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Well, when I first was given this challenge of finding out who would be my special someone, I only considered people I knew online. Then someone that is very close to me in my life got an IMVU account and now I can say that he is my special someone! I love this man n_n
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! L FULL - 2020 LBDGaming computer setupRipped Up Black Jeans RLKasandra's Arm WarmersFG~ Amberlei Black
FG~ Frilly Red Black RL[S]Exotic 04[S]Wedding Dress 07Vampire Goddess Gown V1Chained Crop Hoodie Blk
SAS-Sutra Fishtail! Uliwala black[S]Yu Dai 014[S]The Queen 04[S]Kimono 01
[S]Vampire 09[S]The Queen 01[S]Yu Dai 1spacerspacer
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Obsessive Otakus

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Avatar siden: 2006-07-17
Age: 35
De forente Statene - TX
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"Follow my Instagram: 💕"

See My Albums (2)

Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Other
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