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Avatar siden: 2006-11-30
Age: 33
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"[...Smile Like You Mean It...]"

See My Albums (1)

.I'M Lisa.
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I fell Into a Parallel Universe And this is where I ended up

Hi ^^

[+] info about me [+]

Hi, my name is Lisa. I live in Purmerend, which is a city close to Amsterdam. I'm 18 years old. Ok... what can I tell about myself. I must admit, I'm not good in decribing myself but ok...
I'm a quiet person when you get to know me, that is because I'm not good in starting a conversation and I'm shy. It is different when you get to know me, I promise
Just like most people here, I like music. My favorite bands are HIM, Queen, The Beatles and Mcfly.
I also love Guitars! I have one myself, but I can't really play it. I suck haha.
I love my friends, they're very important in my life. They always make me laugh when I need it.
Hmm... what else do I like. I love to just sit in a park, I love to read and to watch movies.
I don't know what else to tell you. Please don't be afraid to send me a comment ^^.

My addictions are: my guitar, my Ipod, hugs, glowstick and more.
there are (of course) a few things I don't like. For Example spiders, clows , bitchy people and more

well I guess that's enough
Good bye =]

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
Min Ønskeliste
stuff I want. give me one and I will love you ^^.
[S3K]The missbetsy Head[D™ Metalic Ribbon SkirtCattyfox Ears - EekSkull[LD] Mono Raver Skirtspacer
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tekst Hi ^^
thanks for visiting me ^^. feel free to leave me a comment
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