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Avatar since: 24.03.2008

United States - FL
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Sivilstatus: I et forhold
::suc·cu·bus [suhk-yuh-buhs]
noun, plural -bi
1. a demon in female form, said to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep::

::I swear like a sailor. I have a filthy mouth, and a filthy mind to keep it company.::

::I don't cyber. Go hump a modem if you came here for that.::

::Don't preach to me. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.::

::Stupidity should be punished, hands down. Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some people abuse the privilege::

::I'm an avid gamer. If I'm not here, I'm playing through a vast variety of video games, or I'm offline. Unlike some people, I like to do things other than stare at a catalog of fake clothing the entire day, and I have to actually work. Some people don't have the luxury of sitting on a chatting website all day.::

::I'm sorry my page isn't something a bit more flashy. Like I said, I don't waste my time on this site like a majority of people here seem to.::

::Please, leave your drama at the door. I've had my fair share of IMVU drama over the past 6 years of being on this site. All the lies, the rumors, the deception.. it was a waste of my time and I'm not about to live through that shit again.::

::I DO NOT want to be your "IMVU GF". I tried the IMVU dating thing (see above). I'm very happy with my current status.::

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That was a cute attempt, sweetie. What else are you going to throw at me? Got nothing better to do with your time?

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