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Avatar siden: 2006-05-06
Alder: 134
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hey, welcome to my page. im usually happy to talk, so Intstant Message me if you have something to talk about.

(and) !|= j00 4r3 g4/\/\3|2!s)-( t|-|3|\| R3l4x, 3"/3 u|\||)e|25Ta|\|d j00. ^.~

Im nothing special; i like reading and sketching over sport anyday, i love my brother, my computer, learning difficult things and watching geeky sci-fi movies. i love japanese language and culture... and i like my life; it has its moments. Im still in school but most of my friends are older; i guess that im mature for my age.

oh, and if i visited your page and didnt leave a message, i probably loved it, but didnt have anything original to say.

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)-(3"/ j00 1337 |-|4x0|2z 7}{!z 1z m"/ />4!g. !/v\ "/005u411"/ h4pp1 t\^/0 74|/h!n t00 54"/!!!11one!

!/\/\ n0+h!n9 2 Ub3r; 3"/3 l"/|< r34|)!n 4nD z/<3tch1n 0v3|2 6h3"/ s/>0r7z an"/d4"/, e"/3 L0v3 m"/ br0, m"/ c0mp, 134/2nin Ub3r 5/-/!7 and w4t(h!n 633/
7/-/!z 1337 z/>33/< w4z w|2!t3n bu"/ Zage (m1 ub3rl3e7 br07h3r)

courtesy of oliverq

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