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Avatar siden: 2006-05-22
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hey im levi ^^ im 16 and im random im single what i likes i love every1 random games mp3 friends cute lil animals guys bands rock metal rules lol teddys blue pink purple green yeyness dogss sex i like guys with long hair going out acting weird being silly talking and laughing going somewhere kool love guitars singing sometimes makeing new friends seeing my friends at school converse and vans skaters ^^ cookies cute lil things ^.^. what i fucking hate >:(*** people who act horrible peopke acting mean when u get pushed over or even smacked in the face when people say your so fat omg they need to get a life indeed smokeing sickness urrrrrrrrrg scareying lil things urg musterd ewww spiders insects ewww wasps nasty ewww guys that act sooo gay ha when your freind leavesu and doesnt tell u where they go urggg
add me myspace: =] msn:ask =]
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
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