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Around the age 732 , Prince Vegeta the first son of King Vegeta King of all Saiyans is born into the royal family. At Birth The Saiyan Prince displayed a large ammont of strength being born with a power lever around 700 - 800. This made his father proud , so instead of being sent away like his brother Tarble the Saiyan King decided that he was going to raise him to be the Universes most powerful warrior. Yes since a child the Saiyan Prince was raised with one goal , to rise up above everyone else and become the Legendary Super Saiyan. As a child Prince Vegeta was a true warrior , he showed mercy to no One and spared no thing. Everyone in his way was other dead or soon to be dead , all but one , Frieza. Frieza was a descendant of the Frost Demon Clan , a very powerful band of Space Pirates that ruled over the galaxy including Vegetas home world Planet Vegeta. Since the beginning of time Frieza had rule over the Saiyan Race , just like Vegeta he to was merciless and would destroy any one and anything that would stand a chance of over throwing him and taking over his place as the universes Emperor. So It was not a supprise that Frieza had planned to destroy the Saiyan Race. For this very reason , Vegeta trained as hard as he could so that one day he could surpass Frieza , but as the Prince was away his home world was destroyed with only a handful of Saiyans remaining. About twenty years have passed and Vegeta was still under the rule of Frieza . The Prince now 27 years old goes on a mission to planet Earth to retrieve the 7 Dragonball and wish for immortality. Vegeta comes to Earth when he receives Raditz's dying report of seven magic objects known as the Dragon Balls which will grant wishes. After hearing this report, and of Raditz's death, Vegeta and his companion, Nappa, decide to come to Earth and use the Dragon Balls to wish for immortality (it is implied in later sagas that he desired immortality so he could defeat Frieza for his years of suffering). Goku and the Z Fighters are warned of their arrival, and begin to train themselves. While Vegeta and Nappa travel to Earth, they stop by Arlia in an anime filler. They were only there for a short time, and while they were there, they made short work of the planet's strongest warriors, before destroying Planet Arlia. When they landed on Earth, Nappa and Vegeta wreaked havoc with little to stop them. They then found Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan waiting for them, with Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha appearing just after. After losing Yamcha (after one Saibaman self destructed), Krillin destroys most of the Saibamen with Piccolo destroying the last Saibamen with Piccolo destroying the last Saibaman. This causes Vegeta and Nappa to become impressed, but Nappa decides to heat things up by being the first to battle Earth's defenders. Vegeta sits back and watches the beatings. Nappa easily dominates all the Z Fighters, resulting in Chiaotzu sacrificing himself by blowing up on Nappa's back, which was in vain, leaving his best friend Tien sacrificing himself to avenge him, which was also proves to be in vain. While Nappa does manage to get wounded every now and then, he seems to have complete control of the battle. In the middle of the battle, Vegeta demands that Nappa stop his rampage for three hours to give Goku a chance to arrive at the scene. Nappa succumbs to Vegeta's orders and obeys him. In filler, Vegeta allows Nappa to destroy the Earth's Military and Navy with the condition that he doesn't use up enough energy to break a sweat. Throughout both parts of the battle, Vegeta chuckles to himself whenever Nappa stumbles on a technique, or when one of the Z Fighters gain the upperhand on Nappa for a limited amount of time, also constantly belittling Nappa, calling him weak and idiotic. However, despite Vegeta's lack of faith in Nappa, he does assist Nappa in dire situations, such as when he warns Nappa about Krillin's Destructo Disc. As Nappa continues to hold the advantage in the battle, the remaining Z Fighters desperately call for Goku to assist them. When Goku finally comes back on Earth and heads directly towards them using his Flying Nimbus, Vegeta reads Goku's power level and then orders Nappa to kill Goku's friends, noting that their assistance with Goku in the battle could be difficult for he and Nappa to defeat. When Gohan angers Nappa to higher levels, Nappa attempts to annihilate Gohan, but Piccolo quickly stands in the way