • house n. grik
    • how adv. gipowi
    • however adv. thauvaz
    • huge adj. vug
    • human adj. pamo
    • humour n. pufo
    • hundred num. uamomsiku
    • hunt v. thu n. thu
    • hunter n. thum
    • husband n. fu
    • ice n. tru
    • idea n. kol
    • identify v. shoso
    • identity n. shosopo
    • idiot n. weikib
    • idiotic adj. weikibada
    • if conj. ʍaitho
    • image n. hiki
    • imagine v. shias
    • imitate v. laugop
    • impact n. kel
    • important adj. ʍigoth
    • improve v. nyuago
    • impulse n. faudo
    • in prep. ping adv. thiaku
    • include v. thaulawalar
    • including prep. ru
    • increase v. kyui
    • indeed adv. gatwa
    • indicate v. ve
    • individual n. shurdo
    • industrial adj. godada
    • industry n. god
    • information n. kavo
    • ink n. shialabiathi
    • insect n. thaiki
    • inside prep. vozuz
    • instead adv. fupo
    • instrument n. gi
    • insurance n. e
    • interest n. yatsad
    • interrupt v. shuawau
    • interview n. vo
    • into prep. seti
    • invite v. gib
    • involve v. vur
    • iron n. iang
    • ironic adj. wursoda
    • irony n. wurso
    • island n. pruavoth
    • issue n. ʍith
    • jaw n. gedo
    • jelly n. eing
    • jerk v. yikiath
    • jewel n. gotwad
    • job n. auntrib
    • join v. shumondudo
    • journey n. noz
    • judge n. ad v. piang
    • jump v. shom n. shom
    • just adv. umsich
    • keep v. yo
    • kettle n. viha
    • key n. ropa
    • kick v. umev n. umev
    • kid n. no
    • kidnap v. thowazia
    • kill v. aha
    • killer n. aham
    • kind n. fron
    • king n. foiso
    • kiss v. ont n. ont
    • kitchen n. linggla
    • kitten n. kwathana
    • knee n. shap
    • knife n. upigopa
    • knot n. yiti
    • know v. wairi
    • knowledge n. wairipo
    • laboratory n. hau
    • land n. u
    • language n. ʍo
    • large adj. gau
    • last (final) adj. o
    • last (previous) adj. thumd
    • late adj. eld
    • later adv. vit
    • laugh v. eibaung n. eibaung
    • law n. otu
    • lawyer n. otum
    • lay v. ʍoz
    • lead v. thurlf
    • leader n. laiti
    • leaf n. gaki
    • leak v. giaauzub
    • lean v. ulaks
    • learn v. thaugo
    • least adv. hupas
    • leather n. ikei
    • leave v. haut
    • left adj. namez
    • leg n. sau
    • legal adj. otuda
    • lend v. shulsotime
    • length n. nuvias
    • lens n. yizi
    • less det. spik adv. ʍa
    • let v. viti
    • letter n. aob
    • level n. biatsa
    • library n. ethi
    • lie v. yuth
    • life n. plau
    • lift v. foil
    • light n. yumoith
    • light (weight) adj. fovo
    • like prep. hia v. tulak
    • likely adj. yuao
    • limit n. hiat, ombig
    • limp v. oi
    • line n. thruth
    • linen n. yurtith
    • lip n. duk
    • liquid n. hubla
    • list n. fau
    • listen v. sad
    • little adv. thigoth adj. tiamo det. yesh
    • live v. vutua
    • liver n. ʍomoz
    • lizard n. rozil
    • local adj. huskt
    • lock n. iamek
    • locksmith n. iamekam
    • long adj. nuv adv. to
    • look v. giasob
    • look (appearance) n. ʍungk
    • loop n. yith
    • lose v. yod
    • loss n. yodipo
    • lot n. wibau
    • loud adj. gaubiarer
    • louse n. yod
    • love v. aula n. aula
    • lover n. aulam
    • low adj. yipa
    • lower class n. theim
    • luck n. gowethug
    • lucky adj. gowethugada
    • machine n. faim
    • magazine n. smithi
    • magic n. igo
    • mail n. yaki
    • main adj. spi
    • maintain v. thubla
    • major adj. saib
    • make v. gopawurd
    • male adj. ronuaschethi
    • man n. ui
    • manage v. ki
    • manager n. yad
    • mansion n. griked
    • many det. ha
    • map n. vathor
    • mark v. nohiz n. nohiz
    • market n. thiwa
    • married adj. thiwelvz
    • mask n. fa
    • mass n. gintrei
