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Are you single: Yes


Fav colour: Blue

BB Pin: Ask me for it

Fav Song: Day 26 - I won't

Where I want to be in a few years: I see my self being a Teacher or A Actress .

Thing's you need to know about me are alot actually, But im only going to say a few. I don't come on IMVU alot, But I do come on it more now. I'm back on IMVU as you can see :)

My life is great at the moment. Imvu is just another way of not being so bored when Im inside. But be sure to add me if you want. I Don't Bite. :D I don't really know what to say in the box. But i'll just try and add alot to what Im trying to say In this. :) Anyways my name's Sasha. Im 17 years old. I live in the Uk at the moment. Proberly going to move soon. My hobbies are Well i just basially like going out with my friends and having fun. If Im home im bored :/ Basically I Have nothing to do, i'll just feel like Im dying of boredem. When i was little i use to live in jamaica, Im mixed raced by the way. Okay on to the good stuff.


People who think their better than other people, because really what you have don't make you better than anyone. Its the personality what counts. People who love to bring me into thier cusses. Stop that cause i'll end up cussing you too. Begs Failures! Boring people/ People who don't like having fun.


Fun people, people who love to do random stuff. Haha I'm a fun person, hyper fo'sure. People like me. Not like me, but peopole who are kind of simular. Going out with freinds, making new friends. (So don't be affraid to add me) Woot Woot!

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