of his attack, thus sacrificing himself for Gohan's sake. After Piccolo bids his farewell to Gohan, Gohan furiously attacks Nappa at full force with a Super Masenko, which is still not enough to injure Nappa. Vegeta recognizes that Gohan's power only increases with intense displays of emotion, and orders Nappa to kill the boy. Goku arrives just before Nappa can crush Gohan with his foot. Vegeta detects the high power level of Goku with his scouter, and after a quick introduction, Goku begins to fight Nappa. Goku and Nappa seem to be evenly matched at first, but the benefits of Goku's training quickly became evident. Eventually, Vegeta calls Nappa back after taking too long, so Nappa decides that he will kill Gohan and Krillin instead. Goku activates the Kaio-ken technique, and stops Nappa before he can do anything, crippling him in the process. Goku orders Vegeta to take his injured friend back to where they came from for immediate medical attention. Because of Nappa's failure to defeat a low class Saiyan like Goku, when Nappa begs Vegeta to help him, Vegeta fools Nappa into thinking he will assist him, but instead throws Nappa in the air and kills him for his failure. After giving Krillin and Gohan Senzu Beans, which fully recovers their strength, Goku tells Gohan and Krillin to leave Vegeta to him and requests to Vegeta to fight somewhere else. Vegeta eventually agrees, and they leave the battle field. At Gizard Wasteland, Vegeta offers Goku a chance to join him, but Goku quickly turns down the offer as he already has everything he wanted, completely disagrees with Vegeta's selfish intentions, and has already seen how Vegeta treats his partners. Vegeta and Goku continue discussing who is truly right, with Vegeta stating that even Goku's multiplying Kaio-Ken technique will not reach his elite rank power level, with Goku replying by stating if someone struggles hard enough, a low-class can reach the rank of an elite warrior. Their fight now begins, and it is made clear that Vegeta is much stronger than the much-improved Goku. Even using Kaio-ken, it was not enough to stop Vegeta. Thus, Goku had to push the multiplier of the technique even higher, ignoring King Kai's warnings. With this power, Goku was able to fight Vegeta on equal ground to an extent, and the prince of Saiyans lost his temper and decided he would destroy the planet with his Galick Gun technique, and go find the Dragon Balls on Namek instead. However, Goku countered the Galick Gun with a Kamehameha, and the two struggled for several minutes. When it seemed Vegeta was gaining the upper hand, Goku finally pushed himself to unforeseen levels and used Kaio-ken times four to boost his power even higher, in turn surprising and overwhelming Vegeta and sending him skywards. Vegeta managed to survive the beam carrying him ever higher. Thus, Vegeta decided to transform himself into a Great Ape, which would multiply his power tenfold, throwing a Power Ball into the air, as Piccolo destroyed the moon a couple of months before. When Vegeta transformed, Goku was completely outclassed and had to resort to using the Spirit Bomb technique. However, before he could use it, Vegeta disrupted it with a Chou Makouhou. Then Vegeta grabbed Goku and began to slowly crush him, making him suffer instead of killing him quickly. Krillin and Gohan had seen the Power Ball that Vegeta had used to transform, and had returned to the battle. Upon finding Goku defeated, they attempted to distract Vegeta and cut off his tail, in order to force him back to his normal form. This attempt failed, but Yajirobe succeeded where the strong Z Fighters had not. When he was back to normal, Vegeta became enraged and fought Gohan briefly. Despite Gohan's efforts, Vegeta proved to be far stronger and faster than the boy. Goku then decides to give Krillin the last of the Spirit Bomb he managed to retain. Krillin accepted this new energy, and was instructed by Goku how to unleash it on Vegeta. Panicking at first, Krillin receives further instructions from North Kai, and he hurls the Spirit Bomb at Vegeta. When Yajirobe shouted at Krillin to throw it, making Vegeta notice him, Krillin throws it, and at first it missed, but Gohan was pure enough that he could bounce the energy back, striking Vegeta. The Spirit Bomb hit him and severely damaged him, reducing his energy and strength greatly; but he survived. Vegeta then draws upon his Ki reserves and unleashes a mighty blast that strikes down everyone nearby. Vegeta notices that Gohan has regrown his tail from the effects