    • massage v. ukib n. ukib
    • masturbate v. ivo
    • match n. ethi
    • material n. guiago
    • mathematics n. gor
    • matter n. vuanua
    • may v. hu
    • maybe adv. yire
    • meal n. vuth
    • mean v. smisaf
    • measure n. spufo
    • meat n. yomsi
    • media n. se
    • medicine n. buk
    • meet v. priku
    • meeting n. prikupo
    • member n. vi
    • memory n. yipo
    • mend v. yug
    • mention v. iso
    • menu n. vathor
    • mess n. kilp
    • message n. ʍotausopa
    • messy adj. kilpada
    • metal n. ihurlmori
    • middle adj. nawurz
    • middle class n. guth
    • might v. mia
    • military adj. ʍowez
    • milk n. vamo
    • million num. kupom
    • mind n. kautha
    • miniskirt n. boziaa
    • mint n. truthiamd
    • minute n. uskt
    • mirror n. shuo
    • miss (long for) v. thida
    • miss (not hit) v. ososoko
    • miss (not take advantage of) v. ososoko
    • mist n. ho
    • mistake n. kro
    • moan v. wi n. wi
    • model n. faum
    • moment n. beiweb
    • money n. bu, yunua
    • monster n. gumbith
    • month n. yungk
    • mood n. geimoi
    • moon n. veit
    • more det. cho adv. jobla
    • morning n. vau
    • moss n. thothand
    • most det. ko adv. wuk
    • mother n. tel
    • motherfucker noun. umi
    • motion n. pleti
    • mountain n. ondu
    • mouse n. du
    • mouth n. buthia
    • move v. hwochaz
    • movement n. hwochazipo
    • much adv. goga det. vathuag
    • mud n. thothuan
    • murder v. aha
    • muscle n. thruzipago
    • music n. prio
    • must v. yowur
    • nail n. tauste
    • naked adj. obai
    • name n. ithivo v. tigo
    • nation n. gozu
    • natural adj. thutuda
    • nature n. thutu
    • near prep. utaustendruts
    • necessary adj. belad
    • neck n. baiwurk
    • need n. is v. lusest
    • needle n. gotua
    • nephew n. ʍaki
    • nerve n. bri
    • nest n. rola
    • net n. yiab
    • network n. izi
    • never adv. sia
    • new adj. wo
    • news n. shuam
    • next adj. itures
    • nice adj. frombin
    • niece n. thime
    • night n. roido
    • nine num. hautheit
    • no art. giaste interj. i, thiho
    • nod v. ol
    • noise n. ʍimi
    • normal adj. vola
    • north n. thihe
    • nose n. od
    • nostril n. vothi
    • not neg. i
    • note v. gumbiso n. thitha
    • nothing pron. thoiz
    • now adv. u
    • number n. shait
    • nut n. gaivok
    • obvious adj. prida
    • occur v. kuri
    • of prep. tho
    • off adv. uk prep. ulrovats
    • offend v. giwurlro
    • offensive adj. giwurlrogi
    • offer v. itith
    • office n. yo
    • officer n. kyim
    • often adv. holanst
    • oil n. peiznaing
    • ok adv. seme
    • old adj. kolsol
    • on prep. ho adv. ur
    • once adv. ʍaitu
    • one num. bosod n. taivom pron. wivob
    • only adj. vamo adv. yumoith
    • onto prep. taga
    • open v. tahe adj. thol
    • opening n. tahepo
    • opinion n. yiaft
    • or conj. ko
    • oral adj. buthiada
    • orange adj. salad
    • order n. bruk
    • organise v. ratitaubukst
    • organization n. od
    • orgasm n. ropa
    • ornament n. lust
    • other adj. u pron. vuvo
    • others n. yu
    • out adv. sab prep. wij
    • outside prep. og
    • oven n. giataiob, pru
    • over prep. fithu adv. thei
    • own det. yungz
    • owner n. hav
    • page n. widz
    • pain n. vaga
    • painful adj. vagada
    • paint n. vamau v. vamau
    • painter n. vamaum
    • painting n. vamaupo
    • palm (of hand) n. oo
    • pants n. yogo
    • paper n. huthach
    • paradise n. okia
    • paradox n. neri
    • parcel n. mu
    • parent n. spu
    • part n. hoi
    • particular adj. tiso
    • party n. kwu
    • pass v. uau
    • past adj. ol n. taim
    • paste n. nyusoth
    • path n. shu
    • patient n. griathovo
    • pay v. an
    • peace n. thesh
