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Avatar siden: 2006-11-05
Age: 31
United States - WA
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"Hello, Welcome To My Place"

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Spesiell Person
Dezaar has no special someone.
Mine interesser
I paintball and ride motorcycles... I have the new Spyder MR3 Series paintball marker and a Kawasaki 110 customized motorcyle (customized by BBR Motorsports in Washington State) * Like rap a little (not many good songs left) * Rock (yup pritty much all rock) * Dance music (yeah i do)
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Thanks for visiting! Leave a message and i'll get back to you as soon as I can! :)
Name :Tim
Birthdate :idk
Birthplace :USA WOOT
Current Location :usa
Eye Color :baby bl00
Hair Color :brown
Height :idk 52 or so
Height :like 80 pounds lol
Piercings :nada
Tatoos :nada
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :yup girlfriend
Boyfriend/Girlfriend :Kawasaki 110 Custom
Overused Phraze :LET ME HELP lol
Food :pizza
Number :14
Color :red
Body Part on Opposite sex :ARM lol
Body Part on Opposite sex :FAmily Guy
This or That
Pepsi or Coke :coke
Summer or Winter :winter
Love or Money :love
Bedtime :nada
Most Missed Memory :idk
Best phyiscal feature :arms wooootlloll
Cheated Your Partner :never ever ever ever
Ever been beaten up :once then turned that around next day
Ever beaten someone up :once refer to question above
Ever Shoplifted :if i told u i would have to kill u
Ever Skinny Dipped :nolol
Ever Kissed Opposite sex :yes
Been Dumped Lately :nada
Favorite Eye Color :none
Favorite Hair Color :none
Looks or Personality :kind and not an ass :)
What country do you want to Visit :AUSTRALIA YAAAHHHH
How do you want to Die :in bed next to my wife/girlfriend (not havin it)
Been to the Mall Lately :nop
Get along with your Parents :sometimea
Health Freak :eh
Do you think your Attractive :Occasionaly
Believe in Yourself :yeah i guess lol
Want to go to College :idk
Do you Smoke :NOlol
Do you Drink :nolol
Shower Daily :yup
Been in Love :Haell yeah
Do you Sing :LOL!!!!!! GOD NO LOL
Want to get Married :yeah eventually
Do you want Children :if my lover wants them i could give it a shot
Age you wanna lose your Virginity :eh...
Hate anyone :yeah i guess
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friendly Friends 14
visitors Visitors 631
kharma Gifts 2
generosity Generosity 144

Min Ønskeliste
Hello!!! my wishist isnt important to me, but a gift will always be nice! :D
Flight Pack -Mens v1aBL Multi Room HouseSilverStud Belt (LMD)spacerspacer

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