of the Power Ball, and realizes that he may soon transform. The villain is unable to prevent this thanks to Yajirobe distracting him with an attack from behind. Realizing his mistake, Vegeta quickly returns to Gohan, but was too late. Gohan assumes the Great Ape form, and Vegeta in his severely weakened state could not defeat him. However, Vegeta could out-think the primitive ape form of Gohan, and manages to cut off Gohan's tail, returning the young half-breed to normal size and power. Before Gohan could fully return to normal, however, he fell on Vegeta as a Great Ape, and Vegeta was unable to dodge in his wounded state. Vegeta finally retreats, and crawls to his space pod, realizing he cannot keep fighting in his current condition. A weakened Krillin gains consciousness, and just when he is about to stab Vegeta with Yajirobe's katana sword, Goku telepathically pleaded for Krillin to let Vegeta go, wanting to have a rematch one day and also wanting Vegeta to have the same chance to change his ways that Piccolo got; after much persuasion, Krillin agrees. Vegeta then departs Earth, vowing to make Goku regret sparing him, and his space pod takes him to one of the planets controlled by Frieza. With his extreme arrogance he cannot understand how a "Low-Class" Saiyan like Goku could have done so well against him, unwilling to factor the contributions of the other three warriors into the battle. After rehabilitation, Cui tells Vegeta that Frieza is already on Namek alongside his henchmen Zarbon and Dodoria, and that they are searching for the Dragon Balls. Without wasting any time, Vegeta makes his way to Planet Namek, now planning to make a wish with the Dragon Balls. During his stay on the planet, he meets up with Krillin and Gohan, who were also in search of the Namekian Dragon Balls. He tries to track them down and torment them, but eventually leaves them alone since he has much bigger problems such as Frieza, his previous master and the warlord who was also in search of the mystical Balls. While on Namek, Vegeta is followed and ambushed by Cui. Frieza had given Cui the order to terminate Vegeta, a command Cui had been hoping to hear for many years. However, unbeknownst to Cui, Vegeta's encounter with the earthlings allowed his strength to grow exponentially higher (as a Saiyan's strength increases every time a battle leaves him at near death). Now seeing Vegeta's true power, Cui attacks Vegeta, but Vegeta easily evades Cui's attack, telling him that when his power increased, so did his speed. He then easily kills Cui.Vegeta later takes the opportunity to dispatch Dodoria as well. Once Dodoria is alone, Vegeta learns from him the true circumstances of Planet Vegeta's destruction by Frieza himself. Dodoria offers Vegeta the opportunity to join forces with him to defeat Frieza, however Vegeta declines the offer and as he reveals his true power, Dodoria runs away cowardly calling for Frieza's help. Vegeta then ruthlessly executes Dodoria as well. After killing Dodoria, Vegeta goes and causes mass havoc in a Namekian village in order to obtain one of the Dragon Balls. Frieza and his henchmen had already collected five Dragon Balls, so he planned to hang on to one and steal the rest from Frieza when the opportunity arose, thus preventing Frieza from making his wish. Once Vegeta obtains the Dragon Ball from the Namekian village and hides it, he takes flight and soon comes face to face with Frieza's most powerful henchman: Zarbon. Vegeta and Zarbon enter a fierce battle and Vegeta seems to have the upper hand until Zarbon undergoes a powerful reptilian transformation. Zarbon and Vegeta resume the brutal battle, with Zarbon making sport of the Saiyan prince, pounding him around and completely dominating him. Before finishing the battle, Zarbon reveals to Vegeta that Frieza can also transform, much to his horror. Zarbon easily defeats Vegeta with multiple kicks and combos and performs a powerful piledriver, sending Vegeta headfirst into the ground and completely battered in a crater that soon filled up with sea water, which Zarbon detested going into (as it would make him wet), and simply left him for dead. Zarbon returned to Frieza to relay the message of his victory, but Frieza was not satisfied. Frieza is well aware that Vegeta may know the location of one of the Dragon Balls so he sends Zarbon to go and retrieve Vegeta's battered body and bring him back in order to heal him for interrogation. Vegeta was later dragged back to Frieza's spaceship by Zarbon, where he healed him in a