    • pen n. yua
    • pencil n. gigosauj
    • penis n. wudob
    • pensive adj. thigi
    • per prep. ʍoi
    • perfect adj. laup
    • perfection n. laups
    • perform v. thofo
    • perhaps adv. vis
    • period n. shi
    • person n. audong
    • personal adj. audongada
    • phone n. this
    • physical adj. ʍuthi
    • pick v. ikai
    • picture n. yothia
    • piece n. vugot
    • pig n. ithu
    • pillow n. gauzid
    • pin n. ʍing
    • pink adj. augong
    • pipe n. sho
    • place v. rol n. va
    • plague n. lavo
    • plain n. gilaf, vurth
    • plan n. kwafo v. ʍevo
    • plane n. ʍeigong
    • planet n. turvo
    • plant n. vith
    • plate n. shis, wurdz
    • play v. ga
    • play (stage play) n. fulwo
    • player n. rawau
    • please v. omurl
    • pleasure n. omurlpo
    • plot n. theti
    • plough v. froso
    • pocket n. giase
    • poem n. ga
    • poet n. gam
    • point n. az v. tuazim
    • poison n. gaula
    • police n. ung
    • policy n. ho
    • polish v. yibo
    • politician n. gifam
    • politics n. gif
    • poor adj. ʍogoz
    • popular adj. urridz
    • population n. tol
    • position n. gobauthang
    • possibility n. gekidias
    • possible adj. gekid
    • pot n. esh
    • potato n. ʍiwo
    • potion n. yiti
    • powder n. pa
    • power n. gethiash
    • powerful adj. gethiashada
    • practise v. buthak
    • pray v. voi
    • preparation n. thulmostipo
    • prepare v. thulmost
    • present (gift) n. bau
    • present (time) n. iigo
    • pressure n. ʍutipigong
    • pretty adv. vuki adj. wub
    • prey n. yia
    • price n. thaukua
    • print n. itith
    • prison n. thanz
    • prisoner n. thanzam
    • private adj. pomoi
    • prize n. gosa
    • probable adj. opa
    • probably adv. thiae
    • problem n. tha
    • process n. uo
    • produce v. woikid
    • product n. woikidipo
    • profit n. ple
    • program n. sur
    • project n. wugo
    • promise v. ʍomokitur
    • proof n. thausotiapo
    • property n. kui
    • prostitute n. eti
    • protect v. budo
    • protection n. budopo
    • protest v. fare
    • prove v. thausotia
    • provide v. ozi
    • psychologist n. them
    • psychology n. the
    • pubic hair n. yi
    • public adj. bua n. shaikeim
    • pull v. fyaplo, hwoz
    • pump n. gaizuak
    • punish v. vuvo
    • puppy n. pia
    • purple adj. uzizaimi
    • purpose n. od
    • push v. roki
    • put v. li
    • puzzle n. shuzituapo
    • quality n. thau
    • queen n. autha
    • question n. vilwo v. vilwo
    • quick adj. rotigomo
    • quickly adv. rotigomobo
    • quiet adj. vukung
    • quite adv. sovo
    • race n. gaupi
    • radius n. taku
    • rag n. akir
    • rail n. yith
    • rain n. shenduwepol
    • raise v. smulak
    • rake n. theki
    • range n. sha
    • rank (military) n. wugoi
    • rank (position) n. ombi
    • rate n. kitwa
    • rather adv. kim prep. yepo
    • ray n. ovo
    • reach v. awez
    • react v. vesh
    • read v. uznau
    • ready adj. go
    • real adj. hame
    • realize v. ʍetha
    • really adv. shizubithi
    • reason n. tiam
    • receipt n. trugo
    • receive v. eibok
    • recent adj. pauzung
    • recently adv. pauzungabo
    • recipe n. olronst
    • recognition n. thiapupo
    • recognize v. thiapu
    • record n. hotha
    • red adj. thith
    • reduce v. ʍiavo
    • reflect v. yaisab
    • reflection n. yaisabipo
    • region n. tawel
    • register v. kaubu
    • regret v. na
    • regular adj. bo
    • relate v. pimsing
    • relationship n. gaitai
    • religion n. gumothia
    • religious adj. gumothiada
    • remain v. thelwopo
    • remember v. yi
    • remove v. shep
    • rent v. vo
    • report n. aim v. kaik
    • request v. wif
    • require v. turmelf
    • rescue v. ro
    • research n. kuvo
