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Avatar siden: 2006-12-14
Age: 35
De forente Statene - PA
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"ill kill you"

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gothic vampire

475 posts from 428 members
Mine interesser
Im a ddr fanatic, ive played every chance that ive had for 3 years, i love video games all together. I love animals of any kind, i will prolly wind up being the old lady with 27 cats, or married with a petting zoo! Im interested in all sorts of people, but i hate ignorance. Im very open minded and ready to do or hear just about anything. My second love is music, I listen to everything. I dont have a specific genre or style. I love meeting new people, but I can be very shy until i get to know you. I like to party but im not a party animal, its something I have to be in the mood for. I like to dance and sing though and am willing to do it almost anytime anywhere.
rock, my, love, Friends, goth, horses, taken, picture, music, animals, Pictures, reptiles, swimming, dancing, photography, halo, hop, Hip, getting, tattoos, CARS, Snakes, clubs, Singing, United States - PA
Min Ønskeliste
NeonEast RedGrunge SkirtStriped GrungePurple Stripe Boots[n3] MisMatch: Raver{d}NewspaperSkeggings-V4
~JRB~ Fire Hott RaverPlum Grunge TeePink Spider GrungeStiches The Ninja*SG* Baby Angel Dress
Striped gothNeon East Red GrungeVenus Tresor Bed & Poses[ACS] PURPLE OPAL EYESStriped Grunge Skirt
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justanotherpuppet has no special someone.
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