Medical Machine. Vegeta waited for the right opportunity to escape. He made a clever distraction (he blasted the wall to the outside off leading Frieza and Zarbon to believe he ran off, although he was actually hiding in the ship) and ran away with Frieza's collected Dragon Balls, dropping them inside the pools of water nearby and then recovering them. Frieza is extremely angered and he sends Zarbon after Vegeta once more, giving him a limit of one hour. Zarbon is able to locate Vegeta, along with Krillin and Bulma. A fierce clash ensues and the now healed and fully rejuvenated Vegeta reveals that he has become far stronger from his near death experience. Zarbon cannot believe it, but he is unable to defeat Vegeta even in his transformed state. Vegeta ruthlessly slams his fist clean through Zarbon's stomach and blasts him, sending him to a watery grave in the Namekian sea. Realizing that he can not keep the Dragon Ball from Vegeta, Krillin begrudgingly hands it over without a fight. Now in a fine mood, Vegeta spares his life and Bulma's for the time being. Vegeta now has six of the seven Dragon Balls in his grasp, and needs only one more to make his dream of immortality a reality. While en route to where he had hidden his Dragon Ball, he meets up with Gohan and hits the boy in the stomach for fun before continuing onward. After getting back to where he had hidden his Dragon Ball, Vegeta realizes that Gohan has stolen it and berates himself for letting a kid fool him. He heads back to where Bulma had made her hideout and destroys it, but to his frustration, finds that everyone had already left. He then swears to get them for this humiliation. When Vegeta escaped Frieza's ship with five of the seven Namekian Dragon Balls, Frieza sent word to summon the Ginyu Force, the most powerful warriors in his army. The Ginyu Force were a team of five, consisting of: Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, and their leader, Captain Ginyu. They were strange, often making amusingly choreographed dances and poses, but were also extremely powerful, said to be the mightiest in the universe. Once they arrived on planet Namek, Frieza ordered them to retrieve the Namekian Dragon Balls, bring Vegeta back to him alive, and kill any others that got in their way. Meanwhile, Vegeta sensed the arrival of the Ginyu Force and forged an alliance with Gohan and Krillin, all three deciding that their only chance for survival was to wish for Vegeta's immortality with the Dragon Balls (Vegeta had six and Gohan and Krillin had the last one). Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin race back to where Vegeta was keeping his six Dragon Balls, and are about to wish for Vegeta's immortality, but Krillin hesitates out of fear of an immortal Vegeta, despite Vegeta's (false) promises that he would not harm them. Suddenly, the Ginyu Force arrives on the island where Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin are, right next to the other six Dragon Balls. Terrified, Vegeta attempts to "hide" one of the Dragon Balls by throwing it far off into the sea, but Burter uses his incredible speed to catch it in mid-air. Vegeta then desperately orders Krillin to destroy the Dragon Ball he is holding so that Frieza cannot make his wish for immortality, but before Krillin can destroy it, Guldo freezes time and snatches the Dragon Ball out of his hands. Outmaneuvered, Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin look on in terror as Captain Ginyu takes the seven Dragon Balls and flies off to report to Frieza, leaving the four remaining members of the Ginyu Force to deal with Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin. After playing Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine who would fight who, Guldo prepares to engage Gohan and Krillin. As the three begin fighting, it appears as if Gohan and Krillin have Guldo on the ropes, as Guldo is barely able to freeze time long enough to escape the two's energy blasts. Just when it seems that Gohan and Krillin will win, Guldo reveals his trump card: the ability to mentally petrify his enemies. He uses this desperate move to trap Gohan and Krillin in place as he uses telekinesis to make a skewer out of a nearby tree. He launches the skewer at the frozen Gohan and Krillin. Just when it seems like Gohan and Krillin are about to become shish kebab, Vegeta fires an energy beam at Guldo and cuts his head off, stopping the skewer just seconds away from impaling Gohan and Krillin. After Guldo's decapitated head insults Vegeta for not