    • resource n. vauvoz
    • respect v. smuk n. smuk
    • respond v. uasosath
    • response n. uasosathipo
    • rest n. wugok
    • restaurant n. ʍumthi
    • result n. ʍagonsauwur
    • return v. ʍumau
    • reveal v. thau
    • reward n. peiste v. peiste
    • rhythm n. lanlainch
    • rib n. uiangz
    • rice n. tha
    • rich adj. yokigada, ʍotiazada
    • ride v. yotei
    • rifle n. othaul
    • right adv. kiam n. waisob
    • right (correct) adj. thua
    • right (direction) adj. thaim
    • ring v. thaa, thurmsith
    • riot n. saud
    • rise v. ʍautu
    • risk n. wakst
    • risky adj. wakstada
    • river n. okia
    • road n. ʍurti
    • roast v. sod
    • rock n. opogod
    • rod n. kyum
    • role n. huti
    • roll v. shum
    • roof n. biava
    • room (of house) n. bif
    • room (space) n. ra
    • root n. eri, paung
    • round adj. thangglodaz
    • row v. ozi n. viameng
    • rub v. saupo
    • rubbish n. sothu
    • rule n. shiatwam
    • rumour n. hiazit
    • run v. ua
    • runner n. uam
    • sad adj. gatu
    • saddle n. kauk
    • sadness n. gatus
    • safe adj. havo
    • sail v. wure
    • sailor n. wurem
    • salt n. uacha
    • same det. onlai
    • sand n. gria
    • sap n. thav
    • save v. ro
    • save (put aside) v. gaulwo
    • say v. gag
    • scale n. taumel
    • scene n. noido
    • school n. kau
    • science n. shurmbilf
    • scientist n. shurmbilfam
    • scissors n. sputhak
    • screw n. sozid v. uanlus
    • sea n. shauthim
    • season n. pihur
    • seat n. lur
    • second num. a n. kai
    • secret n. giaheb adj. giaheb
    • section n. thoithia
    • see v. udo
    • seed n. urpa
    • seek v. thum
    • seem v. yehi
    • self n. e
    • sell v. uth
    • send v. koiwal
    • sense n. thofro
    • separate v. shumot
    • series n. joi
    • serious adj. shotiore
    • servant n. chon
    • serve v. gog
    • service n. gogipo
    • set n. fungglam v. shau
    • settle (land) v. hei
    • settlement n. heipo
    • seven num. kwatwa
    • several det. shi
    • sew v. veftoith
    • sex n. nyire
    • sexy adj. nyireda
    • shade n. gila
    • shadow n. gila
    • shake v. komsi
    • shame n. urvadz
    • shape n. ʍotitugoz
    • share v. so
    • shark n. la
    • sharp adj. votwaz
    • sheep n. nausche
    • shelf n. shigokaudat
    • shell n. oma
    • shield n. eso
    • shine v. ʍutwang
    • ship n. voz
    • shirt n. tum
    • shit n. guscheft v. guscheft
    • shock v. thoi
    • shoe n. takst
    • shoot v. on
    • shore n. shicha
    • short adj. gowoivo
    • should v. mit
    • shoulder n. luskt
    • show n. lurp v. vu
    • shrine n. hwo
    • sick adj. ta
    • sickness n. tas
    • side n. huzai, rusotila
    • siege n. votha
    • sign v. ta n. thaukau
    • significant adj. pu
    • silence n. thikias
    • silent adj. thikia
    • silk n. vuskt
    • silver n. yunua
    • similar adj. wuai
    • simple adj. uda
    • simply adv. udabo
    • sin n. vigo
    • since conj. aure prep. wed
    • sing v. prithaf
    • singer n. pritham
    • single adj. yime
    • sink v. uti
    • sister n. sume
    • sit v. toil
    • site n. thitiath
    • situation n. fyan
    • six num. fyamen
    • size n. shiapo
    • skeleton n. yung
    • skill n. vithuth
    • skilled adj. vithuthada
    • skin n. shurev
    • skirt n. bozia
    • skull n. itia
    • sky n. shon
    • slave n. gogam
    • sleep v. thotwazuzia n. thotwazuzia
    • slim (of a person) adj. wod
    • slip v. ʍo
    • slope n. yiasa
    • small adj. shubugofot
    • smash v. lis
    • smell (emit odour) v. shildrotiaso
    • smell (sense with nose) v. avo
    • smile v. ese n. ese
    • smoke n. orur
    • smooth adj. thaum
    • snake n. luas
    • snap v. huthit
    • sneeze n. uks, uks
    • snow n. kutha v. kutha
