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HopeIsForTheHopeless has no special someone.
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Avatar siden: 2007-06-06
Age: 31
De forente Statene - OH
Last log on:

"No Ones Worth The Pain"

See My Albums (1)

I DO AVI PICS! Pic With Aditions 150 Or a Gifty!
Okay losers that don't know this stuff...well not all of you are losers x] I'm Kylie i'm 13... I'm emo... i have brown hair and do wear some colors.....I'm straigh as far as i know... i have no probs with Gay's or bi's half my friends are Gay or bi... You have a prob with gay's or bi's get the hell off my page I do not like lez's they scare me... x.O I do not have a lover..I am a bitch... my stickers decribe my uhh do not get on my bad side if you don't i'm fun to be around i'm wierd, random, loud, and somewhat shy intill i get to know you I can be very quiet...I Love Pon and Zi and Gir is my idole :D Music and horses are my Life a sample of the music is listen to is on my hp i'll listen to anything though.. Umm those are my horses :D I have another one but his pic isn't up there and thats my dog. :D Umm... I Visit random pplz hp you got a prob with my visiting you page when i get bored [which happend often] block me O.x Please leave a message on my hp heh and add me i love buddies :D I try to reply to messages uhh ohh DO NOT take my cookie :] take it and you will die a horrible slow death... ^,..,^ I will eat you alive :] If i give you a cookie your cool :] Lol alot of the time i'll say Happy Birfday after Rofl... I say RaWr! Alot Heh Uhh Whats About it..
Relationship Status: Single
Min Ønskeliste
!YP! Rainbow Keys Tee!YP! Rainbow Skulls*Sc* Black Kimiko Base[hm] Hammerland HCO Top[Foxi]cat in hat tee
[hm] Scarlett Aberco Top!YP! Skull Heart StripesInteractive Screenshot I[Fly] Vested Shirt[ZP!] Platinum Kannibal
Red Skull Top(m) Striped/Skull[SD] Secret Kiss!! ^o^[MY]Broken Hero*C* Hollister Hearts Top
Long floral blk/whtspacerspacerspacerspacer
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