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Avatar siden: 2007-01-26
Age: 44 18+ Age Verified Bekreftet Alder
De forente Statene - CA
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"0% Angel!"

See My Albums (3)

For those of you thinking of starting a conversation with me, please read over the following information.

Who I Am

If you've read the above, you will note that I am married! My husband is BenjaminGlass, who I'd suggest checking out, because he is awesome, and a load of fun. However, if you are the type of person to close a chat window because I say I'm married, maybe you aren't the kind of friend I'd want anyway.

ALSO, please understand that if you message me any time between 7:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday, chances are I'm at work. If I don't respond to your chat request, or if I seem distracted, understand that it's because I'm busy with something in the office.
Relationship Status: Married
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The best husband a girl could ever ask for!
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