    • so adv. taibaum conj. urtu
    • soap n. thond
    • social adj. vi
    • society n. shai
    • sock n. shaut
    • sofa n. onst
    • soil n. su
    • soldier n. avo
    • somebody pron. ʍaplothami
    • someone pron. ʍoz
    • something pron. geie
    • sometimes adv. naziv
    • son n. yodo
    • song n. prith
    • soon adv. osoi
    • sort v. nyurreth
    • sound n. vido
    • soup n. shoz
    • sour adj. areso
    • source n. ʍupo
    • south n. hap
    • space (outer) n. vurwe
    • speak v. ako
    • spear n. vatau
    • special adj. shildra
    • species n. gemod
    • specific adj. vor
    • speech n. ako
    • spell v. vuwe
    • spell (of magic) n. waub
    • spelling n. vuwepo
    • spend v. hwo
    • spirit n. viso
    • spit v. thuvo n. thuvo
    • sponge n. gowurhur
    • spoon n. smia
    • sport n. guk
    • spring n. thatuntria
    • square n. goitid
    • squeeze v. fi
    • stab v. thruponiago
    • stable adj. sheidozivo n. uthache
    • staff n. smua
    • stage n. vaime
    • stamp v. useth
    • stand v. ʍu
    • standard n. biaft
    • star n. fya
    • start v. pu
    • starve v. na
    • state n. ithia v. shubaiodost
    • state) v. thruahur
    • station n. atid
    • stay v. thelwopo
    • steal v. tha
    • steam n. chovon
    • steel n. dyodol
    • steep adj. vithua
    • stem n. kwan
    • step v. shatu n. shatu
    • stick v. gobug
    • stick (of tree) n. shamep
    • sticky adj. ik
    • stiff adj. noti
    • still adv. fi
    • stitch n. shuthu v. shuthu
    • stock n. ya
    • stomach n. prireth
    • stone n. opogod
    • stop v. shantau
    • store n. fia
    • story n. ye
    • straight adj. yib
    • strap n. vungz
    • strategy n. burdz
    • stream n. aivong, okia
    • street n. woid
    • strength n. ʍias
    • stretch v. igo
    • strong adj. ʍia
    • structure n. lerau
    • stubborn adj. welud
    • student n. stu
    • study v. wusok
    • stuff n. vatsar
    • stump n. eri
    • stupid adj. trufrom
    • style n. thrukiiaki
    • subject n. nuso
    • subtle adj. thithat
    • subtlety n. thithats
    • success n. spau
    • successful adj. spauda
    • such det. thumi prep. vufto
    • suck v. gildrath
    • sudden adj. tosol
    • suddenly adv. tosolabo
    • sugar n. eiso
    • suggest v. kyi
    • suggestion n. kyipo
    • summer n. wua
    • sun n. ga
    • support v. oil n. oil
    • sure adj. bad
    • surprise v. yovog
    • swallow v. hwoziz
    • swamp n. thothuan
    • sweet adj. thurkitaip
    • swim v. hofto
    • sword n. bautud
    • system n. o
    • table n. thol
    • tail n. go
    • take v. kwakon
    • take out v. thait
    • talk v. otai n. robu
    • tall adj. nurcha
    • taste v. shupathutai
    • tax n. sori
    • teach v. um
    • teacher n. bia, kaum
    • team n. gaiso
    • technological adj. ruvoda
    • technology n. ruvo
    • tell v. lopanch
    • ten num. viso
    • term n. thaladoz
    • terrible adj. shiazua
    • test n. ia v. ia
    • than conj. nyi prep. theld
    • thank v. okai
    • that det. ge conj. tho adv. ʍore
    • themselves pron. yif
    • then adv. hure
    • theory n. ukia
    • there adv. vi
    • these det. ith
    • thick adj. nonteiz
    • thief n. tham
    • thigh n. yoku
    • thin (of an object) adj. wod
    • thing n. ithi
    • think v. thi
    • third num. vuazis
    • this det. shu
    • thorn n. aks
    • those det. latwa
    • though conj. bitho
    • thought n. thipo
    • thousand num. ivothi
    • thread n. ug
    • threat n. shuas
    • three num. he
    • throat n. sue
    • throne n. hakiv
    • through prep. kal
    • throughout prep. shohe
    • throw v. tuzik
    • thumb n. sho
    • thunder n. hialro
    • thus adv. hothei
    • ticket n. shutsamsimo
    • tide n. ruk
    • tight adj. spuschek
    • time n. bub, speik
