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Avatar siden: 2006-11-23
Age: 31
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Naruto Guys: Thoughts, and Love Life. (Girls only) by HeavenCondescending
Your Name
NarutoLoves your looks and personality. He absolutely loves how you eat ramen like he does. HE could care less about Sakura when he is around you.
SasukeCan't explain the feeling he gets when sees you fight. On nights when he walks home and sees you talking to Naruto he tends to get jealous alot. He would rather not like to show his emotions around you, though, but he knows one day he might just slip out the words on accident...
NejiAdmires you for complimenting him on his Byakugan, and complimenting on his skills in the Hyuuga clan. And by that he tends to think of you as his friend, nothing more.
Rock LeeTreats you the same as Sakura. He has to protect you with his life, and cannot fail! If he does that is 500 laps! But anyways-- He likes how you are a bit weaker than he so he can protect you without you making a remark that he is a weakling, and is ugly none-the-less. (GASP) He often tries to impress you, basically.
ShikamaruLoves the way you shove troublesome problems away. And absolutely adores how you don't mourn the past, instead look forward for the future. He tends to take you out for dinner alot until he has enough courage to actually ask you out.
ChoujiDislikes how you and Ino often make fun of him by his weight and how much he eats. You tend to comment on him alot, as well as Ino, and he hates it.
ShinoSaw how you are interested in bugs, and tends to show you his collection. He is normally taken back by the fact of how many species of insects you already know. He hangs around you alot, and sometimes debates on how much he likes you. More than his bugs? Or Less than his bugs?
KibaDislikes the fact that you are a cat lover, and often tries to change your mind. But he knows you are only teasing him, and it works most of the time. He likes to watch you train, and normally trains with you.
GaaraWas surprised when you accepted his past, and did not call him a monster after you had seen the Shukaku. (A living proof!) And you often try to find him just to make some small talk, he doesn't talk to alot but you know he likes you and he knows it too. You both often give glances to each other, and he feels warm inside when he sees you blush.
KankuroThinks you like his brother more than him, and is a bit freaked out by that so he tends to keep his distance. (Lol)
KabutoLoves you, for some reason, and tends to spy on you alot but when Orochimaru is around he definitly stops the 'non-sence' of him loving you. He puts on his game face~ (*Holds up an ugly mask* Here Kabuto! ((Sorry I just hate his guts..)))
KakashiLoves the way that you are mature for you age, and often corrects him on his mistakes in combat. When he is by himself, and magically forgot his 'book' at home, he would despise the fact that you are younger than he is. For if he tried to make a move right now, many peopled would frown upon him. (lol)
GaiLoves how you treat Rock Lee, and how he saw you visit him alot when he was in the hospital, but normally tries to impress you alone with his.. 'Nice Guy Pose'.
JiraiyaIs.. well, very excited on the fact of how mature you look even though you are Naruto's age. Can't help but even peak on you at the bathing house.
Spesiell Person
AdorablePancake has no special someone.


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