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Avatar siden: 2007-01-20
Age: 36
De forente Statene - AZ
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hello!! welcome to my page ^-^ my name is sarah and to correct things my age is wrong at the top of the page my actual age is 16 NOT 19!! now onto other things my interests include: music: I listen to all music if you think it sounds good chances are i'll like it to I also love live music, I love concerts anything with live music local or popular ^^ (open to any music you wanna tell me about!!!) Books: I mostly read manga. I either buy the books at Borders or i get chapters off the internet. (open to recomendations on good manga or books) TV: i also like anime as well as manga ^ (i also like show's like "that 70's show" and well....anything ^^) plays/musicals: rent,moulin rouge, Le Miserable's (recomondations??) Art: I love drawing,painting,playing my bass and guitar, I also like the keybourd and when i get bored i color manga scans and sometimes i'll put 'em up ^^ if you want to see the whole thing i'll send the picture to you ^^
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