    • tin n. spauda
    • tire n. womo
    • tired adj. vaing
    • to prep. vurur
    • today adv. pia
    • toe n. shomurpati, ʍurewausche
    • together adv. wowe
    • tomb n. yuamo
    • tomorrow adv. authia
    • tongue n. muts
    • tonight adv. yaibla
    • too adv. wetha
    • tooth n. tau
    • top n. ala adj. beithu
    • torch n. wai
    • torture v. bod
    • touch v. gozig n. gozig
    • toward prep. ku
    • tower n. thela
    • town n. tol
    • toy n. fyabon
    • trade n. wuak
    • train v. dyothu n. wotha
    • training n. wothapo
    • transport n. shisolp
    • trap n. chonsau v. chonsau
    • tray n. tiva
    • tread v. buva
    • treat v. thoz
    • treatment n. thozipo
    • tree n. pau, tuo
    • trial n. vith
    • triangle n. gutwang
    • trick v. or n. or
    • trip n. pong
    • trouble n. navd
    • troublesome adj. navdada
    • trousers n. yogo
    • true adj. getud
    • truth n. getudias
    • try v. lap
    • turn v. gar
    • turn [sth.] on v. evop
    • twist v. vauki
    • two num. nopa
    • type n. pudo
    • ugly adj. iaf
    • umbrella n. kaukua
    • uncle n. theithuam
    • under prep. ʍia
    • understand v. ikuakua
    • underwear n. guava
    • uniform n. hav
    • unit n. vitupt
    • until conj. thru
    • unwell adj. ta
    • up adv. shiapot, wa
    • upon prep. ome
    • upper class n. duk
    • urban adj. thuda
    • use v. keigo n. votivd
    • usually adv. bai
    • vagina n. kwathan, paura
    • vague adj. akst
    • valley n. iia
    • value n. hu
    • various adj. geilaznai
    • vegetable n. thuago
    • vein n. hulso
    • vendor n. utham
    • verse n. uvo
    • very adv. fowe
    • view n. dyoso
    • violence n. tothas
    • violent adj. totha
    • visit v. ila
    • visitor n. ilam
    • vocabulary n. ovo
    • voice n. kia
    • vomit v. thumi
    • vulgar adj. biki
    • waist n. umd
    • wait v. yei
    • waiter n. gurwevo
    • wake up v. thukiwi
    • walk v. if
    • wall n. lundu
    • want v. kum
    • war n. ibiatsa
    • warm adj. su
    • warrior n. ibiatsam
    • wash v. uth
    • waste v. surdz
    • watch v. eti
    • water n. jome
    • wave (ocean) n. dutsa
    • wave (salutation) v. vozir n. vozir
    • wax n. ru
    • way n. ʍogo
    • weak adj. ʍato
    • wealth n. yokig
    • wealthy adj. yokigada
    • weapon n. por
    • wear v. kwumd
    • weather n. kwo
    • week n. bad
    • weigh v. ʍuthuf
    • weight n. ʍuthu
    • welcome interj.. yihe
    • well prep. fai n. fiam adv. yu
    • west n. ag
    • wet adj. va
    • what det. iago
    • whatever det. fo
    • wheel n. shumd
    • when conj. ficha adv. kwomon
    • where adv. uzimi conj. yag
    • whether conj. the
    • which det. kwan
    • while conj. wi
    • whistle v. wauk
    • white adj. keila
    • who pron. tipo
    • whole adj. yekid
    • whore n. eti, gei
    • whose det. umz
    • why adv. rodongglatol
    • wide adj. hitha
    • width n. hithas
    • wife n. vupo, yaiso
    • will v. thiki
    • win v. unsau
    • wind n. ume
    • window n. fyuthon
    • wine n. po
    • winery n. poe
    • wing n. gaikaub
    • winter n. ʍumthitipi
    • wire n. ʍozug
    • wise adj. aiso
    • witch n. gomsilwo
    • with prep. thuth
    • within prep. siapob
    • without prep. faiku
    • wolf n. smu
    • woman n. vupo
    • wonder v. thuku
    • wood n. voiznau
    • wool n. auz
    • word n. siab
    • work v. ei n. kehel
    • worker n. eim
    • world n. hasonz
    • worm n. furlf
    • worry v. da
    • would v. yab
    • wound n. augo
    • wrist n. iat
    • write v. dyomekt
    • writer n. shawurv
    • wrong adj. ra
    • year n. eit
    • yellow adj. pung
    • yes interj. fua
    • yesterday adv. or
    • yet adv. hukit
    • young adj. wa
    • youth n. was
    • zero num. giatib