playing fair, the Saiyan prince disintegrates it, now fearing his fight against the brute Recoome. With Guldo gone, Recoome steps up to challenge Vegeta. With his newfound power after recovering from his battle on Earth and his battle with Zarbon, Vegeta launches into a powerful assault on Recoome, landing several powerful hits and firing an intense energy blast, the Final Crash, at Recoome that appears to take care of him. However, as the dust settles and Recoome emerges unharmed from the debris, it looks like the trio is in trouble. When Recoome effortlessly takes down Vegeta, Krillin goes in to help, believing that the only chance they have of surviving is if Vegeta survives. However, Krillin's efforts are in vain as Recoome easily knocks him aside with a single blow. Gohan then goes in to help Krillin, and despite the young warrior's newly unlocked hidden powers (courtesy of Grand Elder Guru), Recoome manages to easily fend him off. Just when all hope seems lost, Goku lands on planet Namek. After a quick scan of the power levels on the planet, Goku concludes that the strongest power level is Frieza's, the second strongest is Captain Ginyu's, and his friends' power levels are quickly fading. Goku quickly rushes onto the scene where the three remaining members of the Ginyu Force (excluding Captain Ginyu) and his friends are. Goku heals his friends and Vegeta (against Krillin's protests) with Senzu Beans that he brought from Earth, although out of his desire to allow his rival a chance to settle the score, and partially to repay Vegeta for helping Gohan and Krillin when they were in danger of Guldo's attack. The remaining members of the Ginyu Force, agitated by the interruption of Goku's arrival, proceed to engage him in battle, but they prove to be no match for Goku, and he soundly defeats them all, knocking out Recoome (with a single hit) and Burter, and letting Jeice flee. Angered that Goku refuses to finish off Recoome and Burter, Vegeta kills them himself by cracking the unconscious Burter's neck and blowing up the fallen Recoome from behind with an energy wave. Goku becomes upset that Vegeta would do such a thing and Vegeta explains that by letting them live, he and Gohan's lives would be at risk. After the fighting is over, the others state that all hope is lost as Captain Ginyu has probably already brought Frieza the Dragon Balls and Frieza may already be immortal. Krillin remarks that on Earth, the sky turns black when the Dragon is summoned, and since that has not happened, Frieza probably has not made his wish. That's when Goku fills the others in on a little secret: the Namekian Dragon Balls can only be activated when one says the correct password, and in the Namekian language. Meanwhile, Jeice arrives at Frieza's ship and requests Captain Ginyu's help to deal with Goku. Annoyed at having to get his hands dirty, Captain Ginyu agrees and flies off with Jeice to fight Goku. Goku tells Gohan and Krillin to fetch the Dragon Radar and locate the Dragon Balls. Captain Ginyu and Jeice arrive on the scene just as Gohan and Krillin leave. Goku asks for Vegeta's help in fighting the remaining Ginyu Force members and Vegeta agrees, but quickly flies off laughing, leaving Goku to deal with Jeice and Captain Ginyu by himself. After some short fighting, Captain Ginyu realizes that Goku is holding back, and asks that he reveal his full power. Using his scouter, Captain Ginyu is shocked to find Goku reaching a power level of 180,000 with just the normal Kaio-ken. Coming to the conclusion that he can not hope to defeat Goku, he instead to use the Body Change (his special ability) to swap bodies with Goku, but not before fatally injuring his own body (causing Goku to suffer from pain when he enters Captain Ginyu's body). Satisfied with his cunning trick, Captain Ginyu flies off in Goku's body, with Jeice trailing. The new Captain Ginyu in Goku's body, now wields a great power from Goku. He starts to fool Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan. Vegeta, however, realized that Goku was not himself. Krillin and Gohan were easily fooled, but immediately came to their senses that Goku is not himself when they saw Goku wearing a scouter, and hanging around Jeice. Krillin and Gohan then joined forces to stop Captain Ginyu in Goku's body. Meanwhile, Vegeta handles Jeice on his own. He swiftly kills the meddling Ginyu Force member, and heads off to fight Captain Ginyu. Goku, now in Captain Ginyu's body, makes an alliance with Vegeta to stop Ginyu in Goku's body. As Ginyu had