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Money Getter

Lmao Y U In My sh1t Fo Pow Pow H!ater!

God Forgives...I Dont Im Cece But Other Wise Yung I Luv Dem All Just My Self More:
Forget the pasted:
Getin Money
My Family That All I NEed Save The Pot!!!! Lolz

R.I.P JGV: I Miss U Bru You Wass: Der When I Need U: fUCc!! nANANna Nooooo!!: Onlii God Forgives I Dont

Annd I like Kid Ink Said But they say that I'm insane A little crazy, bitch I'm gettin' paid Money never change me, I put that on the range and that mercedes jukin? in my lane But you chase me Baby I'm insane A little crazy bitch I'm gettin' paid Money never change me, I put that on the range and that mercedes jukin? in my lane But you chase me if you wanna But I'm a goner Yeah, I said I'm a goner.

mhm2 cuze2



V E C E Tr@pSt@r

22/m/Dont Worrie About it Lamez Hop Da Fucx Off My Page..h03z No!Hat!ers lol@Lames .....

Blue Killa Clown

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Im Darker Then Evil Its Self ..... Beware Haters......

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nx. Emo Ripped JeansCarty + Rings + CubanPurple Vlone TM-| 6's Bordeaux 21PURPLE BANDANA W/ LOCS
Floating ... sorryBlack Rune CircleOwl Emo Mar BlondeD| Her Demon.:[i.D]:. Dante's Gloves
Damned Sign M/F▲T. Black Ts.Spe. DRV ▼Only The Family B.✞ KISS
Sit Rours.💎 Cup o Lean -3posespacerspacerspacer
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Avatar siden: 2008-03-06
De forente Statene - OH
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"Pray to the 6 It's Trillx Baby!!"

See My Albums (2)

Relationship Status: Single

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