    Spesiell Person
    I love that you are my submissive, only in part because you are needy, which I find to be rather endearing and in spite of your being anxious, which doesn't bother me even a fraction of the amount you may think in your fondest hopes, and because despite your worries, you are so very little effort for so very much reward is involved in having you as my submissive.

    If i never say it again, I am saying it now and loudly, that I am very much proud of you as one of my best friends ,and as my submissive. (^_^)
    My Sandbox
    My Poetry Showcase
    The newest is located directly beneath this text, the rest is older.

    If you'd like to tell me what you think of any of them..Please send me a inbox message. Thank you (^_^)

    New works coming soon....Lol, sadly, it takes a bit of time for me to write more stuff out...Usually roughly..maybe 2-3 days or so.

    "The PlayBoy's Folly"
    Written by Rauko Warrant

    When you're caught like a vice,
    Between Fire and Ice,
    & you don't know how you'll fare.

    So you look to the sky,
    and it makes your feel so high,
    but you know you'll never go there.

    So they try for you and you fight,
    With every ounce of your might,
    but it feels like a custom made glove.

    You fight and you rage,
    like an animal in a small cage,
    because you don't want to submit to Love.

    So they're patient and they wait,
    for some unknown time and date,
    for you to be ready to try.

    You begin to question if its wrong,
    and why they would wait for so long, Because you don't feel worth the time.

    Months and time pass,
    like the sands of the hourglass,
    & it dawns you have become attached.

    Suddenly you feel quite weird,
    as it's obvious and clear,
    you're no longer the you of the past.

    Meanwhile caught in the rush,
    when they both make you blush,
    and you have no idea what to say.

    However you resisted and so hard,
    but you realize that in their regards,
    You fought and fell for them both anyways....

    Composed on June of 2013...
    "Daring Love"
    Written by Rauko Warrant

    Some may tell you that it is you that they "love"...

    ...and your heart wants to burst at the sound of....

    ...those wonderful words that give you the ability of birds...

    And yet, do they give you the symbolism of the dove?...

    Aren't they supposed to make you feel sure?...

    ..or just maybe slightly insecure?...

    Or are they to make you wonder of what could have been?....

    Why is that such a sin? let your mind fly and transcend...

    ...Even if only briefly since in the end...

    you never dare to hope that you can win...

    Then there is the frustration, the trust, the lust, and temptation...

    The knowledge and trust....

    of not the "I", but the "Us"...

    ...But is it "Love" if there's no fear and hesitation...?

    All of these things can mean so much....without even a single physical touch...

    Yet those who dare claim to feel this soothing flame....

    ...May be lying or deceiving themselves the same...

    For if that person has never restlessly slept?....

    never hopelessly wept....

    Never felt some regret....

    Never acted inept...

    Or risked self respect....

    Or felt some neglect...

    ...felt a nervous wreck....

    Looked an emotional mess....

    Or felt the distress...

    ..of someone else's cold regress...

    From the warm, comforting place...

    ....full of hope, adoration, and grace....

    ....and yet, they dare to profess that it is you that they "love"?...

    Composed on September 7th, 2014
    Written by Rauko Warrant

    The trumpet sounds and the attack given,
    I spin adeptly and parry it as I pivot,
    One attack, two attacks, then another,
    I block and dodge, and pivot for cover,

    I move gracefully as the air gets warmer,
    I block and dodge, and the rest defied by my armor,
    Protected from harm as the attacks are thrown,
    My body is safe, but my mind is blown,

    Assaulted from two sides on two different fronts,
    My mind is heavy and my heart is blunt,
    Unable to find the words to explain and express,
    and prevented by honor to explain the distress,

    How do you question the armor that protects,
    When not allowed to state reasons as to why so vexed?
    Do you simply submit and fall to your knees,
    or do you continue trying to dodge the blows of unease?

    You cannot defy attacks that are launched from within,
    Attacks from inside your armor you have no chance to win,
    There are never questions or thoughts to ask why,
    It merely protects you in silence and afterwards, you die.

    In the end the warrior on the battlefield will stand alone,
    while others will strive to tear his flesh and rend his bones,
    They will fight, and rage, and use their tremendous might,
    to rob the warrior of skill, and take his fight.

    He will inevitably fail to win this particular battle,
    He will fall to the Earth and give up his death rattle,
    His body will survive and his mind will live on.
    but something else important will not live on long.

    There is some armor that comes and other armor that goes,
    There is armor that protects and that keeps you on your toes,
    There is even rare armor that can protect the last of your life,
    Some give assaults not bad, while others cut deep like a sharp knife.

    Composed on July 17th 2014
    The Ebb & Flow of Time & People"

    Time does not stop, it flows ever moving,
    Some of the time painful, and other times soothing,
    It sometimes ebbs, or waxes and then wanes,
    Just as sometimes its sunny, and other times its rain,

    People as well, they come and they go,
    Some stay for a lifetime, and others for a single show,
    They bring their sorrows, and their pleasures or strife,
    But all of them in some way change your life.

    Pain and pleasure, Joy and sorrow,
    In the end, no one can guarantee their tomorrow.
    You can say forever, or until the end,
    but there is no guarantee you always have that friend.

    Say what you will, No matter what two people say,
    It is always possible you will lose that friend someday,
    Come Hell or high water, Either push or pull,
    By accident or design, You'll learn that you are in fact, replaceable...

