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Avatar siden: 2006-08-10
Age: 32
De forente Statene - OK
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"I love my wife stantonsgirl63!!"

See My Albums (1)

I'm the phantom of your worst nightmare I appear and disappear when I feel like it welcome to the page enjoy the songs sit back relax and prepare to rock. As you can tell my favorite colors are red and black and occasionally green but its most red and black I'm a car fan so if I don't talk its because I think you might not like what I do a lot of ppl don't but hey thats what makes me different. So get the fuck over it and move on try talking to me you might find I'm actually a good person but have the time to get to know me but no one cares so enough bitching and complaining I'll leave that up to foamy the squirrel thats his job. If you stop by at least have the guts to leave me a message I cant answer back if I don't know who you are well that's me well get to looking have fun.
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
Mine Videoer
Me and My friend Sean (Gravedigger) Graves Playing Guitar Hero "Beat It by Micheal Jackson" Next Video is one that I like because of the music Random pics video
A few slide shows I made way back when
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Spesiell Person
My Lovely Wife and Godly Savior
Min Ønskeliste
TK* DI Flower ChairVGL Demon Claws & VoicesShadow ChargeIron Armor Bundle[ACS] AEGEAN ISLE
|S| Black and snow tipsRuin[ACS] CAR RACINGAnge™ Hillside RetreatBlack Cowboy Hat
House DreamNice Legsspacerspacerspacer

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