figured out how to use Goku's body, he took the upper hand against Krillin and Gohan. Vegeta, however, completely overpowered him and was about to finish him off. Captain Ginyu fired another change beam, which was fortunately intercepted by Goku, and both returned to their original bodies. Captain Ginyu, now in his injured old body, was no match for Goku or Vegeta, and was soon being pummeled by him. Knowing he is finished, Captain Ginyu planned another Body Switch using his change beam, with Vegeta. The beam was about to connect with Vegeta, however, Goku intervenes and tosses a frog in the middle of the attack, switching Ginyu's body with that of the frog. Vegeta merely scoffs at the powerlessness of the once-proud Captain Ginyu, and decides to not kill Goku and take his revenge on him, because he needs his help to stop Frieza. Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan take Goku into a recovery chamber, where he would begin healing. Eventually, after Cui, Dodoria, Appule, Zarbon, Guldo, Recoome, Burter, Jeice and Captain Ginyu have all failed in their attempts to kill Vegeta, Frieza decided to take matters into his own hands. After realizing his powerful Ginyu Force members were all taken down in battle, Frieza was furious. He fled towards his ship to find any traces of his collected Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, Vegeta stands by a rejuvenating Goku. Vegeta spares Goku only in time on his assistance against Frieza. While Vegeta falls asleep, tired after all the battles, Krillin and Gohan sneakily gather the seven Namekian Dragon Balls, and began telling their wishes. Their first wish was for Piccolo's return. Then they wished to transport him back on Namek. Their third and final wish was interrupted by an enraged Vegeta, waking up and spotting the Namekian Dragon. Frieza also realized this strange feature, and was gaining on them at high speeds. Vegeta pries Dende, the wisher of Porunga the Namekian Dragon, to wish him immortality to stop Frieza. The wish almost succeeded, but Guru, the eldest of all Nameks, died just before they could finish. Vegeta goes into a rage, but stops when he spots Frieza, and becomes slightly fearful, as Frieza looks down on them from above. He provided a sneak peek at his amazing power, but Vegeta was just able to match him. Vegeta ordered Frieza to transform and explained that Zarbon had already mentioned that Frieza also had the ability to transform, seeing it was no longer a secret. As a result, Frieza decided to transform with some provocation from Vegeta, after telling Vegeta the fate of his own father in a flashback. In this new form, Frieza was too powerful for Vegeta, and especially Krillin, Dende, and Gohan. Frieza impales Krillin, and after doing away with Gohan, Frieza asks Vegeta if he will help the defenseless child, but Vegeta backs away from helping in fear. Frieza is then confronted by Piccolo, who Vegeta thinks is a worthless waste of a wish and wonders what the Namekian who lost to Nappa can possibly do against Frieza as he does not know that Piccolo had fused with Nail to become even more powerful. In filler, while Piccolo and Frieza are fighting, Vegeta attempts to run away, but he is spotted by Frieza and kicked into a Namekian mountain. It seems Piccolo can handle Frieza in his second Transformation. As a result, Frieza decides to transform into his most hideous form. After transforming yet again, Frieza is once again too powerful for anyone, including the fused Piccolo who is saved by Gohan. When Frieza eventually manages to deflect Gohan's Full Power Masenko, Vegeta realizes Frieza may be too strong for even him or Goku, and concocts a plan to reach the rank of Super Saiyan by having Krillin seriously wound him, leaving only an inch of his life, then having Dende heal him (because Saiyans grow increasingly stronger when they recover from near-death experiences). He fails as Frieza decides yet again to transform due to Gohan, when angered, being powerful enough to almost deter his third form. After Frieza kills Dende, Vegeta watches Gohan, Krillin and Piccolo battle the tyrant all at once with no success, and jumps in to save Gohan's life when Frieza fires another Bang Beam at him. Vegeta then declares himself a Super Saiyan and attacks Frieza directly, trying to hit Frieza with a raging flurry of punches, which Frieza manages to dodge quite easily, as his speed and power are still far superior to Vegeta's. Angered by this, Vegeta fires the Final Burst Cannon at Frieza, using all of his