    Composed on July 20th 2014 under the original title,
    "The Ebb & Flow of Friendship"

    "My Lying Protector"
    Written by Rauko Warrant

    I have been lied to by someone very close,
    Someone that I trusted with no doubt,
    Someone who I trust the very utmost,
    That someone who was inside my heart,
    and was supposed to be looking out,

    the world that was so cold, so bold and so cruel,
    and they protected me for many years from the worst,
    I retreated into my impenetrable fortress,
    and the ideals of love, trust and hope, I all but cursed,

    This person who told me that the world was broken,
    Told me it was pointless to fight or try,
    Told me that if I dared open my bastion's doors,
    I'd only end up suffering unbearable pain and like a fool, I'd cry.

    I sat on my throne of my domain,
    completely safe from all of the pain,
    I sat there in my own little world,
    while they convinced me there was only sun,
    instead of the torrents of rain.

    Many tried to break into my respite,
    and none of them were up for the task,
    Some tried shouting, others used screaming,
    Some used bribery, while others just asked.

    All were turned away because my Sanctuary was closed,
    My protector showed me every time how they'd broken laws,
    The Protector would say, "they're corrupt, they're false!"
    They'd show me repeatedly that it was too large a risk to take,
    and give me evidence to support my pause.

    After many years of safety and two previous battles,
    someone has destroyed my inpenetrable shelter,
    My walls felled by a force of destruction too strong to resist,
    I lost my massive armies against this overwhelming menace,
    that against even my stalwart guardian failed to persist,

    I stood watching the death of my oldest dear friend,
    who immediately changed forms upon their death,
    The victor told me, "I will show you the truth of things,
    and I will show you that you have been badly decieved,
    When I am finished, I show you the truth of the world
    and you will have your heart's reprieve."

    The things I have since learned is shattering my world,
    I was lied to by this protector I adored for so long,
    I was cut off from things that I never truly experienced before,
    and out of every thing very little to right to the wrong.

    My world has been conquered and destroyed,
    by the blazing fires and torrential seas,
    It's been surrendered to someone who holds my heart,
    and showed me real love, and that the dreadful protector was me.

    Composed on July 9th, 2014
    ""My Pride & Me"

    Against all my reason and logic,
    Against those who spoke as on my side,
    Against what experience told me,
    And my "dreadful protector",
    who I now know its true name is "Pride",

    I ignored all of the warnings and signs,
    I told myself, "I'll give it a try,"
    I said I would trust this intruder,
    Who completely outwitted my mind,

    I stepped out of my destroyed castle,
    My fortress I stayed in for so long,
    There I protected my most valuable possession,
    My heart that I wanted so strong,

    In the end, I made the wrong decision,
    Somewhere on the road I made a wrong turn,
    Many told me I was being fooled,
    And I told them, "This is what I earned."

    I made a bad choice somewhere,
    Of that, there is little doubt,
    Because if I had made the right choice,
    Why am I the one without?

    I thought went out to fight them with bravery,
    I thought myself to win this battle with wit,
    I thought to myself, "You'll win their heart,
    I never thought I'd surrender mine so quick...

    I always told myself I'd struggle,
    I would fight with everything I've got,
    No way can this "princess" bring down my fortress,
    and yet, she turned it into an empty lot...

    Its once impregnable walls,
    Now lie in a mountain of rubble,
    Most of my friends all told me I'd end up hurt,
    The actual words were, "Dude, you're headed for trouble...

    I believed in a "fairy tale" hope and love,
    despite the truths my life had taught,
    I decided to for once, believe in that "shining place"
    and perhaps I'd have finally earned my spot.

    Alas, that glorious residence still eludes me,
    and sadly, now I believe it always will,
    I forgot logic and thought and tried to feel my emotions,
    and it feels like my soul is being killed.

    I am left alone to pick up the pieces,
    Of the shattered thing that was my heart,
    Some believe that I should have run for the hills,
    And that I never should have start.

    Still I cannot agree with those thoughts,
    though I am suffering through this pain,
    I want so much to stop looking up for sunshine,
    And getting stung by the freezing rain.

    This is the curse of the Romantic,
    Especially who have a hopeless case,
    Those who get crushed under life's cruel boots,
    And still they look up with a hopeful face.

    The bitterest part of this chapter,
    in this small chapter of my life,
    Is that my mind began to side with my heart,
    And send dreams of a happy life...

    Part of me wants so desperately to give up,
    On this stupidly endless quest,
    I want to turn away from the promise of "love"
    And tell myself it's for the "best"

    In the end, I am the one left behind in her wake,
    I stepped out my fortress and gave my heart away,
    I told myself I could handle the heartbreak,
    if my name she ever erased,

    "Pride" told me not to surrender,
    And used to mean alot in life and life used to be so carefree,
    My friend "Pride" got killed for the sake of her "love",
    And yet, I still want her here with me....

    Composed on September 11th, 2014
    Continued from "My Lying Protector"

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