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Avatar siden: 2007-02-10
Age: 43
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"I\'ll let you whip me if I misbehave..."

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I realize I have an addictive personalty. It's an issue I'm working on. I just have this procrastination problem I'm working on first.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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HUMANITY..................................................................... Humans are amazingly screwed up, I mean really really screwed up in a monumental fashion. They have no purpose in life that unites them, so they just drift around blundering through life, until they die. Which they know is coming, yet every single one of them is surprised when it happens to them. They are incapable of thinking about what they want beyond the moment. They kill each other which is clearly insane. And yet here's the thing, when it's something that really matters they fight,their morons for fighting but they do. They never quit even against impossible odds, they band together or stand alone but never give up, they still fight. (Buffy the vampire slayer last episode)
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I was once asked if I worshiped the devil. I simply replied that I did not actually believe in the devil. They replied to me, "you realize that that's the devils biggest accomplishment, convincing people like you he doesn't exist." I replied, " if I were to believe in God and the Devil, then my opinion would have to be that the devils biggest accomplishment would have had to have been convincing you he is in fact your God."
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket My minds inner workings..................................................................... ......................................................................................................... Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that.. we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness,our....... strength not our weakness' that frightens us.......................................... ......................................................................................................... To save a life rather then taking one is true power.................................. ......................................................................................................... You can live your whole life believing that if you mind your own business.. and no one else's then you don't have an obligation to get involved. If........ everyone minded their own business then who would be left to get........... involved............................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... An eye for an eye and the world would be blind, it's sad there's no one..... left to see that..................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... In the following milenia the greatest riddle will be how we made it this far.. .......................................................................................................... When so much around us could use our help why is it the criminals who.. abuse are rights are the ones that benefit from it the most........................ .......................................................................................................... When did it become acceptable to strive for unintelligent......................... .......................................................................................................... I wouldn't be surprised if Mother Earth started to wish she'd had an ......... abortion.............................................................................................. .......................................................................................................... Men have been telling women for generations thinking would only get ....... them into trouble and not to be bothered with it. Looks like they took........ their own advice................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... When you choose to complain about a problem , and do nothing to help find a solution. You inreturn become a part of the problem..................... ... When you acknowledge that you are in fact aware of a problem, it thus becomes your business...................................................................... ........................................................................................................ Our lord and savior, The Holy Ghost, God, Christ,aka Our Father, has it crossed your mind this day an age our parents don not always have our best interests at heart........................................................................ ........................................................................................................ When daddy's to stricked and mommy's to tired to even play, who's left to teach us along the way................................................................... ........................................................................................................ To find a better way of life, watch children at play.................................. ........................................................................................................ When children are forced to deal with bullies at school, to often they are told to ignore them and they'll go away. Not to often is it taking into ...... consideration why the bully is a bully. We just excuse it as some kids . are just mean. Why is it then when those bullies we ignored when they, kids, act like spoiled children who have to get their own way at any cost we are then surprised.Even question how some people can act that way And then we excuse their behavior with the up bringing as an excuse..... ........................................................................................................ Seems to me the rest of us with more sociable behavior skills, have may have turned the other cheek a little to often.When are we going to realize the time out approach to bullies may not be as effective as we once....... thought. Quite possible a good old fashion spanking may be in order...... ........................................................................................................ When I look at everything that we do to our planet on a day to day basis I wonder why it is so hard for us to understand that it's never a good idea to bite the hand that feeds you............................................................. ......................................................................................................... I find it rather odd that when it comes to the way our mind works we are expected to think inside the box. Isn't a box alot like a cage only with .. no windows...................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Min Ønskeliste
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Yea I know lots of stuff here, only because I spend way to much time shopping..;p My wish list is for the sole purpose for my future purchases,kinda like a grocery list,lol. DO NOT feel obligated to get me a gift.
IshkaEnhanced Snow LeopardSnow Leopard EarsSnow Leopard 3d LithoPurple glowing eyes
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I am young, I am wise.I am beautiful, I am ragged.I am generous, I am greedy.I'm ambitious and lazy. I am a mother and a child.I work hard and love to play............... I am forgiving, I am stubborn. I am brave, I am cowardly.I am truthful, I am dishonest.I'm shy and out spoken. I am brilliant I am ignorant. I strive for excellence and excel in nothing.................................................... I am creative, I am destructive. I am timeless, I am mortal.I am accepting, I am opinionated. I'm a leader and a follower. I wish for peace and pray for justice.............. I am memorable, I am forgotten. I am encouraging, I am discouraged. I am powerful, I am fragile. I'm loving and temperamental. I know what I want and won't settle for less............................................. ......... I know who I am and who I want to be.I know what I want and what it will take to get it. I am not a quitter, and I won't give up.I will not fail, I will prevail.................................................. My destiny is mine, I will over come all obstacles along the path to fulfill it, for no one else can only I... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Friends, Libra, Movies, music, canada, tink, Sports, astrology, Zodiac, dancing, Scorpio, tattoos, piercings, taurus, paganism, reading, nightlife, Traveling, techno, trance, religion, chats, Scrapebooking, raves, Motherhood
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