power, however, the tyrant still easily deflects the attack, making Vegeta lose all hope, and for the first time in his life, cry. Frieza goes on the assault and begins pummeling Vegeta, leaving him on the brink of death until the renewed Goku shows up and distracts him. Sensing Goku's increased strength and watching Goku outsmart Frieza and even kick him in the jaw, Vegeta begins laughing and taunting Frieza that Goku is the Super Saiyan who will defeat him. Frieza fires a Death Beam right through Vegeta's heart, ending the Saiyan Prince's tortured life. Vegeta dies slowly and painfully, telling Goku that he needs to harden his heart against Frieza in order to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation, yet Goku tells him he could never stoop so low as to become as heartless as him and Frieza. Then, in order to fill him with rage and to tell him about the race, he begins pouring his heart and his past out to Goku as the only other pure-blooded Saiyan left alive, this with tears rushing down the Saiyan Prince's face. Vegetal continues on, begging Goku to defeat Frieza for the pride of the saiyan race. Goku in honor prepares a grave, realizing that although Vegeta did care about his race being destroyed, he was more upset that Frieza had used him as a puppet for all of his life, and no matter what he did to try and stop Frieza, he could do nothing, nearly destroying the saiyan's pride. Goku vows to take revenge for Vegeta on behalf of their race, burying the fallen prince as a sign of gratitude for Vegeta saving Gohan and helping to revive Piccolo. "The blood in your veins. That perfect instinct for battle. There's no denying what you are. Reach down deep. Feel the pain of those who fell. Your brethren were all decimated. Your home world lost. Does it not enrage you to stand before the monster responsible for driving us to extinction? My father. Your Father. Both gone. Dead. Killed by him. Lord Frieza. You are the last of our kind, Kakarrot. Everything we were survives now only in you. And he won't rest until every trace of that has vanished. Because he is haunted every day and night by a single overriding fear. That the Legendary Super Saiyan will rise up from the ashes and obliterate him. I dreamt, I urned to be the one to avenge us. Yet he battered and broke me just as he did the others. You cannot know the torment I died in. Unless you're the one to finish this, we will be lost, lost forever to the memory of time" After Goku is being beat by Frieza, Vegeta, King Vegeta and Bardock appear to Goku in a vision and convince him that he can defeat Frieza by becoming a Super Saiyan, giving him a very inspiration speech about Frieza's fear of the legends of the saiyan race, how Goku should be filled with rage with the thought of his species and homeward having been destroyed by Frieza, and convincing Goku that he needs to avenge the saiyans, or else they will be lost to the memory of time. Vegeta is later resurrected when a wish is made with the Earth's Dragon Balls to bring back everyone killed on Planet Namek by Frieza and his men. He also becomes somewhat reformed; he no longer cares about immortality or conquering the universe, but becomes obsessed with becoming stronger. He is revived and brought to Earth, but not before he sees that Goku has transformed into the legendary Super Saiyan warrior that Saiyan legend says will appear only every one millennia (three millennia in the English dub, this only occurs in the anime, and is ignored by the series itself). He also attempts to launch an attack on a bewildered Frieza after the latter asked if he was a ghost, but is transported to Earth by Porunga before he can finish the attack. Meanwhile, Goku defeats Frieza but is apparently killed in Namek's explosion. Only in the anime, Vegeta hides his remorse for Goku by boasting happily about it until Gohan challenges him to a fight. Vegeta subdues Gohan but is stopped from hurting him seriously by Piccolo, and flies off. Desiring to learn how to become a Super Saiyan, Vegeta comes up with the idea of wishing Goku to the Check-In Station in the Other World and then wishing him back so that he will be brought to Earth instead of where Namek used to be. When the wish is made, however, Goku is revealed to have survived and refuses to be wished to Earth, promising that he will return himself later. Since then The Saiyan Prince has been working together with the Z-Fighters , going up against villains like Broly and Cell and was soon able to achieve his goal of becoming a Super Saiyan.


