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Avatar siden: 2007-06-01
Age: 31
United States - LA
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"ashleylovesyouu. XD"

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its screwing up my laptopp.and my dad said if this one breaks its my last one since i already broke 4 others. :0 i;m sorry i had unistall the chat thinggg and its pretty pointless going on without it! i;m sorry i'm gonna miss this place i might be on to check my messages so leave me a message if you want! I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!
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Min Ønskeliste
About me
My name is ashley rose. you can call me ash or ashtray LMBBO! i have 2 sisters and 1 brother! My bestfriend in real life is Emily Rose i love her soo much we've been bff since Pre-K and still are. i can trust her with my whole lifee she over my house almost every day! and we always have fun espacily going to the movies. lol When ever i';m sad all i have to do is hear her voice and i;'m fine and all happy again sometimes i call her cell phone just to listen to her voice [ on her voicemail] lol well enough about her and more about me. i'm very crazyyy and outgoing and is always up for a challenge! i love to eat but not fat! I'm veryy small for my ageee. =] i love little kids+babies there soo cutee.i do cheerleading+softball i use to do a lil gymnastics. well thats enough about me. =P

About them...
This is a picture of alyssa[sister] Emily[BFF] and ME [ashleyy] they are my world i already told you about emily but i;ll tell a lil moree. she is very outgoing and has a great imagination and always make me laugh.espacily when she did... LOCKED AND LOADED BABY! "hey baby how u doin" lmaooo ya she ebrassed herself in front of some boy she likes A.K.A SAMUEL! haha ahh hes such a hawtyyy. Now about Alyssa. my cutiie sister shes 4. i love her soo much she can talk for hours and hours i have no clue where she gets it from;) haha. me+emilyy love playing little games with her like daycare. where she sleeps crys and eats haha. ya were WACK ya wack like a fat kid with a gronola barr!
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