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Avatar since: 12.11.2006

United States
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Damn the Torpedos Full Speed Ahead
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship

Thanks for Stopping By
Dale Chihuly is being featured by Google in the LAUNCH of their wallpaper. I am thrilled to see a living artist getting his well due recognition :)

Check out my products if you have time. I Have Derivable ALIEN HEADS! And a NEW Family Throne Set
There is a banner down there somewhere with a click thru to my public room so you can really appreciate the other products up close and personal

Have Fun and come back SOON

Buy My Fashion Bundle Please - It's Woodland Modern ArtWear

Check out ArtWear in my catalog

Out with the OLD and in with the NEW....

I change it up here all the time. Peekers are welcome, so no pressure for messages, I guess in's a rules free space.......LOL


....Sorry, No Puzzles this time...just a bunch of videos

I tried to get the Willard Library Cam up here too, but could not. Here's the link to their live cams. Click Here to visit the Willard Library Cams

If you see an apparition, capture it and submit it to them for entry into the ghost archives. I did see one one time on the children's room cam and I submitted it.

I was feeling spooky when I did up this page....what can I say??

Never say Never, and Always say your Goodbyes like you're never gonna see them again. There are no second chances on that one...

Spesiell Person
....he's my One True Love
Kontakt meg

Dance party Go Bye Bye- Me no feel like Dancing Today

kontakter beskjed Legg til kontakt fremover blokker
Mine interesser

Check out my friend TIMBUM's page for his blog-o-stories, (that would be this guy right here to the right, in the skins) they're rockin'. And I'm not just saying that cuz I'm in one....
MySpace Layouts, Graphics, Video/Image Hosting!
fashion, 3D, astrology, vintage, Scorpio, dolls, paranormal, UFO, making friends, Numerology, reincarnation, astral projection, antiques, Outer Space, Feng shui, uso, Art Glass, healing crystals, celestial happenings
Min Ønskeliste
Mine venner (50)

The Puzzle Patrol is rather a glorious group these days. I know them cuz the leave me messages....if you're in the Puzzle Patrol and want me to know...just leave me a message too! Sometimes my visitor frame gets stuck....XXXMissy
My Recent Visitors (0)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I like visitors....ok actually I LOVE visitors, it makes my heart beat faster, but you may get pushed out of this panel before I see leave a message..or I won't know to show you some love for visiting...
Visitor 666 - ARJEYAL
Visitor 1000 - Mohmmad7

Mitt rom

If you love my concept, why not support my Gallery??? Just ask for This Column Banner. The banner grab code broke my page so if you have good code I would appreciate it if you share....LOL

Check out ArtWear in my catalog

I Support The Talented Developers here (ok, another COLUMN joke) These Folks are a cut above the rest and are making incredible products. DrAwesome AKA DrA does the ORBS! You gotta see his stuff!

Sync In Step With What You Want

Sync has Uber CHEAP DERIVABLES! Check it OUT

Miladyk? Well...she does just about everything

LadySaturnyne does all things ANTHRO (furry) EdenNoir Catalog
And I think Eden speaks for itself....a garden of DARK delights.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Night is the New Day

Every Baby Needs Some of This Stuff

What are you waiting for? Click this banner to visit my new Public Room and Check Out My Products

Check out ArtWear in my catalog

click to give
Click to Give is a FREE way to support Breast Cancer Research.
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