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Avatar siden: 2006-10-23
Age: 41
United States - TN
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"Hello, I'm Anila22."

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Hi, I'm Anila, Ani to my friends. I love playing video games, reading anime and other fanasty books. I love to meet new people and makeing new friends. My friend Sakistu helped me with my home page. So all of the thanks and praise goes to him. Any ways leave a message sometimes if your new to my page or just send me a tell if I'm on.
Relationship Status: Divorced
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What is your true element? (Great Anime Pictures) (Very Detailed Results)

EnergyThe raw energy that makes up all of the universe. This is your weapon. You are wise, observant, and understanding. You are the one who balances between good and evil. People come to you for advice and you almost always have advice to give them. In the hectic world full of black and white, you are the only one who can make decisions clearly.
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What Kind of Cat Girl r u?

you are the tough kind, u r the boss of ur self. know one messes with u. you have a soft side but dont show it much. u are one tough chick!!!!!
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Where was your soul born?[pics + detailed answeres]

Your soul was born in the Shadows.Your soul was born in the shadows of the moon at night. You're all mystery and enigma and your element is the Moon. No one really knows who you are, but they might think they know you. You only tell people fragments of who you are and never show your true personality. That doesn't have to mean that youre being someone you're not though. You're always yourself and you never do something just because someone else does. Some might think you're a little cold or dull, but you're just hiding your true self for some reason. Maybe only a couple of selected people have ever seen the true you. You are loyal to these people and it will take time if anyone else wants to gain your trust. You let people think that they know you and that you trust them. But sooner or later they will realize that they never really knew you. Be careful. Someday you might need someone who knows what you need. Trust people. You prefer silence and tranquillity. You're calm and collected and a nice person most of the time.
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.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-

Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered, powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see, being fire you are quite strong and powerful be it mentally, physically or both. People look up to you greatly and often seek your protection. You have the ability to gain many friends and you are always one people can count on to do what you say you will do. You are extremely loyal, be it friends or family you'll stick up for them and you are never willing to put them in a position that could hurt them. You know what roll you play in life, leader, and you intend to let people know it. Not everyone is capable of leadership but you certainly have the willpower and flare to do it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself, one that can often lead you into trouble. Once your mind is made up there is no changing it but no one said that was a bad thing.
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What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:.

The Truth

Your angel seeks for the truth. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values honesty more than most things in this world. You are strong-willed, and a bit stubborn at times. In love, you seek for someone who will understand you, and never cheat on you. This would probably hurt you a lot, as it would to a lot of people. But it would probably hurt you the most. You are brutally honest, and you voice your opinions a lot. Go you!

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~SS~ Witchhunter Boots~NS~ Mage Archer Blue Sh.a Steampunk Buckle BootRouge Boots(n)Tifa Bundle
Tribal Face TattooDRAGON AGE (STICKERS)NK>DragonAge 2 S*Dy} Train's Collarspacer
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Your Japanese Name Is...
Kimi Shijo
Which Inuyasha guy would make you his mate?

Your mate would be Sesshoumaru! Now that was unexpected. This high demon lord obviously thought you were Lady of the Western Lands material. He then abducted you from your village, and used some sort of bad excuse like he needed a babysitter for his ward Rin. Well, fact is, Rin adores you. You're like a mother to her. Sesshoumaru may not wear his emotions on the outside, but he loves seeing you playing with Rin, as much as he loves you and your smile. It warms him up inside like nothing else ever has before.
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What anime girl resides in you?

You are the Prietess- You have a strong sense for when something is wrong and a strong spiritual power. You are learning to fight demons and you meditate using your element water. You like to b eleft alone and your usually keep to yourself, unless you ask advice from your sensei.
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Name: Lil' Sesshourmaru
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Owner: Anila

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