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My Name is Ashly. You can call me, Ash if you'd like, most of my friends have weird pet names for me anyways. I'm a pretty fun, outgoing person for the most part. I have my good days, and bad days, but Hey Don't we all? I'm a pretty generous person, and I care alot for my friends. I will do pretty much anything for a person I consider my "Friend" and I don't have friends I have "BestFriends" I consider all my friends my best friends. I befriend people very easily, and sometimes that can come and bight me on the ass, as I can sometimes be walked on. I love to do graphic design, and just learn new things, that I can use. I hate to stay still, I always have to be doing something or I get really restless, So Why Don't you leave me a message? I'm sure you wont regret it.
Photobucket Jae
Where to Begin about this Lovely Girl, We have been good friends for about a year, now and really it just keeps getting better. I love this girl to death, I would do anything for her. She's one of the most generous, thoughtful, grateful, beautiful, stunning, amazing person you will ever meet, and that is not a lie. This girl will always listen, when you need to talk. She will always lend a helping hand, and thats just what I love about her. She never stops. She's always worrying about, others and putting herself Second and she works her little hinny off, 12-12 thats rubbish, but she has so much ambition. I look up to this girl with all my heart. Shes everything anyone would want to be. So you Don't know her Well lol I guess you have a pretty sucky life. I really don't know what life would be like if Ms. Jae never came into the picture, I'd probably be a pretty ugly world I'd say.



I love this Gal, to the Moon and back a couple hundred times. She has done so much for me, and I appreciate everything she does. If it wasn't for her AJL3 Wouldn't be here right now. Thats Right Shes the Deed For me being here. After the Poor Tragic Death Of S [:(] She help me get back on my feet. I love her to death. She is a super women, mom, girl. Anything you can think of she is probably good at it. She never seas to amaze me with her talent, and caring traits. Every time I turn around, shes either helping someone, or doing something special like that. I love You Babe Never Change.



What Shall I say about our little GREEK goddess? First of all, I love this kid to death. He is always cracking me up, telling stupid jokes, or sometimes even funny ones. He is always making everyone smile. He Will make it sunny on the darkest days, and just is an amazing guy. Even though he is a tranny, and hookers it up on the corners every friday night, we all still love him. I mean Hey we all have to do what we gots to do right?

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