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Avatar siden: 2006-09-22
Age: 32
Puerto Rico
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"Everbodies trusting in the heart, as if the heart won\'t lie.."

See My Albums (1)

I'm bored and stuff so Im messing around with this hp ^^...gonna give it some personality.

My Favorite Sayings ^^

~~Truth, Justice, Honor...None of that is worth shit. What matters is people, and people aren't honest, just or honorable...They're petty, scared and angry...And all anyone really wants is to be wanted...and whats truth to that?~~

~~I take a simple view of living. Its keep your eyes open and get on with it.~~

~~ Our government is a group of people who individually can do nothing...but as a group decide that nothing can be done~~

~~Screw you and the horse you rode in on.~~

~~We cherish our friends not because of their loyalty or care, but because of their ability to amuse us..~~

Anyway, I got alot of favorite sayings ^^

Warning: I'm really tired of dull if you're remotely dull or 'not talkative', feel free to click on one of my buddies and leave my page in peace...

Thats about it. Have fun viewing my pretty blank page...
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting
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