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Avatar siden: 2006-07-21
Age: 36 18+ Age Verified Bekreftet Alder
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"Tarig Polar Bear"

See My Albums (1)

Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Chatting
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=============================== Don't even know who still visits the page, but.. Bee lives. Not installing IMVU.. So I can't send messages to people seperate. (Sent: 25/11/10) < I sent that a long time ago too it seems. But I was right. I dunno if I'll download IMVU again.. But I still like everyone to know I'm alive and well, hoping you all are too. ~Bee 1/11/2013
Spesiell Person
Weatherbee has no special someone.
Everyone still alive and on my Lost of friends is special, I can't single out just anyone. :P

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