Name: Vegeta (ベジータ)
Nicknames: The Prince of all Saiyans
The King Of All Saiyans
God of Wrath
Prince of Destruction (魔王子, Maōji)
Date Of Birth: Vegeta's date of birth is not specific but it has said to be in the range of 732 - 737
Occupation: Warrior
Family: King Vegeta(father)
Bulma (wife)
Bulla / Bra (daughter)
Trunks (son)
Tarble (brother)
Kadikashi (cousin/partner)
Raditz (ex-partner)
Nappa (ex-partner)
Kakarot / SonGoku (rival) .


Vegeta is 5'5" tall. His hair is spiky and it firmly stands upwards, and has a prominent widow's peak. Like most Saiyans, he possesses black eyes and jet black hair, though his hair is infrequently black with red highlights in various media (posters, trading cards, and similar merchandise in particular). A main characteristic of Vegeta's is the fact that he is the only living Saiyan who has continued to don the traditional Saiyan armor underneath a dark blue long-sleeved jumpsuit with white gloves and boots. He has also been seen wearing alternate forms of the armor, customizing the armor to better suit his persona. During the Androids Saga, he now wears an updated battle armor underneath a dark blue long sleeved jumpsuit with white gloves and boots. However, once he integrates into Earthly society, he abandons the Saiyan armor, at first gradually in Dragon Ball Z wearing a dark blue sleeveless jumpsuit with white gloves and boots, then completely in Dragon Ball GT, in favor of clothing more characteristic of a human (Vegeta's uniform transition is symbolic of his adjustment to a human lifestyle) such as a crimson tank top, violet gloves, dark blue jeans and violet boots along with a black leather sleeveless jacket.[citation needed] However, even after Vegeta loses the armor in Dragon Ball Z, he is always seen wearing iconic white gloves and white boots in battle. Vegeta once had a tail, but it was cut off by Yajirobe to remove Vegeta from his Great Ape state during the Vegeta Saga. At the celebration party for the defeat of Kid Buu, Vegeta wears a navy blue long sleeved shirt along with tan slacks and brown loafers.geta's hair never grows in length. He states to Bulma, in an episode of the Perfect Cell Saga, that a pure-blooded Saiyan's hair does not change from the day they are born, aside from Super Saiyan transformations.If observed closely, Vegeta actually changes appearance physically over the course of the series. He was originally intended to appear deceptively small, lean, and less threatening in comparison to his massive partner, Nappa. However, by the end of Dragon Ball Z, he seems to be taller and more muscular, the length of his hair having also been shortened, though he is still comparatively shorter than Goku, who also appears to have grown taller. Vegeta's facial features also look more distinct and sharply defined as the series progresses, making him look older (though this may be attributed to gradual aging). It should be noted however that some of these changes (mainly the more defined facial and anatomical features in most male characters, and the increase in muscularity in all characters) are mainly due to a visible shift in Akira Toriyama's artistic style over the course of the series.


As the Prince of the Forgotten Saiyan Race, Vegeta is initially introduced as a villain. Considering his Sinister intentions before teaming up with the Earths Z-Fighters due to a common enimy , Vegeta has been consistently characterized as extremely arrogant, vengeful, and at times, cold. Many of Vegeta's early heroic acts are because of self-interest or revenge, although he later settles down and grows fond of Earth as his home, raising a family with Bulma. Having been born into the Royal Statis, Vegeta was fixated on achieving the legendary status of Super Saiyan and becoming the most powerful warrior in the universe. The Saiyan Prince tends to favor tactics when it comes to combat and often rushes in the fight without hesitating .(from time to time he will stop and switch things up) However, his rage or arrogance often causes him to underestimate his opponent. His royal blood and intense fighting style has both benefited and harmed him in many battles. Vegeta has been shown to be one of the more intelligent characters of the series, as well as one of the most serious, rarely exhibiting humor. Although when he does , often it is a very dark humor and tends to pick on the other characters. "Hmph, I wasn't aware that the Circus was in town " referring to his rival Kakarot.

I'm going to crush you...And throw you into the wind!

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