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Avatar since: 12.06.2012

Age: 37
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David Clarke- (In his letter to Amanda.) My dear Amanda. If you’re reading this, then two things have come to pass: I’m finally able to provide you the life you were unjustly denied… …and sadly, I won’t be able to share that life with you. I hope these journals provide answers to the questions you’ve had all these years. I am not the man they say I am. I did not do the things they say I did. All I ask is that you promise to do the one thing that’s been so hard for me to do. Forgive.
Emily Thorne- But that was a promise I couldn’t keep. When deception cuts this deep, someone has to pay. My father’s chance to bring justice to the truly guilty was stolen from him. His only option was to forgive. I have others. They say vengeance is a dish best served cold, but, sometimes, it’s as warm as a bowl of soup. My father died an innocent man, betrayed by the woman he loved. When everything you love has been stolen from you… …sometimes all you have left is revenge.
David Clarke- My dear Amanda, the worst betrayals always come from the ones we trust the most. If I’m at all culpable for what happened to us, it’s because I gave away my trust to easily.
Cdo njeri qe takon ne jete , eshte duke luftuar me problemet e tij . Ji i sjellshem me te ! Ndoshta nuk mund t’i zgjidhesh hallet , por miresjellja jote do t’i jape kuraje te mos dorezohet. Miresjellja jote mund te jete mrekullia qe po priste. Shpesh , pa e ditur , ne bejme mrekullira.
Unë mundohem ti dua të tjerët , por është e vështirë , sepse shumica e njerëzve nuk janë mësuar me të mirën . Kështu që , meqë nuk dinë ta japin , nuk dinë as ta marrin.
La vita è come una foto,se sorridi viene meglio
Di fronte alle sofferenze del mondo tu puoi tirarti indietro: sì, questo è qualcosa che sei libero di fare. Ma proprio questo tirarti indietro è l'unica sofferenza che forse potresti evitare.
Maybe our old wounds teach us something.They remind us where we've been n what we've overcome.They teach us lessons abt what 2avoid in the future.That's what we like 2think. But that's not the way it is.Some things we just have to learn over n over again.
I’ve been hurt, lied to and broken hearted. I have felt alone when I couldn’t afford to be. But at the end of the day, I had to learn to be my own best friend, because there’s going to be days where there no one going to be there for me but myself.
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.
A man who shows love with anger only wants control.
Impara a voltare le spalle ogni tanto e non avere pietà di chi ha sbagliato, tanto mentre sbagliavano pietà per te non ne hanno avuta.
They say loyalty inspires boundless hope and while that may be there's a catch. True loyality takes years to built and only seconds to destroy. 24/06/2014
Je remue le ciel le jour, la nuit.Je danse avec le vent la pluie.Un peu d'amour un brin de miel.Et je danse, dance.Et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur.Est ce mon tour?Vient la douleur.Dans tout paris je m’abandonne.Et je m'en vole, Que d’espérace.
Lamtumirat nuk ekzistojnë! Rrugët e jetës janë të ngatërruara aq një ditë apo tjetër...Kryqëzohen prapë !
Mos u mundo te me shkaterrosh jeten me nje GENJESHTER, kur ti e di se un mund te shkaterroj tenden me nje te VERTETE.
If you have to choose between being kind and being right, choose being kind and you will always be right.
5 Great lessons a child can teach an adult: Enjoy the present moment, Express your self, Be Playfull, Admire The world, Be Innocent.. 21/05/2016
"Lo scopo della vita non è vincere. Lo scopo della vita è crescere e condividere. Quando ti accadrà di guardare indietro a ciò che hai fatto nella vita, troverai più soddisfazione dai piaceri che hai portato nella vita degli altri che dai momenti in cui li hai emarginati e sconfitti". – Harold Kushner (* 1935)
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