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Avatar siden: 2005-11-25
Age: 42
United States - NH
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"This is My Space in 3D"

See My Albums (1)

Relationship Status: Seeing Someone
Looking For: Other
Hey, I just started a new myspace group - It was made to track the status of getting group chat to work, then spanned of into tips and stuff, and it will probably end there, lol... but feel free to join it and write/post whatever you want, no restrictions (but be civil)

About me:
Nothin really new, you know who I am... if not, feel free to find out!

Who I'd like to meet:
Me, but in the future! How f'in sweet would that be... but then if I saw myself in the future, it could change what I do now, so then I might not meet myself in the past when the future is now, but if I don't meet myself, then I never would have met myself, then I never would have changed anything so then I would meet myself........ Timetravel is complicated.

Watch out for R Kelly, he's pissin around here somewhere... Hooligan Bear
Hooligan Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

it is mostly due to kids using their parents credit cards without permission and then parents freaking out "what is this IMVU thing? I want my money back! I didn't authorize these charges! What do you mean my 13 year old daughter is calling herself "sexyjailbaitslut"????" - Jinx

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I really don't talk to many randoms, so tell me who you are, if you don't have myspace don't bother, I don't talk to sexyjailbaitsluts
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