Laster hjemmeside

Hey hi hello I'm Annie and I'm an introvert
Gone since 8-21-11 I only go on to check messages. In here 24/7
Everyone here comes and goes, right? I've had much more than my fair share of time here. IMVU was fun while it lasted, but now it's really lame, and I've wasted so much money, so much time, so many emotions, and so much effort on this pathetic shithole. It's time for me to leave. Adios douchebags.

Shit, its been a long time. I mean, some of you on this list are from 4 years ago! All of you mean so much to me, Whether it be when I was sourpie, Electrohead, or Oafis. I'll never forget you guys or the times we've had. Anyway, I tried putting this in chronological order, but clearly, it failed. I might have missed you, and I'm really sorry, but my memory sucks and my other account got banned, so I was doing this mostly by memory. But for now, it was nice knowin ya. :D

Manda (KainKiryu) Andrew (Shabka) Cam (1luvc00k13s) Michelle (micheleangel) Ruby (monosrule) Kat (Coolmonkeys4) Maggie (GurlAnime) Wolf (Wolf131) Annie (OxHottieFromHeaven) Rickie (Spikeiii) Tiffany (ICapture) Zero (KazuhakeZero) Mam (RockerT7) Stevie (MrPandahh) Jess (xJohnnyKnoxvillex) Amie (xAmpharos) Chelsea (ChelseaxMarie95) Rickie (PunksDeadd) Rafa (RafaLovesYsa) Kei (Gavanti) Rikki (pandaluv3r) Alex (1ight) Mono (MonoDynasty) Aaron (HayateKyoya) Zack (iNinjaZack) Aly (OhShett) Colton (coltonoare) Zach (DURKADURKABOB) Blake (BrokenBlake) Evie (EveiiChan) Janelle (Guest_anime1manga1freak) Besa (Kyonichii) Sarj (xXRavenNightXx) Donny (xXDonnyXx) Frankie (REDPYRAMID) Stan (DECIDEZ) Lima (1ightyagami) Austin (iAustinLee) Niglett (Machizuki) Robbie (MrApple) Julie (Jujuphoria) Zarah (DaftRave) Alex (xAkumachan) Dharti (xKilu) Tom (Yayplane) Kim (Yoobeh) John (xthkillerx) Fran (Fran) Marisa (xXrisababyyXx) Lofin (Airen) Lizzie (Castrophany) Sarah (SxcSaRaHhH) Vallllllllllllllllllll (SwaggaBoyVal) Ari (Sexophilia) Moe (MoeyPooh) Kiwii (KinkyKiwii) Jimmy (Jimmeh) Larrey (iLarrey) Eron (ibumbum) Devawn (iAngelDustt) Sam (Fakku) Camero (Djentle) Jackie (Delay) Phagony (agony2pain) Carlos (4chan) Edawg (ERSILAWOK) Jackie (Jackie5378) Xes (UrlXes) Brandon () Blake (PlagueTheEvil)

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